Let's have a routine thread, I'll start

Let's have a routine thread, I'll start.


A - Chest & Triceps
3x5 Bench Press
3x8-12 Incline Dumbbell Press
3x8-12 Dumbbell Flyes
3x8-12 Dips
3x8-12 Skullcrushers

B - Back & Biceps
1x5 Deadlift
3x5 Barbell Row
3x8-12 Chin-Up
3x8-12 Incline Seal Row
3x8-12 Barbell Shrug
3x8-12 Barbell Curl

C - Legs & Shoulders
3x5 Overhead Press
3x8-12 Lateral Raise
3x8-12 Rear Delt Fly
3x5 Squat
3x8-12 Bulgarian Split Squat
3x8-12 Romanian Deadlift
3x8-12 Dumbbell Calf Raise

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4 week cycles for sets and reps.
1st cycle 3-4 sets of 12-15 reps
2nd cycle 3 stes of 10 reps
3rd cycle 5 sets of 5 reps

chest (choose 3-5 exercises mix it up)

bench press
incline bench press
decline bench press
dumbbell bench press
dumbbell incline bench press
decline dumbbell bench press
chest flies
incline chest flies
back (do all starred + 2)

pull ups*
lat pull downs (front and back)*
machine rows seated rows*
bench arm pulls
t-bar rows
seated rows
vertical rows
reverse flies*
shoulders (choose one or both military plus all others)

military press
dumbbell military press
lateral raises (front and side)
vertical reverse flies
biceps (choose 3-5 exercises)

straight bar curls
rope curls
individual dumbbell curls
isolated curls
ez bar curls
reverse curls
Triceps (choose 3-5 exercises)

Ropes extensions up and down
Push downs
Reverse pulls
Kick backs
Over head press
Skull crushers
Legs (do all)

Lunges (forward and transverse)
Calve raises (seated, standing, and weighted)

I do about the same but i dont have a rest day. I just cycle between 3 weeks so the days are right.

I have literally the best routine


• 3x5 Squat
• 3x5 Bench
• 3x5 Incline
• 3x5 Shoulder press

• 1x5 Deadlifts
• 3x5 Rows
• 3x5 Pull ups
• 3x5 Rear delts

>doing shoulders the day before your chest/tri day

Literal retard

I workout twice a day, four times a week(usaully, i just get 1-2 days of rest in between working out)

A - Mornings
Dumbell Bench Press
Dumbell Curls
Tricep Extensions
Incline Bench Press
A - Nights
Dumbell Rows
Rowing Machine 3x500

B - Mornings
Dumbell OHP
Lat Raises
B - Nights
Front Squats
Zercher Squats
3x500 rowing machine

Each day is dedicated to a main lift progressed in a 5/3/1 format. Accesories are dedicated to increasing the muscles used in the main lift.

Sumo Deadlift
Squat 3/12
Lat pulldown 3/12
Uptight row 3/12
Suppine Barbell row 3/12
Ez curl 3/12
Dips 3/12
Bench 3/12
Close grip bench 3/12
Arnold press 3/12
Sumo dl 3/12
Lat pulldown 3/12
Uptight row 3/12
Suppine Barbell row 3/12
Ez curl 3/12
Close Grip Bench 3/12
Dips 3/12
Ohp 3/12
Arnold press 3/12


squats 3x5 @ 80%
bench 3x5 @ 80%
trap-bar deads 3x5 @ 80%

*Increase weight by 5-10 lbs every week for 4 weeks, then decrease by 15-30 lbs on week 5 and start again. 4 steps forward, 3 steps back.

Push (A)
Neck extensions supersetted with neck curls 2x6-12
Overhead press 4x6-12
Db Bench Press 4x6-12
Db Fly 3x6-12
Skullcrusher 3x6-12
Lateral raises 2x6-12

Pull (B)
Pull-up/chin-up 4x6-12
Meadows row/1 armed t-bar row 3x6-12
Curls 4x6-12
Rear delt fly 4x6-12
Weighted crunches 3x6-12

1. If every set is done with the max reps, add weight that can be done for the minimum amount of reps
2. Alternate the exercises every other workout
3. Work out 6 days a week

And I dick around with Olympic lifts after my workouts.
>homegym masterrace

Push (Chest/Triceps/Shoulders):

Flat Barbell Bench Press: 3x5
Seated (or Standing) Barbell Shoulder/Overhead Press: 3x5
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 3x5
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise: 3x10-12
Rope Pushdowns (circuit machine): 3x10-12
Overhead Dumbbell Extension or similar triceps exercise: 3x10-12
Shrugs(circuit machine or dumbbells): 3x10-12

Pull (Back/Biceps):

Barbell Rows: 3x5
Lat Pulldowns with (Long Bar or V-bar) (circuit machine): 3x8-10
Seated Rows (circuit machine) - optional if already doing barbell rows: 3x8-10
Face-pulls: 3x-10-12
Barbell Bicep Curls (Alternate between close and normal grip): 4x-10-12
Choice of one other bicep exercise (typically Hammer Curls): 3x10-12

Legs (Quad/Ham/Calves):

Barbell Squats: 4x5-6
Leg Press (optional if already doing above squats): 3x8-10
Leg Extensions (circuit machine): 3x10-12
Hamstring Curls (circuit machine): 3x10-12
Standing Calf Raises (circuit machine): 5x10-12

I'm /fat/ and the goal is to cut but so far i think I also gained some muscle mass.

191cm, 113kg(121 4 weeks ago)

Every day:
15min + 7,5min + 7.5 cardio on eliptical (keeping it above >14METs)
During breaks:
6x8-12 chest press
6x8-12 lat pulldown
3x8 on that machine for abs with 60kg added
3x8 of some weird dumbell shit I can't name that is pretty damn effective for deltoid and shoulders (also arm stabilisers)

Is doing Back, shoulders and biceps in the same day a bad idea? My routine is similar to yours, except that fact.

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Absolutely. Training multiple muscle groups in the same day is a sure-fire way to get fat and t-rex mode. Ideally you would isolate a single muscle each day but most people aren't willing, or able, to plan that far in advance.

I recently abandoned a PPL split for BDSM because my shoulders were getting fucked up from using them on chest and tricep day. I imagine doing them on back day and then following that up with a bench press day is an injury waiting to happen.

Literally blew out my chest doing this shit.

You don't realize how integral your chest is to pull-ups / Pulldowns until they're exhausted from benching the previous day.

rate me:

im going to bulk for about a month doing this 3 a week programme:

day A:
>squat 3x5
>incline bench 5x5
>dumbbell row 5x5

day B:
>deadlift 1x5 1x8
>incline bench 5x5
>dumbbell row 5x5

every other week instead of a 3x5 squat ill do a 3x12 front squat.

goal of bulk is to get to a 3.5 plate dead (again), a 2.5 plate squat (again), a 1.75 plate incline bench and 100-120lbs rows.

after which ill do the same programme but instead of bulking ill do some intermittent fasting a la leangains or kinobody.

its simple because it trains everything i wanna focus and i dont have too much time to be on the gym each session.

any suggestions?

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Some of you guys have absolutely 0 volume. How you ever going to make it ??

By adding volume

Run for a mile or 2
Do 5-10 push-ups, 5 burpees, planks (10-20 seconds), 10 squats. Does this cycle 5 times.
Punch my punching bag for as long as I can ( 30- 40 minutes).
Lift weights (20 lb) curls.
Curl ups and sit ups.
Sounds weak but it works lost a 10lb in 2 weeks.

Please explain why training multiple muscle groups in a day is a sure fire way to get fat...

Imagine being this stupid.

>german admixture due to SS
Best SS joke I've seen

>falling for that meme

Mon: Max out Front Squat, Snatch, C&J
Tue: Max out Front Squat, Snatch, C&J
Wed: Max out Front Squat, Snatch, C&J
Thurs: Max out Front Squat, Snatch, C&J
Fri:Max out Front Squat, Snatch, C&J
Sat: Max out Front Squat, Snatch, C&J
Sun: Max out Front Squat, Snatch, C&J

Hello i am doing the starting stregth routine but pendlay rows and deadlift are quite hard with the equipment that is currenty in the gym any exercise i can replace them with?

I've reached a point in my life where I identify with chad more than the virgin.

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>doing shoulders along with chest and triceps


Most people on Jow Forums are beginners

>not understanding obvious sarcasm

you could do regular barbell rows and stiff leg deadlifts/rack pulls if your gym has an issue with you placing loaded barbells on the ground. but just find a better gym.

LMAO virgin detected.

Are you by any chance a theropod?

Upper A:
Bench press 3x8
DB incline press 3x12
DB Concentration Curls 3x12
EZ bar tri extension 3x12
Chin up/Pull Up 4xFailure
Military Press 3x8

Upper B:
BB incline press 3x12
DB Lateral raise 3x12
Dips 3x10
Seated Row 3x12
Triceps pushdown 3x12

Lower A:
Squat 3x8-12
Deadlift 2x5
Hip thrusts 3x12
Leg curl 3x12
Calf raise 3x12

Lower B:
Squat 3x8-12
Romanian deadlift 3x12
DB lunges 3x12
Leg curl 3x12
Calf raise 3x12

I'm doing this on a cut but once the summer is over I plan to do my first bulk.

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Okay so basically I have a pull-up bar, a dip bar and some dumbbells (that go to like 15-20lbs). Also made myself a wrist roller.
I'm trying to put together a fullbody 3x/week routine. Something like:
3x6-8 weighted dips
3x6-8 weighted pull-ups
2x15 tricep extensions
2x15 barbell curls
3x12 hanging leg raises
3xF wrist roller
3x12 dumbbell lunges
75 calf raises each leg
3xF planks&side planks
Also I do some rotator cuff stuff, neck curls and lateral side raises like 5x/week?

Is this far too much? My main focus currently is adding muscle to upper body, therefore minimal leg work.

Trying to have a balanced routine, but might be retarded for not alternating exercises. Anyways:

-bench press
-overhead press
-lat pulldown
-cable row

Three times a week, 6x4 reps per exercise. Does this look reasonably sane?

Looks resonable if youre a beginner

>hair is on point

That's fine I guess
Take out db flyes and distribute the sets to exercises that are worth a damn

Squat day:
5/3/1 squat sets
3x5 front squats
3-5x8 leg press
Try to learn Olympics

Bench day:
5/3/1 bench sets
5x5 bodyweight dips
3x8 barbell curl
2-3x12 triceps extension

Deadlift day:
5/3/1 deadlift sets
3x5 barbell rows
Try to learn Olympics

OHP day:
5/3/1 ohp sets
5x5 inclined bench
3x8 lat pull down chinup
3x8 lat pull down pullup

Any ideas how I can improve deadlift assistance/work in shrugs

>deadlift and squat on the same day three days a week for total of 12 sets
>deadlifting 3 times a week

Fucking retarded


Day 1: Bench, Squat (chest&legs)
Day 2: Military Press, Deadlift (shoulders&back)

Simple and working well for me.
>muh volume


1a weighted chins 5x5
1b dumbbell overhead press 5x10
2a barbell row 3x8-10
2b lateral raise 3x15
3 curls 5x10

1a front squat 5 x 10
1b rdl 5 x 10
2a single leg squat to box 3 x 12
2b single leg hamstring curl 3 x 12
3 calves 5 x 10

1a barbell bench 5x5
1b body weight pull ups 5x10
2a overhead press 3x5
2b rear delt fly 3x15
3 triceps 5x10

Usually 30-60 minutes of cardio for health gains, sometimes nothing for rest gains.

To much or to little?

Should squats and deadlifts be on separate days?

It would be better to diddylift on a different day. For a fullbody routine 18 sets of squats (not even counting the deadlift) is way too much.

Anybody tried full body more than 4 times per week?

i do the 5 day version of this, pretty happy with most of it, wanna put dips in somewhere though, and maybe more bicep accessories

Attached: PPL 3-5 day.jpg (2243x996, 284K)

Idk who posted this here, but I recently found it on my hard drive and I’ve made some solid gains following this, it’s time to pass it on. Only thing it’s missing is ab work

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First post best post. This is the only program in the thread. Everything else is a list of exercises, with no method of progression or organization or volume cycling. You idiots need a program, not a routine. You might as well take your advice from men's health magazine otherwise


Oh you people with your fancy shit


Bench 3x5
Diddly 2x5
Squat 3x5
Pullups 3x6
Dips 3x6
Swing dumbbels til failure for delts

Deadlifts 5x5
Rows 3x10-12
Pullups 2x5 (weak on these, trying to get better)
Curls 3x10-12
Hammer Curls 3x10-12
Shrugs 3x15
Bench 5x5
OHP 5x5
Incline Dumbbell Press 3x12
Chest Press 3x12
Overhead Tricep Extensions 3x10
Tricep Push Downs Burnout
Squats 5x5
Hamstring Curls 3x10
Leg Extensions 3x10
Single-Leg Press 3x10
Calf Raises 3x15

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No, and some back and shoulder moves use biceps as well so it might be even better to do them all the same day. This way you don't work your biceps too many times a week.

A - Chest and Triceps
3x8 Flat Bench Press
4x6 Incline Bench Press
3x8-12 Machine Flyes
3x12 Tricep Pushdowns
3x12 Overhead Tricep Extensions

B - Back and Biceps
3x12 Seated Rows
3x8 Lat Pulldowns
3 sets Farmer Carries
3x8 Strict Curl
3x8 Crossbody Hammer Curl
3x8 Hammer Curl

C - Legs
3x6 Squat
3x8 Leg Press
3x20 Seated Calf Raises
3x10 Leg Curls
3x10 Leg Extensions

D - Shoulders and Arms
3x6 OHP
3x8 Front and Side Lateral Raise (Alternate between front and side for a total of 16 reps)
3x8 Skullcrushers
3x8 Preacher Curl
3x8 Reverse Curl

Any recommendations? I feel like my chest and my legs are my weakest points.


Bench 3x5
Incline bench 3x5
Squat 3x5
Pendlay row 3x5
Hammer curl/supinated curl 4x8
Dumbell shrugs 3x12

Ohp 3x5
Deadlift 3x5
Weighted chinups 3x5
Lateral raise/dips 3x15/4x12 superset

Kickboxing for cardio

Bench Press 3x5,
OHP 3x5,
DB Incline Bench Press 5x8-12,
Upright Rows 4x10-12 + DB Skullcrushers 4x10-12
DB Side Laterals 4x10-12 + Close Grip Bench Press 4x10-12

Barbell Rows 3x5
Kroc Rows 5x20
DB Rear Laterals 4x10-12 + Barbell Curls 4x10-12
Barbell Facepulls 4x10-12 + Hammer Curls 4x10-12

Squat 3x5
Deadlift 3x5
Leg Extensions 3x10-12
Hamstring Curls 3x10-12
Ab Roller 4xF
Planks 4xF


all u need to become chad

how to make this 4 days a week without taking a workout around 2 hours?

I'll help some of you virgins out. You all have the right intent but the wrong information. You are being brainwashed by fat SS shills who think fucking ANYTHING is overttraining. See that Chad over there doing curls everyday? He doesn't even know what overtraining is, yet his biceps are five times the size of some fat powerlifter's.

what the fuck is this? you have a day for each muscle? or is this some sort of guide. Either way, it can be a good idea for keeping the stimulus new with the changing scheme, although the rep scheme should ONLY APPLY TO EXERCISES WHERE IT MAKES SENSE- for example, no one does 5x5 of reverse flies or calve raises lol, what the fuck

>not a single isolation in sight
>baby volume

our shoulders are used so much in everyday life that they have a quick recovery capacity. Doesn't mean you train them every day, but generally having two back to back overlap days won't do jack shit to hurt gains

not enough volume

add some sets in accessory work, I know Wendler doesn't advise tons of accessory but fuck him. I normally despise powerlifting programs for this reason of low volume, but Matt Ogus' variant of 5/3/1 I stumbled upon is one I recommend for people who enjoy doing something like 5/3/1

again, no volume. Shit.

add more shoulder volume and bicep volume. You have the right idea with chest and back, gj. You're not fucking hopeless.

Best routine in this thread, cause it's literally mine lol. THIS IS A GOOD ROUTINE THAT PEOPLE SHOULD BE USING. THIS SHOULD BE STICKIED. The only thing I'd change is more shoulder volume

>inb4 bitch weight

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4x Bench
4x Incline DB
4x Chest Dips
4x Military Press
Tricep extension x3-4
Lateral Raises x4
Calves x4

Squat x4 + 4xPull ups
Deadlift x4
Pendlay or Yates Row x4
Pullover or 1arm Row x4
4xLeg curl + 4xleg extension
Shrug x3-4 x4 Biceps curl

Incline x3
Fly x3
Pullover or Dips x3
Front Raises x4
Lateral x4 + Close Grip x3-4
Calves x4

Squat x4-5 + Pull ups
Romanian x4
Lunges x4
x4Leg extension + x4Bicep curl
Shrugs x3

ABS + Neck Offdays
Weighted Leg Raises x4
Russian Twist x4
Weighted Decline Crunch x 4
Neck x8

pls rate my volume autism

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/fat/ people get a pass because generally their focus is on cardio. So I'm going to break form here and recommend you focus on Bench Presses, Squats, Deads, and OHP. Reason is, past ur noobie gains, you're not gonna gain much on account of being fat- your hormones are fucked as a result and the body does not prioritize building muscle due to your adipose cells being so primed for growth due to their size. So get good at these lifts and once you cut down to a reasonable bf you will build muscle, FAST.


great routine! (compared to this shitshow of a thread). more shoulder/tricep/bicep volume tho

this lol

fucking horrible- it doesn't "train everything"

don't replace your equipment, replace your whole fucking routine


fair point

yeah I hope you change your program once you bulk or you'll just get fat, this is pretty low volume

>20lb dumbbells
you better be doing 100 rep sets nigga

reasonable for "general fitness", maybe for a 40/50 year old male
not nearly enough for putting on substantial muscle mass
also even in the scope of general fitness add some arm work in there ffs, WHAT IS WITH YOU PEOPLE AND NOT TRAINING ARMS

Volume drives hypertrophy, not necessarily strength. Although MOST of the time it DOES have a benefit on strength.

More chest and delts, maybe a set of biceps on C day

I think the whole point of fullbody is taking a rest day after, so it should be impossible to do it more that 4 days a week.

more shoulders

this one is decent, like a 7/10. Good volume

spending more than 30 minutes in the gym is not "fancy" you fatty

more triceps, you're getting there in terms of a good routine

do you guys seriously do this all year long and just gain a few muscles here and there every couple months
this sounds exhausting to me

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Yeah that's exactly how it works.
I did my routine for the last six months and i managed to pick up 1 pec 1 bicep and 2 whole abdominal muscles.

then add more chest and leg volume. Also u don't need a whole shoulder and arm day unless u really want it, just divide that day into already existing days

more biceps triceps and shoulders

no such thing as bitch weight tho, just use weight thats heavy for you. Don't listen to fags on here that tell you to do SS if your squat is below 315 of something. Gj tho, solid routine.

yeah I take pictures of you fat faggots at the gym also. You would fucking cower out of your rack if I ever needed to use it.

you won't just gain a "few muscles here and there" if you do the actually good routines in this thread. You will gain "a few muscles here and there" if you do 90% of the other routines

I'm getting back into lifting after 2 years, but I'm limited in what I can do. My knee is shot, so no squats. Also recovering tennis elbow I got from bouldering and doing too many pullups, so no rows, pull ups etc. It didn't flare up when doing deadlifts, so at least I have that going for me.
Anyway, I need a simple 3 day program to make the most of the movements I can do. Right now it sort of looks like this:

Bench 3x8
Deadlift 1x5

Press 3x8
Lateral raises 3x16
Romanian deadlift 3x5 or Back extensions ?x?

Pls respond

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do a U/L split, while supersetting antagonist muscles (denoted by a +). Here, I'll pull one out of my ass.

>Bench Press 4x5 + Barbell Row
>Incline DB Bench Press + DB Rows 4x8-12
>Upright Rows + Rear Lateral Raises 4x8-12
>Facepulls + Side Lateral Raises 4x8-12
>Barbell Curls + Close Grip Bench 4x8-12
>Hammer Curls + DB Skullcrushers 4x8-12

>Squats 3x5
>Deads 3x5
>Leg Press 3x15 + RDL 3x10
>calf work
>ab work

so the week will look like xULxULx or whatever
I may or may not end up doing something like this once school starts if I have to commit a day to an after school activity


T-Bar rows
Weighted Pullups
Lat pulldown
EZ Bar curls


DB shoulder press
Incline BP
Incline DB flies
whatever tricep isolation i feel like
weighted dips tf


Calf raises
Leg extensions
Lateral raises

LPPx with stretching and mobilty work on workout days, bodyweight ab exercises when i got time after a workout and cardio 3-4x a week
My fairly large gym has one squatrack and one powercage that are occupied literally 24/7 or else i would be doing squats and ohps.

Yes cunt, and we do it for years. You have to leave your childhood behind and start shouldering responsibility, pain, work, struggle. And never get quite "there". The journey will toughen you. I promise.

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i have never been in a gym before, and i am underweight slightly skinnyfat. will i gain massive noob gains if i do a great routine? i do not think i am ready for OP's routine yet though

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what are your 1rm btw?

a beginner would grow from any routine desu , also if you don't plan to lift consistently for next few years don't even bother lmao

145 OHP
265 Bench
320 Squat
395 Dead
18 years old @160bw, entering my senior yar of HS

i plan to be slim with a few muscles mode
how many years and how hard is it to maintain?

yeah honestly the only thing that can fix your body is an intense lifting regimen
don't be a wuss and get in a gym, don't worry what others think. No one gives a shit what ur doing, just follow the rules of the gym. Shit, I'm glad whenever a sack of potatoes comes in to lift because he's gonna change right then and there, it's a positive life choice. If someone does give you shit just write them off (even tho no one's probably gonna give u shit).

nice numbers for 160lbs
how tall are you tho?

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you get there by eating a good diet and doing any random bodybuilding routine
should take 1-2 years with average dedication, 3-4 months with great dedication
pick ur path

if you want low effort minimal muscle i'd just go for calisthenics stuff (buy a pull up bar)
I've seen a lot of people who just quit the gym after working out for a month so well LOW EFFORT KINNIKU

I'm at my leanest though. A lot of tough guys will be like "HURR WHAT A TWINK 160 LMFAO" but in reality, your weight at 10%bf is a LOT lower than you think.

There's a lot of "tough guys" on the internet that claim 200lbs 10-12% bf, when in reality they are more like 15-17%. Everyone thinks the second you see an ab you're at 10%. You're not. Weight doesn't matter. It's what you see in the mirror.

Power Clean 5x5
Bench 5x5
Front Squat 5x5

Back Squat 5x5
OHP 5x5
Deadlift 5x5

well you can get some nice % if you juice kek

I do a full body three times a week, don't see a point of doing fancier since I'm not on steroids

A 4x4 diddly 2x14 hamstring curl 5x5 bench press 4x8 weighted chin up 5x5 OHP 2x12 bicep curl 2x12 weighted dips
B 4x8 squat 2x14 hamstring curl 4x8 bench press 4x8 weighted chin up 5x5 OHP 2x14 skullcrushers 2x12 hammer curl
C 4x8 squat 2x14 hamstring curl 5x5 bench press 4x8 weighted chin up 5x5 T-Bar row 2x12 dips 2x12 bicep curl

I made pic in the OP and I cringe everything I see it. It's 100% missing the point and it's disgusting. Not even funny.
Trust me or not, it's still garbage

you need to get fancier because you're not on steroids

The fuck is a diddly even
also I would try some more variations in your exercises

trash tier routine inc :

push :
10x5 flat dumbbel bench
10x5 bench flys
10x5 cable flys (all variations)
10x5 tricep pushdown

10x5 lat pulldown
10x5 rows
10x5 cable bicep curls (unilateral and bilateral)
usually do something for shoulders on this day

5x5 squat
10x1 deadlift
something for lower back also

10x5 on strenght days
4x10 on hyper besides diddly

i should actually start doing incline bench too
i look like fucking trash too and there's nothing u guys can do about it ;)

just do a normal push&pull or upper&lower that routine is legit shit

training a muscle at least 2x a week is better than 1x

i told you it's shit
i usually do ABCxABC but it's festival season now so ill only be able to do ABCAxxx BCABxxx and so on


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what about this one
Monday Upper 1:
Bench 4x 4-6
Row 3x 6-8
Incline DB 3x 8-12
Chin ups 3x 8-12
Triceps 3x 8-12
Biceps 3x 8-12
Lateral Raise 3x 8-12

Tuesday Lower 1
Squat or Deadlift 4x 4-6
Leg extension 3x 8-12
Leg curl 3x 8-12
Standing calf 4x 6-8

Thursday Upper 2
Flat Dumbbell Press 3x 8-12
Lat Pull Down 3x 8-12
Over Head Press 3x 8-12
Row 3x 8-12
Chest Flys 2x 12-15
Triceps 2x 12-15
Biceps 2x 12-15

Friday Lower 2
Leg Press 3x 8-12
RDL 3x 8-12
Leg extension 3x 8-12
Leg curl 3 x 8-12
Seated calf 4x 8-12

cant kill gains if there are none in first place lol

>Make sure youre abs are uhh friggin ripped
>you got some good guns
>you wanna look good for when you get stabbed with a knife


lol look at the tryhard


Attached: spurdo screaming metal.png (600x471, 422K)

Bench 3x5
Sq or DL 3x5 or 1x5
Weighted Chins 3x5
Flies 3x10
Tricep pushdown 3x10

OHP 3x5
Sq or DL 3x5 or 1x5
Weighted chins 3x5
Calf raise 3x15
Lateral raise 3x10
Extra ab work 3x10 or so

Bench 3x5
Sq or DL 3x5 or 1x5
Weighted chins 3x5
Curl 3x10
Rev curl 3x10
T bar row 3x10

After every workout:
Oblique work 3x10 or so
Ab isolation 3x12 or so
Face pulls 3x10
External rotation 3x10 ea.

Can I do a full body work out every other day instead of taking two rest days per week?

Tue, thurs, sat are my gym days btw

Fuck also forgot to mention that last set of all compounds is AMRAP like gslp