Why do women lie about weight loss on kikebook? Is it just for the comments to make themselves feel good temporarily?

Why do women lie about weight loss on kikebook? Is it just for the comments to make themselves feel good temporarily?

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Not being fat is literally women's major struggle in life

how can she really delude herself like that

wholly shit, that guy

His comment could be a new copypasta
>mfw thinking of you hurting

This, it's number 1 problem for western women

Pretty much looks like an actual transvestite. If she's a lesbian I don't care. What kind of guy dates this?

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i-m not tho only one that would pump my seed deep inside her belly right?

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I think she did lose some slight amount of weight actually, if you look right above her belly button, but she's mostly just covering her excess fat with her panties more than in the other picture.

He means every word of it

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You're not the only incel here. That is true.

Eesh, this makes me cringe.

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For the validation user. Same reason this one girl I’m friends with posts “yoga videos” and “pole fitness” videos on her Instagram. Yeah, they might of done a bit. It’s just an excuse for people to validate themselves, their choices, and their bodies. There’s something they feel insecure about for example.

Same reason dudes do it on this site lel

why do you bother censoring anything retard?

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you know the name isn't censored where she liked the beta male's response, right

Miss.Devereaux on facebook :dab:

christ, that beta male, she wont fuck you mate.


>Talia deveroux
Fake as it gets
Great job censoring

it's retarded of her to lie about her weight when it's 100% obvious that the bitch hasn't lost a single pound. the people here who whine about the guy in the comments though are pathetic. he seems like a loyal bro to her who tries to find words of encouragement instead of dragging her further down, which would probably result in that attention-seeking whore to attempt suicide. he's lying to himself but being a friend often requires not being entirely honest and instead trying to cheer up people, even when you think their habits are bad. you've clearly never dealt with bipolar, depressive, etc. women

I say sappy shit like this to my friends all the time, there’s nothing wrong with being nice and supporting other people anons, life is rough, don’t be a cunt

Also seconding this.

Same reason you made a shit thread and answered your own question that you know everyone already agrees with... (You)'s
also kys

Fuck off. A true friend does not lie to you, if you've surrounded yourself with people that just tell you what you want to hear that's not a true friend. A real friend wants what's best for you, even if the truth is harsh, he is not helping her, he is just solidifying the lies she tells herself.

Social media is just porn for women, user.

The basedest of onions-boys. White knighting for a white knight.

Goddamn filter. "The s o y est of s o y boys."


You didn't do a great job of taking names out of that image

some cringe tier shit

shall we find user?

That is a man

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No, you flaming faggot.

Nobody cares lmao

Nah I would too she's cute. Not an incel like other cunt said but it has been about 3 months since I fucked