What's something you wish you could do but are afraid to do Jow Forums? What are you afraid of?

What's something you wish you could do but are afraid to do Jow Forums? What are you afraid of?

Be honest.

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Being honest. Not only with those I love with all my heart and those I despise under my breath, but with myself. If I am to be honest, I have to accept I am a pretty bad person, all around. I'm just not ready for that feel.

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Stop being afraid of rejection, actually told a girl who wanted to give me her number not to bother because I was afraid of it getting serious

Kill all those slighted me.
One day, anons, one day.

Cold approaching girls

i want to hang myself cause i truly believe there is nothing to look forward to in life but at the same time i just dont know what will happen in the afterlife if there even is one. im just waiting for something to motivate me to carry out my plan and kill myself like failing school, homeless or being horribly disfigured

I'm in a bit of a pickle in life right now

When I was 28 years old I developed depression because the outside world penetrated my mental shield and I began to compare my life to others around me. I used to be a cool and interesting guy. I used to have a power lifting gym membership and people actually talked to me

One day when I turned 28 I figured out that all the success I've built in my career simply didn't mean anything anymore. I took another job making even more money and it didn't help. The depression began to take control of my life

I stopped working out, I stopped worrying about work and projects, I started back on Jow Forums and video games to cope with what I have done.

Sometime in my 20s I told myself lf I dpon't want kids and a wife so I focused my life on myself and my career. Eventually made it big. moved across the country and now UI
'm still depressed, alone and don;t work out

I want to be myself again and just go to the gym and take pride in my work, climb up the corporate ladder again and reach $155k+

I have these goals but they still bring me sadness and misery

I'm alone

I wanna fight an animal. Like a sheep or a ram.
I saw a webm of some butthurt sheep running up to these local villagers knocking people over, and I just wanted to jump in and tackle that fucker myself.
Something seems so satisfying and primal about the idea of taking down some angry sheep or any other animal and putting it in the chokehold until it submits to your strength.

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I wish I could join the US army infantry. I'm about to get a uni degree so I probably won't enlist, and even if I do it would probably be in intel or some other POG to put my education to good use for the country. I still would love to live in the shit for fun, its my pipe dream.

I want to leave my well-paid 9 to 5 office job. Every day I'm dying a bit more on the inside

you are just afraid to act on what you think is right nigger

I'm too afraid to enter a new relationship. I just got out of a 2 year relationship with my borderline ex-gf 3 months ago, and I just don't see myself entering a new relationship.

So much stress and frustration for such a long time left me completely fucked up. I look better than ever, but haven't felt worse before

Having sex with a tranny

Martial arts. I really really love the idea of doing something like BJJ or whatever but the idea of being surrounded by a bunch of strangers and fighting them and what not makes me very anxious

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>I have to accept I am a pretty bad person, all around.

Why do you think this is?

kek based

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Im afraid of my life not having an impact on the world.

I want to be a politician and serve my country, but my parents absolutely hate the military and anyone in it. My cousin joined the military and then killed himself so im always compared to him.

I think service to my country would instill some important experiences and perspective as well as helping my political aspirations.

I want power, but power for the ability to help those who cant help themselves. Either that or join the police if politics doesnt work out.

Who slighted you?

why? if anything the fact that they are strangers allows you to fight better
also if you intend martial arts as in some meme traditional stuff no worries, you wont fight at all
unless kyokushin counts as traditional, then you will get killed

Do not go looking for power. Power is and should only be given to those who need to use it. Perhaps you can do the most good in your community or workforce? Or just in your family or friendship circles? If you can't exert your will over these simple things, like villages, then you will struggle to exert power over government, like Rome.

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Relationships don't need to be a continuous. You don't have to enter another relationship when you've just finished a 2 year relationship. No one is expecting you to. You have every right to wait as long as you'd like, and to determine when you will and when you won't enter another relationship, assuming you ever want to go.

Your life, your rules.

I can't swim, I can't even go into any water that's over head height because I panic and can't float in it. I went to a really nice rock pool the other day with friends and they were all diving in off cliffs while I walked around awkwardly in the shallow end then moved in a little deeper while gingerly holding onto the walls.

Fuck are you me? I torpedoed a date with this girl because i started to freak the fuck the out because i started thinking about all the shit i put up with and had to deal with.

I don't want to get 3 months into a relationship and have them lose control of their batship behavior they were able to suppress again.

Sounds like you need to join the UN Peacekeepers

Of those friends, do you have 1 or 2 you trust enough to confide in, and teach you how to swim? If they're really your friends, I don't see why'd they have any problem with it.

I've lied, I've cheated, I've procrastinated, I'm deceitful, and most of the time I am only kind out of convenience. It's a comfortable thing to believe we are all good people, but I have done things that I would see as qualities of a bad person.

what this user said, my brother taught me the basics of it at 25yo
cant really call myself a swimmer, but if i fall in water i would have no problems getting out, and can deal with any kind of social situation dealing with water

I just want to be the brutal dictator of a small country. Rule with an iron fist and have everyone afraid to upset me no matter how bad things are getting. I would go around picking hot women to be my wives and it would be an honor to be chosen. Protesters would be gassed and hosed with acid. My secret police would assassinate all the journalists that I couldn't buy off. State tv would have unbiased video game reviews.

I don't know why I'm afraid to just go for it.

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Thanks man, this means a lot. You're right.

Yeah I know what you mean, a couple of girls have shown interest but I'm so wary for any red flags because I can't go through the same stress again that I keep screwing things up. I'm so fucking scared that everything is fine in the first couple of weeks but then slowly I'm getting sucked into another fucked up relationship that makes me wanna pull my hair out and will leave me questioming my own sanity. I'm just not ready for it yet I guess

Ibe been reading the meditations by marcus aurelius and the prince by Machiavelli.

I think that i would start in local politics as i could actually do something there or climb to a position of power in my local police force.

Should I go alphabetically or chronologically?

You can choose big jobs and positions of influence, just make sure it is a position in which you are passionate for and genuinely enjoy being apart of. Find that niche. It's important that we don't focus on everyone in the world. Also, take an MBTI test.

Just become some banana republic afghani warlord or some shit and sell drugs man, shit would be epic

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>9 years old taking swimming lessons
>afraid of diving
>they're making us throw ourselves into a 10 foot pool where the lifeguards will help us swim to the edge
>i'm the only kid who's afraid to do it
>cry and hold on to the board
>finally decide to throw myself
>stand on the edge and try to build my courage
>can't fucking do it
>turn around and try to walk away
>swim instructor pushes me into the water
>i'm saved by the lifeguard who helps me swim back to the edge
>tfw it was fun as fuck
>tfw i threw myself without hesitation the next times it was my turn
>tell my mom about it and how i was pushed into the pool by the instructor
>she laughs and tells me she was the one who told him to

thanks mom

Well one time years ago I went into the deep part of small lake after being pressured, I inevitably panicked and started flailing around desperately trying to keep myself from going under, my friend came over to help and said I was pushing him under the water and almost drown him trying to save myself. So yeah now I'd prefer to just stay out of deep water altogether.

Chronologically, actually. The people who affected you during your development have a larger effect on you for a reason.

You should wish for the ability to forgive instead.

I only lift to spite my exes. and their new boyfriends. AAAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH

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Way too many things. Sucks haveing abysmal self esteem.

Well, unfortunately my father already got away with a stroke of luck.

id say i was afraid to go out on dates and get a gf because of any shit talking my family would do, but im trying to get myself out there now

I want to get another job but when it comes time to try and do so I have second thoughts (scared they will call my current employer behind my back which has happened, scared I'm not good enough, scared I'll get the job and fail and get fired and cost my family unnecessary trouble)

>What's something you wish you could do but are afraid to do Jow Forums?

I would like to do front and back flips on a trampoline and without it. I really enjoy doing them in water but I can't bring myself to try them on dry land, even on a trampoline.

Wish I could just ask her out but there are so many reasons she’ll say no

You are weak, and your mentality reflects thinking that things are guaranteed in a relationship. They are not, and you have to take it as you go

When I was 10 my friend jumped off my garage onto a trampoline and saw him break both legs. I never dared to jump onto a trampoline again. I'm 27 now and still afraid

>but there are so many reasons she’ll say no

Just because these reasons exist doesn't mean she'll reject you. If she wants to reject you, let her. Don't do it for her.

The fact that those reasons exist is a bigger issue though. Ask her out; whatever happens next, you'll have to work on those reasons either way.

Make friends at uni, I just feel intimidated by everyone since they all seem so mature and social while I just go to classes then straight home, never go out at all.

Thanks for the kind words user. My issue is that the reasons she’ll likely reject me are out of my control. Her best friend likes me and I have a strong suspicion she likes my best friend. I’m not really sure what to do

>Her best friend likes me

How do you know?

>and I have a strong suspicion she likes my best friend.

This is just a hunch. You won't know unless you ask. If you don't find out, you could potentially be letting an opportunity slip away because of an "if".

Drop out of college

How come you want to drop out user?

>How do you know?

Hooked up with her way back in December and she’s still telling her friends about me

You are entirely right about potentially letting an opportunity slip away though bro, guess I’m just going to have to be brave for once

I lift just to get back at my ex.

And I lift because I want everybody to feel as alone, inadequate and betrayed as I feel when I make it.

But I want to lift to be a better person for myself. Guess I'm destined to be a shitty person forever.

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Fear of failure keeps my from trying, which ironically ensures failure

leaving 4chen

make it

Follow my dreams.

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I wish I could just go out and talk to random people. Meet new friends and pick up chicks or maybe even a potential gf. But I am so anxious about what other people might think or what I should do/should've done instead. I'm just so scared man. Atleast I got more confident with lifting. Also gonna start getting social-skills gainz by going out so not everything is lost, it seems. Staying optimistic.

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Have a girlfriend. I got burned last time and am scared of commitment. Probably could have had multiple since, the number of times I've had to text a girl saying "sorry I don't want to seem like I'm leading you on, I just don't want a relationship right now."

sometimes i feel like I'm afraid to truly live. Im working on it.

I don’t believe you. If you’re looking into the pit of nihilism, you only need to look up to find meaning in life. Look for meaning and you’ll find it.
It sounds like a meme but go to church or some other religious establishment. Not for god or prayer but for advice. The people in these buildings take pleasure in helping others. I’m sure they’ll selflessly help you without question.
Look up brah. Life can be different.

>I am a pretty bad person
We all are user, and that's makes the grace given to us ever so precious.

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I want to drop all the shit Im doing, sell most of my shit, get a van and just travel the west

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>breakup with gf
we will end up getting married, and its actually the responsible thing to do. at that point in my life where i owe it to society to raise children. but damn itd be fun to fuck whores not that im physically attractive and successful.


go to the gym...

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I can't take off my shirt how bout that

everything, I've become weak willed and can't do anything right.
I'm working on it..

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How old are you? I'm 25 and I can't break up although I really want to. When the moment comes I freeze and I can't tell her I want this relationship to end.
We dated for a year and a few weeks I believe, sex is bad, she's super jealous and insecure. There are good things as well, obviously, but the lack of communication and time itself are ruining things up. Anyway, I can't break up, and I want to. What do?

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I wish I could just ask people I know what the hell is wrong with me. What exactly is it with my interactions with them that come off as so weird. Maybe it would allow me to make friends or get a girlfriend.

I also wish I could just admit to people that I'm a pathetic loser and see if maybe they could try to help me overcome it.

don't do it on the trampoline, get some matresses and just keep watching not only tutorial vids but vids of just people doing front flips in different ways and keep analyzing and trying different things and record yourself to see what you are doing wrong.
t. learned to front flip years ago from yt videos on my bed mattress in 7th grade
took only a week to get the technique right then about a month to get over the fear of doing it on concrete, after i mustered up the courage to do it I landed my right foot in a weird way, twisted my ankle, tried again after recovery and was able to do it.
the I used to do parkour and free running shit with my friends a long time ago and front flip was my favorite move.only did for a few years though.
great times feelsbadman

i'm 31, shes 29. i was in the same situation as you 4yrs ago. weve been together 6yrs this fall. sex has gotten better because ive put in the time to make it better. but same issue with insecurity and jealousness, and theyve only gotten worse. if we dont start having kids soon it will be dangerous to the childs heath.

you need to just pull the tape off though. the longer you wait, the less likely you will be to break it off. if you care about her, know you're only hurting her by not telling her how you really feel.

its probably your body language. read a book on body language and you will realize all the non-verbal vibes you are giving off. i'd bet you dont even know what you look like from a third person point of view at any point during your day to day life

I'm afraid of love. I'm 22 and I've never been "in love" with someone before, and I don't know to react to someone liking me.

The second a girl shows interest in me I back away

im pretty sure its my personality being too weird even though i can make people laugh.

I want to box and do matches but it feels like a mental barrier that i will freeze. Probly just have to do it coach says im one of his best and that i must compete but i started more for fun

God, what kept you from breaking up? I'm so scared. Do you regret it?

Hahahahahahaha bro I thought I was the only one who gets pissed off when they see rams

kept pushing it off. sometimes fear of being alone. sometimes not wanting to hurt her. i do love her more than any of my exs. we are pretty compatible and i'm thinking will make decent parenting couple.

i have given up a lot of opportunity for pussy over the years bc i'd never cheat.. that is what makes me think the most. if i could go back and change it, i'd probably tell her at the ~2yr mark that we'd be better as friends. kind of keep her on the back burner while i was a degenerate trying to fuck everything.

End it

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>if we dont start having kids soon it will be dangerous to the childs heath.

youre a fucking idiot

>What are you afraid of?

Death. Around 11pm I just get a feeling of cold ice water running down inside my chest and hyperventilating panic thinking about how I'll soon become dust and it'll be like I never existed. I wish I could genuinely believe in God or an afterlife, because what's coming terrifies me.

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+32 for women is when increases in incidents of autism occur

based ram killer

Starting judo/bjj classes was one of the most anxiety-inducing things i EVER did. I had weeks of thinking what will happen when I walk into the dojo, what will I do, what will I say? I know nothing how will I train? It was so anxiety inducing for WEEKS. But as soon as I walked in the instructor came over, eased me into it, I sparred my first day, loved it, and been going x4 a week.

Go for it man, the instructors love new people (more people to spar with, and more money for the gym)


You should go for it. I had a job w bad work environment but pretty good pay. Realized I didn't want to be the kind of person that would be successful at the job. Thought about and half assedly applied to a couple jobs but then forgot about it. Promotion->promotion->promotion and now I'm golden handcuffed to a company I don't respect, in a field that is pretty objectively boring and shady. My title and job description are exactly what I wanted by this time in my life. But really wish I had jumped ship 5 years ago and climbed another ladder.

Tldr go for it, it will probably only get harder

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>tfw 30
I need to hurry up.

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>155k at >28yo
wew boi you failed HARD oof
If you're not making that

I wish I could get professional mental help. Im crying right now. I'm terrified because of the things I need to tell them could end up getting me baker acted, but also I'm just afraid to talk about what I need to. I'm afraid I'll go and end up leaving without any help. That I'll be told I'm fine or they'll straight up sit there without saying a word. I wish I could just vent and ball my eyes out but I feel like I've been doing that a lot lately.

I want to find someone to love and who loves me, but I just cannot figure out what the fuck is wrong with me.

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what exactly is there to fear about non existence? why fear something that has come to every man before you and will come to every man with you now and every man after you? just as there may be no pleasure in being dust, there is also no pain, and your energy will continue on as all energy does in the grand scheme of things and the oscillation of time

and if you ask me personally, even from a logistical standpoint, death isn't infinite - it can't be forever - for life to exist means at one point the cessation of existence - death - had to itself cease; if being unborn in the void is equal to death after life, then that means linearly at one point death ceased to give way to life, ergo, death isn't infinite and by all probability once again on this linear path you will be given life

it may or may not be a god or some actionable force doing this, but not knowing that is okay, and not trying to figure out is also okay, everything will be all right in the end

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When I read up on it, they were saying men older than 30 were more likely to cause autism and as the decades roll by, it increases the chance of issues.

While the same can be said for older women, women in their teens giving birth were also at a larger risk of having autistic children from what studies found.

Still, the risk is low and you shouldn't let age be a huge issue. You guys need to stop freaking out so much about it.

>I'm afraid I'll go and end up leaving without any help. That I'll be told I'm fine or they'll straight up sit there without saying a word

Even if there's a .1% they'll help, it's a better chance than not trying.

I can logically agree, but it doesn't stop the animal panic.

I'm 29 now.
Never had sex with a thott.
In fact, I can't get women when I want. I can only 'receive' them by chance, if that makes sense?
I'm pretty over it tbqh.
I just want to know that, if I wanted to, I could and can.
But a life of following orders or trusting others blindly in good faith means I struggle to be one my own.

How do I learn to take 'initiative' Jow Forums?

How do I fill this part of me that feels 'undeveloped', like a part that's meant to be there was never put in because it still kinda all work without it?

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>reverse image search
>0 results

Extremely optimistic and well conceived post and a crisp wojack, I appreciate you user

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you can user and you should
find help pls

we'll all likely die one day unless its cured or the singularity happens so theres no reason to force it or speed it up. youve been happy in life before and you can be happy again maybe it fades faster now and you end up chasing a high or maybe just maybe life is what it is all the boring slice of life stuff all the things in "thats entertainment" by the jam and maybe you can accept that and feel permantly better (even on a constant low level) because of it