Pubertal gyno

How the fuck does one kill puberty gyno?
It's literally impossible to look good with it regardless of how lean one is.

Is there anything one can eat or take in order to AT LEAST reduce it if not to get rid of this shit?
I've had this shit since I was 15 and it NEVER went way, I'm 10 years older now and is still the same size.

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bump cause this fucking sucks

Shower with cold water and it will disappear for 10 minutes. Twisting your nipples also works

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pls respond

>went to docs when I was same age as thought something was really wrong with nipples like cancer or some shit
>She says its perfectly normal and sends me on my way
>fucking gyno fucked straight in the ass by the master goy perfectly normal bitch ass whore

Bump, swear this thread happened the other day and someone said about some tablets

Surgical removal for yourself, and then raising your kids on natural dairy fro cattle with no growth hormones added to their food. In short, become a small-time farmer with a dairy cow, ideally a Jersey. There's plenty of books on how to run a small farm.

Either ralox 60mg ED for months or if that fails, surgery.

I have that too and I hate it. I just want a normal chest, some girls made fun of me and squeezed them.

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I have had my chest checked by an actual doctor, and I was told it wasn't gyno, but that I just had weird fatty depoists underneath my nipples.
They look puffy unless cold.
How does one get rid of this?
I've been lean enough to have a 4 pack showing, but never lean enough to have a six pack or veins on my arms and chest so idk if I have to get even leaner to get rid of the fat in my nipples.

You might actually have false gyno which is different from real gyno. Look it up its a real thing. I had no idea until a few days ago.

false gyno? is it the "fatty" kind underneath the nipple?
how do I get rid of it without liposuction?

Its basically due to a shit diet. You'd have to diet and get shredded. If you still have it then a doctor might recommend surgery. If I remember correct I also read a large percentage of men actually have this type of gyno so you aren't alone. Something like up to 30% of all men and its due to environment and diet. Also the whole reason we even have nipples in the first place is because all babies start out in the womb as female. This is why men can get titties and why men have an X chromosome.

Only surgery really helps

37y old with real gyno, get surgery now, don't make my mistake, that shit ruined my life.
No one on this gay earth saw me without a shirt in 23 years.

gyno was the reason I started lifting when I was 18, and lifting only made it look more ridiculous.

Fatty deposits? In an area that utilizes fat stores more slowly than the rest of your body?

Sounds like a job for yohimbine.

Also, post pics of your "fatty deposits" so we can call BS on your doctor.

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Raw onion a day

My gyno disappeared when I started working out and got leaner. I started when I was 16 and started dieting down when I was 18.

You better not be lying and giving me false hope

>other day and someone said about some tablets


Then it wasn't gyno, it was just fat.
Do this or at leat with letrozole and novaldex.

Most pubertal gyno is temporary, it usually goes away. It's only until age 21 or something that the breast tissue becomes permanent.

Are Ralox, Letrozole and Novadex prescription medications?


i tried that twisting and it worked. wtf is this magic

Where can you buy this stuff?

t.18 yo zoomer

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Cut to 5% fat and they will be gone.

>puberty gino
you faggots are just making up shit
nigger you are fat

Do you mean puffy nips or fatty nips?

>tfw 21
i-i don't feel so good bros

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