ITT post the reason why you lift

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Is that Emilio Estevez in Ferris Bueller's Day Off or are you just happy to see me.

to dominate

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No its just a beautiful boy i found lurking /soc/. I fell in love and saved his pic. Pic related is another cutie from /fa/

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Goddamn faggots are disgusting creatures.

Cringy as fuck. Why do gay guys have to be so nasty? t. gaylord

>intoxicated faggot

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>implying you're not just as disgusting

>thought it would cause girls to come up to me more frequently
>14 years and still workin

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I don’t have a gradually prolapsing asshole and live a disgusting promiscuous disease filled life.

This is why non-anal homosex is the ultimate redpill.

reminder to never post pictures of yourself here or some fag will add it to their fap collection

Not really fap. I more or less like to look at them and fantasize about kissing them and being a faithful loving husband, catering to their every desire

homosexuals can't marry though

Where i am they can.

To make GGG-senpai proud

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No. The state may call it marriage, but it isn't.

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>tfw this is just a cosplay of a whore

When your church controls tax breaks, inheritance, child custody, work benefits, insurance coverage, and other mutual property law issues then it will be relevant to that argument. Since your church and your personal religious convictions do not control those things, the only sanction that really matters is that of the state.

nah, what people believe in their hearts to be the truth matters

I have no idea. There are two extremely feminine guys I went on a date with at different times, but before I knew they were hyper fem. They're obsessed with dolls and fashion and it's like "dude i'm all for side-hobbies but this stuff is legitimately distracting, I'm not into any of that."

Fucking weho gays are all hyper-fem or super masc. Just gimme an average dude.

Where do you find qt emo boys in this day and age?

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>tfw I've been added into some Jow Forumsfags butt collection
>not even a bottom

The state's definition is the only one that matters in terms of practicality.

Why I lift. Hopefully I'll get to live to see the day when you faggots are dropped into a lake.

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but user, twinky emos don't go for autistic muscle men

Hence why I only lift to look good shirtless and to maintain a sharp jawline. You won't see me above 12% bodyfat.

Lmao Jow Forumstards are still falling for the vaginaljew I see. Imagine not slaying top-tier emo twink boipucci in 2018.

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I really thought we might get one "WHY U LIFT" thread without people posting pictures of hitler or nazi iconography. Oh well, the brown plague has at this point drenched this entire website, what can you do.

>emo boipucci
>in 2018

I lift for fascism and black women. Whichever comes first is going to be the winner.

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Emos aren’t a thing anymore. They were replaced with attention whoring adderall-addicted traps

let it go

Such a shame that emos went extinct. You can still find qt twinks with floppy hair though

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>doubling down on being a loser
boy am i laughing

>facial hair
*BRRRRRRRRR!* try again.

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Fuck you, leatherman.

How do i get glutes like this?

this pic is in my motivation folder
would be nice to have his forearms desu

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squats, lunges, anal sex

mein fuhrer
schönes woche

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try again

I didn't have any chico pics where he's shaven

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That looks grotesque

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Tfw no nazi twink bf to cuddle and hate niggers with.

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I lift so people looking at me can know I've actually accomplished something with my life.

That and someone once told me he was proud of me, and I need to live up to that.
>pic related

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Jesus Christ Jow Forums just stop being fucking gay.

where do you think you are?

>still convinced fags will be acceptable within your ideology

We've been over this user

Nah bro. Thank God I'm bi. It's literally living life on easy mode, especially how fucked up women are these days and all of this #metoo drivel.

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I lift for the white race and for all decent white individuals who live in the darkest corners of this planet.

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Theres nothing wrong with traditional twink homo bf. Filthy disease ridden manwhores will have to go no doubt, but we will keep those willing to conform to the standards for the greater preservation of the race.


not in california that's for sure.

I lift because it's the only thing left I want to do. I don't care about school anymore, I lost my girlfriend to petty drama, and it's just enough to get me out of bed and force me to make something to eat.

I'm not gonna make it, but I'll lift anyway

>Theres nothing wrong with traditional twink homo bf
yes there is you fucking sodomite

>going plus ultra
>making it

Pick 2

The state lacks both the authority to witness and ability to enforce a truly binding oath. Marriage should solely be the domain of the Church (of whatever relevant religion). The tax benefits and such are only there because it is in the state's interest for people to get married and breed, as is demonstrated by the link between criminality and single parent children.

Take the rainbowpill, user. Women just aren't worth it anymore.

I genuinely feel bad for you degenerates. Social acceptance of your illness means that it's nearly impossible for you to get the treatment you need

>nothing wrong with twink homo bf
>filthy disease ridden manwhores will have to go

user you're a fucking brainlet if you think these aren't the same thing lmao

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Lol I'm aware that I am a degenerate. What's your point?

I’ll put my vote in for Hitler, desu. I just give a fuck about white people. Trailer trash, Hicks, jocks, chads, Slavic, who gives a fuck.

Every white has a place in my heart. though many will still need to be culled. Sorry m8s

>The state lacks both the authority to witness and ability to enforce a truly binding oath.

You say this nonsense with such conviction that I suspect you are brain damaged.


i lift to get a qt trap gf(male)

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Dear god. I would be nice to her and use money to buy her things and hug her a lot.

Nazism explicitly hated and persecuted homosexuality; if you think you're going to be like the one of the few high-ranking gays in the party who got a pass, you're deluded.

but i will settle for a cute twink

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>The state lacks both the authority to witness and ability to enforce a truly binding oath.
>truly binding
Shifting to theology/metaphysics is missing the point.

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>implying its your incel ass thats going to be doing the “settling”

Pick one straightfag.

I did not realize Jow Forums was this gay.

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Pls cuddle my blonde ass

Where does one go to find a qt Jow Forums bf to fuck the boy out of you?

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Jow Forums is just /lgbt/ with a gym membership.

Hmm. Where are you located?

Jow Forums was the gay board before there was a gay board.

There's nothing gay about fucking feminine males.



Oregon Coast. Got kik?

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So I look like a fucking savage, and can kill a man with one punch.

Stop being a degenerate homo btw.

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This thread is really annoying to scroll past.
I did not bump.
I lift for the man in the mirror.
lol jk i lift 4 pussy