ALL the fat loss gains you made today will be DOUBLED if you post your favourite form of cardio ITT

ALL the fat loss gains you made today will be DOUBLED if you post your favourite form of cardio ITT

Yeah, I'm that cunt on the road blocking all the cars

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Rollerblading. Gets more attention, the doggo loves it


Since I barely get to actually get on the water I use the rowing machine as my go-to gym cardio. Every time I get into a boat again I feel how much strength I've gained since the last time.




Running is the best , DONT AT ME




This guy fucks
This guy doesn't

Jumprope is GOAT

Cycling, but fuck urban areas, I wanna go fast.

but I usually just do stationary bike


Hill sprints. I live on a perfect sprinting hill (about 400m long, at a good 45ish degree angle) so I do those a lot. They are fucking hard though.
I also do heavy bag work for cardio, it's fun and satisfying. Works better if you're pissed off

walking to the gym

Some kind of fun combat sport

Also good god OP give sauce


using legs

Care with your tendons brah

Hill running

swimming is comfy af

Is this gay? Am I gay now?



me too

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HIIT swimming, works perfectly. Swim a lap full effort and rest, rinse and repeat

doing fag machines bores me so I do 6 muscle groups circuit, fast, low weight high reps in descending reps until failure

Striking practice on a punching bag (i.e. getting stronk to btfo libtards)

Swimming but I'm still a noob


>blocking cars

OP you tried computrainer cycling at all? I switched from all outdoors to mostly this year and I’ve moved up from a low cat 4 to mid cat 3. Pushed 1206 watts for 5 seconds yesterday

Cycling outside is fun and all, but I feel like you get way better gains indoors. My legs also look swole as fuck now.

Are you than angry racist I saw a video of recently?

Forgot chart

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How much rest are you doing?

That’s a nice climb, I rode the mont tremblant IM course last weekend after the race was over, had about the same elevation. I live at a much lower sea level though, so it was rough for me

Sex lol

>mountain biking

HIIT boxing

Fuck off i'm bulking

incline walking on a treadmill

My nigga. Hill run master race reporting in.


Long Distance Prolonged Drowning

I got someone to time my lap which was around 17 seconds so I rest for twice that

Jump rope master race

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swimming bitch. Read aquatic ape theory


Sucking dick

boxing thaiboxing kickboxing running skipping sprinting

Rowing followed closely by elliptical

Treadmill on heavy incline

I used to have an elliptical bike but it broke, that was my favourite form of cardio. Way more entertaining than a plain old bike and you can either do HIIT or watch some anime, hbo or whatever. Now I'm looking into buying a foldable bicycle I tried one at a store and it felt really good, I'm gonna save a bit and next month I'll buy it since I don't have much space anymore.
>TL:DR; 1st elliptical bike, 2nd regular plain bicycle

How to achieve this mode? Literally just stop eating for a while?

Wii Fit and the occasional Zumba class

Swimming. Aim to do 4k later this afternoon

After that, eliptical machine just using legs

or running, hills, trails

or cycling, but I live in the city

Cut and core. Abs will be revealed in the kitchen but you still have to work them to make them pop and look decent. You don't even need to stop eating, just go 500 kcal down from what your maintenance is.

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>TFW live in the Midwest at sea level with no hills
I want to move to CO, and I don't even give a shit about weed.

Rachel Scheer

What length is the pool? Also I would work on bringing that rest time down. 34 seconds is a long time for such a short distance.

running, jogging, hiking

Sprints 100%

Running or swimming.

>Yeah, I'm that cunt on the road blocking all the cars
my friend died like this
be safe, cunt


cycling but I only do 4.8mi every other day in two stints
cardio is gay

Speed screeches

I only have a stationary bike so hiit or liss


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