Aspiring Navy SEAL

So me being the gigantic faggot I am decided a few months back that I wanted to join the Navy with the goal of going to BUDs training to become a SEAL. I have been doing all the basic stuff for the past few months, running, push ups, ab workouts, pull ups, etc. but I feel more or less the same, like I haven’t been making a difference. I’m 17 now and I want to go to the navy by the time I’m 19 at least. But I need to be in the best shape of my life if I want to have any chance of making it through my training to even be considered as a candidate for the SEALs. If anyone has any advice or tips on building a good routine to help me become tougher and stronger over all please comment. All advice will be much appreciated.

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MEG (military enlistment general) on Jow Forums

>develop god-tier cardio
>ruck more than you think is humanly possible
>swim until you grow gills
>Those PT requirements are a bare minimum, candidates report doing several times more than that on the first day
>learn navigation and map skills NOW instead of trying to learn it when you're hungry, sleep deprived, and have instructors gunning to wash you out
>arrive to BUD/S with as much fat on you that you can manageably carry. You'll end up burning it off for fuel.
>break in a pair of boots before you enter, but don't bring in worn down boots
>take remedial English for when you decide to publish your memoirs for a quick buck

Have fun being a hungry skelly lugging around a pack innawoods while angry mexican manlets yell at you.

Search for jeff nichols and stew smith on youtube for general strength training look up the juggernaut training guys and their books do not listen to this board

Alright I’ll check it out, thanks

Officers only, gtfo enlisted fags.

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>butter bars showing off their fragile egos as always

>Terminal lace upset because the dependapotmus made him sleep on the couch again

I'm in the navy rn and see a lot of pre bud guys. Overheard them saying keeping a little fat on you help Make's you more buoyant. Other than that you have to run inhuman amounts. Pushups and pullups are not as important. The big things are running and swimming.

If you do this you will definitely destroy your joints, likely develop mental health problems that will make your life a living hell, develop few if any marketable skills for life after you leave (different story for officers but you aren't one), and if you get the chance to die and avoid all that odds are it will be for a cause you don't actually believe in. More likely you will be maimed in a way that cannot be made whole again. If you are doing this to prove something to yourself or find camaraderie and adventure there are many, many other ways to do those things: this is just the option pushed on you in mass media. If you are doing this because you hate yourself or want to die, seek therapy.

If you're doing it because there is a current or imminent conflict you believe is so just that you would die for it then good luck.

Don't you have responasbilities to avoid so you can keep failing to hit on the high school girls that didn't like you, "sir"

Butter bars
Pick one

It's okay boys, college isn't for everyone.

You guys think I’m a butter bar lol? Did you not read the post?

It shouldn’t take you two years to prepare for BUDS. While BUDS is physically demanding it is still entry level training. There are plenty of guys who pass who fucking suck and end up washing out at a later phase.

At the end of the day the biggest test is not going to be physical but will be your mental resiliencey. You doing push-ups, sit-ups, and crunches in your moms basement for two years is not going to help strengthen that.

Get in decent shape and talk to a recruiter NOW.


why do military people talk like tremendous fags this reads like a facebook page

Oh yea pushups and pullups are not important, you will just do 1000s a day and do log pt for hours on end.

>are not as important
>are not important
>'These are the exact same thing to me!'

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Because only losers join the military.

Just want to step in and say fuck the seals. All of them are lying faggot retards and every major seal celebrity of the post vietnam era has LITERALLY been a lying coward peice of shit.

Chris kyle lied about beating the shit out of jesse ventura at a seal reunion and then got shot in the back of the head by another soldier he was not qualified to be "helping". Then ventura raped his wife in court and proved without a doubt the events never took place which brings into question 100% of what he said happened during the war.

The lone survivor guy who was saved by an illiterate afghan villager (after his retarded navy seal team leader decided to vote on giving their position away , yes you heard right , they held a vote , in the military. Which ultimately led to a series of events that killed over a dozen seals all because they are sub 80 iq morons lying faggots retards pretending to be supersoldiers) Who he then invited back to america because the taliban were trying to kill him , only to get fucking butthurt at him for telling the press he was only ambushed by like 7 guys. So he ghosted him in the states , didnt return any calls , and basically left him in a strange land without a dollar to his name. The lone survivor should have died on that mountain with the other guys

And last but not least the faggot queer who CLAIMS he shot bin laden based on absolutely fucking nothing but being on the operation. Imagine being such a huge piece of shit that you take credit for officially killing the man who did 9/11 , go on fox news and let people fellate you , and make probly millions of dollars on a book , while your team buddies stare in disbelief at your self serving homo faggot celebrity bullshit.

>TLDR the seals are fucking gay and the laughing stock of the specops community
If you actually want to be a man join force recon or delta

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What about that Jocko Willink dude?

Just join the airforce and get a cushy office job, user. Still keep fit, and your colleagues will be impressed and you can sexually assault the women in the office without them ratting on you.

possibly the biggest faggot of them all. Imagine being the joe rogan of the military. Imagine being on the same team as chris "im going to lie about men who served in real conflicts" kyle and not testifying against him

Have fun being a CS or deck seaman after you washout.

Being a desk jockey is gay tho, I’d rather sign up for the marines and be a crayon muncher than some pencil pusher in the air force. And like 90% of women in the US Military are uglier than sin.

>wasting the only life you have giving it to the goverment.


Great men don't need to host podcasts about how great they are

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You're giving it to the corporate jew what's the difference you wage slave

Think I’d rather be a soldier and work for the government than be a no name wage slave for the rest of my life.

>Thinking that soldiers don't work for corporations


>I’m 17 now

My best friend just graduated BUDs. I was on track to do it with him but I got turned down due to a history of asthma.

Anyways, he went to the gym twice a day every day, focusing mostly on olympic/crossfit style lifting. He also swam for about an hour daily. Thing is, being strong is good but having godly cardio is best. Work your way up to doing that.

because they are fags

t. vet/ BUDS drop

Thanks for the info man, sorry to hear you couldn’t get a shot at BUDs

>Joining the Navy SEALs
>Not just joining a PMC like Academi and making $400k instead of $100k

You never gonna make it bruh

you typically have to have prior training and experience for them to even look at you.

Because both things select for those with a low iq

Most PMC’s won’t even consider taking you unless you served at least a decade in the military or law enforcement, genius. You can’t just waddle up to a PMC recruiter and say, “I wanna be a mercenary hurr”.

>implying the military the right hand of ZOG
not that that should deter you. infiltrate the military and return with skillsets that you can teach to other red pilled individuals.

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>implying the military *isn't* the right hand of ZOG

well you don't need an entire decade. about 4-5 will do

t green beret works out at my gym

I'm obviously not any special forces but I am in the military and have heard a lot of stories from people who have done selection courses for special forces and failed. From what they say, its mostly mental, not physical. Not even in the sense that you need to be able to keep pushing yourself but also that the exercises require you to do a lot of mental unfucking of long-winded, unneccisarily complicated instructions to do it right whatever fucked up way they decide the "right" way is. Otherwise they will make you restart over and over until you end up doing 10 times the necessary work. A lot of it seems like stuff you can hardly train for. They kick people off for failing to follow minute directions like "don't move your foot" or from passing out wearing all your shit plus 100lbs of shit in plus 40C or not being able to adequately perform skills when you're on the verge of passing out. Just my two cents on what to expect, having never been on such a course.

Sounds like a lot of this will require me to adapt to seriously harsh situations fast. Thanks for the advice.

>A handful of people out of 10,000 did some shitty things so every person in that 10,000 is shitty

I can't imagine being this insecure

The physical requirements revolve around being a cardio and calisthenics monster, including being a strong swimmer while having the muscle mass to ruck heavy loads and keep a rifle steady.

So, you should probably train for triathlons and go hiking regularly, while taking care not to injure yourself. Supplement with weightlifting, like full body twice a week.

Don't forget about denying the medal of honor to an airman who they left behind while he gunned downed a bunkers worth of men just to save their reputation.

I won't go as far to insult the ENTIRE Navy Seals, but I will agree that the particular examples you listed are demonstrations of faggotry.

Seals/military sounds badass, but I bet the reality of it sucks dick

Go to the SEAL/SWCC forums for advice. Here you will only get trolls and retard responses

I already did...

I watched a short documentary on it, a couple of people passed out while doing the underwater training. Looked like the hardest part, the risk of your mind just bailing on you.

Learn the swim strokes and swim every day.

If possible, run on sand barefoot, they will have you running on sand on the beach.

Finally, get acclimated to cold water, the cold breaks many hopefulls, Whim Hoff your way into cold immunity and then its simply a matter of time

You won't be a PMC without being a tier-1 operator, period. They will only accept the elite.

Here is some actual advice. If you live anywhere near a big city, in all likelihood there is a SEAL motivator there that helps aspiring civilians obtain a contract to go to BUD/s. You should go train with them. Contact your local recruiter office and ask, but all recruiters are rather big liars. Stick to your guns. The motivator is the one that awards the contracts, so you will have to train with them anyway at some point. They only give a few contracts out per region for each recruitment cycle.

The contract allows you to get a shot a BUD/s. So if you get discharged or booted for stupid shit (i saw everything from anxiety, H blood pressure, and stomach cramps), you can straight leave the navy and not have to go be on a fucking boat. They have so many applicants now that they can be very picky about who they allow go to A School.

In terms of physical fitness, its only great if are the fastest in swimming and running. Nothing else really matters and it is far more beneficial to be more "average" but have wicked strong mental strength. The mental is what breaks people. They know and expect your body to fail, as you can only push out so many reps. They want your mind to push farther until the body can no longer operate. If you can do that time and time again you could have a shot.

look dude, it's a mental thing. just don't be a bitch when the time comes, that's all that matters