Belly belly go away come again another day

progress/transformation/goals thread

share your pics and experiences etc.

got my shit mostly back on track this month, added running 3 days/week to my routine

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that's good and all, but why didn't you train anything else

You have a very strange body. What is your routine and daily intake?

Nice progress, brah. Now time to bulk and get huge.

you spend a year at auschwitz or something?

Pls start doing bench and pull ups

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Ah yes, the Auschwitz routine.

Lovely child bearing hips

I thought I had terrible hips.
I feel for you.

Nice progress anyway

please stop posting your pictures for at least 2 years until you put on some real size.

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It looks very much like you both gain and lose weight too fast. You put on too much fat while bulking and burn away any muscle while cutting.

That's probably why you look hardly any different from December

hips 2 wide

You need to train your lats and shoulders, then your hip ratio won't look as deformed

Holy shit dude, lats and shoulders, please work them harder, otherwise nice job on the fat loss.

Should've stopped cutting a year ago and started lifting on a slight surplus. Stop doing so much cardio. Pls lift omg.

thats insane fat loss. whats your diet consist of? i'm almost 4 weeks into regular diet and exercise. i hope i make it.

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You’ll make it. That’s also my mode.

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please explain your process and how long it took

Man what happened? Why did you lose all the muscle?

I’m 6’1 and 188 lbs, 20% BF. Currently lifting on a 500cal deficit. What would lifting at a slight surplus do differently?

Build muscle?

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Why the fuck are your hips so wide? How much estrogen have you been exposed to???

He didn't reply to this.

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How do I avoid skyrocketing to 25% BF? It’s a slippery slope up here man



nice progress but you need to work your lats and obliques more

too bad you can't get rid of that klinefelters. take TRT

NO it will make the hips even worse, train lats hard until you have the bruce lee tier wing span, otherwise you are fucked

oh dear god. this honestly makes me wanna quit right now

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Ayy lmao

THAT is the epitome of skinny fat. Good lord.

that low bodyfat is crazy, you do a lot of cardio or is it just calorie restriction?

how will it make the hips worst? obliques literally make your waist thicker which is exactly what he needs to do to make that hourglass figure go away


Damn. I'm probably the equivalent of November 2017, looking to get to February 2018 before lean bulking. It's very helpful to see your weight loss slow down around the exact same point, I was formerly losing 2lbs per week but now 1lb, so close just gotta keep grinding to skelly

>being 6'1 and 155 in lean
What are you retarded? I want you bulk up starting tomorrow.
You should reach 240 lb muscle weight lean and add 5-10 lb of bodyfat.
Also start powerlifting.

I would have put the JUST face on all of those because good Lord almighty you have one ugly ass body.

Dude. You need to gain weight. Forget the belly, that will go away with weight gain and lifting heavy

Anyone, how would you have programmed OP's routine so that he lost fat and gained muscle? Barbell complexes? Probably would be too much to get a fat guy to do HIIT.

I have never seen such a thigh gap on a man before....

I need details on what the hell your routine has been.

Actually lift heavy
High protein for noob gains

OP pls bulk you’ve done well now finish strong

Good progress. Now bulk back to ~180 with an upper body focused routine.

your body is unsalvagable
you must bulk extremly hard forever

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Very late replies sorry

Diet is 1500 calories on weekdays and 2000 calories on weekends. Macros are ~165 grams carbs, ~25g fat, ~140g protein on most days. Fat and carbs may vary depending on what I eat.

>you do a lot of cardio or is it just calorie restriction?
I've just recently started doing cardio 3 days/week. Just a quick 2km run in the morning.

You guys are gonna laugh but here it is
Upper days are:
3x20 pushups
3x15 barbell curls
2x10 pullups followed by dead hangs
1x10 chinups followed by dead hang
3x15 bent over dumbell rows
3x15 bench
glute bridges
5 minute grok squat
leg raises until failure...working on being able to do hanging ones
30mins stretching

Lower days:
Run 2km
3x30 weighted calf raises
3x15 squats
3x15 split squats
3xF wall sits
glute bridges
5 min grok squat
30 mins stretching

Im just trying to shed my lower belly fat, gonna have to lose another ~10-20 pounds before it goes i'm afraid.



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you need to work your obliques

Unironically looked better before with those birthing hips

Murder your lats asap to salvage this

here's me, i know i still look like shit but i'm doing things one step at a time.

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only 7 weeks in so far, this is last weeks pic.

not bad for 6 weeks tho.

20/4 IF, low carb and a PPL 3x a week (going to 5x next week)

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user, I'm sorry, but you'll never make it...

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just wanted to let you know that your progress posts are what i look forward to most when i go on Jow Forums
out of curiosity, what are your max lifts for ohp/bench/squat/deadlift?

Ayy lmao!

gettin' there brah. keep it up


thanks man!



Looking great, keep up the work user, we’re all gonna make it

Th-this is shopped right?

Smash your lats and shoulders every day


Mirin. Shrunk that gut down BIG TIME

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Your frame is honestly disgusting. Stop working out and start taking estrogen and become a trap with those gay ass women hips.

Not sure what my max lifts are, safe to say not too much though...I don't lift heavy at all as I do not have the space for a rack/cage in my place. Would much rather play it safe with lower weight higher reps, last thing I need is an injury.

Have u had your hormone levels checked?

It’ll make you fat

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super nice

double nice
very good

good job man
nice legs
keep it up


What's your routine? I look a bit like you in your before pic.

still need to lose ~20 more lbs of fat
300 before, 200 after

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I'll ask the same question as in the last thread: Did you have problems with loose skin or not?


good fucking work man


great work brother

My belly is large but also hard except for a smaller bit that is clearly soft.

Is something wrong with me other than being fat? Will I be able to lose it?
My guess is that it's mainly visceral fat so it's all around my guts, making it hard since it's below my core muscles.



Wow. Inspirational progress man.

Thanks for making me feel better about my hips, now please off yourself.

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it's not the hips, its the shoulders and back



7 months, mostly bulking with a small, 45 day cut in between. SO to Jow Forums for getting me right. I'm starting another 30 cut before a long, patient bulk.

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Swollest man in Auschwitz