/fat/ people get a pass because generally their focus is on cardio. So I'm going to break form here and recommend you focus on Bench Presses, Squats, Deads, and OHP. Reason is, past ur noobie gains, you're not gonna gain much on account of being fat- your hormones are fucked as a result and the body does not prioritize building muscle due to your adipose cells being so primed for growth due to their size. So get good at these lifts and once you cut down to a reasonable bf you will build muscle, FAST.
great routine! (compared to this shitshow of a thread). more shoulder/tricep/bicep volume tho
this lol
fucking horrible- it doesn't "train everything"
don't replace your equipment, replace your whole fucking routine
fair point
yeah I hope you change your program once you bulk or you'll just get fat, this is pretty low volume
>20lb dumbbells
you better be doing 100 rep sets nigga
reasonable for "general fitness", maybe for a 40/50 year old male
not nearly enough for putting on substantial muscle mass
also even in the scope of general fitness add some arm work in there ffs, WHAT IS WITH YOU PEOPLE AND NOT TRAINING ARMS
Volume drives hypertrophy, not necessarily strength. Although MOST of the time it DOES have a benefit on strength.
More chest and delts, maybe a set of biceps on C day
I think the whole point of fullbody is taking a rest day after, so it should be impossible to do it more that 4 days a week.
more shoulders
this one is decent, like a 7/10. Good volume
spending more than 30 minutes in the gym is not "fancy" you fatty
more triceps, you're getting there in terms of a good routine