Why am I so fucking tired all the time

Why am I so fucking tired all the time.
I got like 8-9 hours of sleep. Haven't done much but go outside once and I just crashed on my bed at 4pm on a Sunday. What's wrong with me? Anyone else have this problem?

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might be mental. I know that mental health can have an enormous impact on your physical state.

Eating makes me tired af, also not doing anything does too. Keeping myself busy and doing OMAD seems to help.

Do keto for a week see if that helps

Could be a number of things.

Your problem might not even be you're not getting enough rest, it might just be you see no reason to wake up.

Best advice I can give you is to make a schedule, and follow it like it is your bible. Wake up every day at exactly the same time, even on weekends. It'll be hard at first, but your body is an adaptable machine and will eventually see the pattern and adjust.

You can also try eating raw, unfiltered honey. Does wonders for your natural energy reserve, because it is almost instantly turned into energy due to it's state. Just mix a couple spoonfulls into a protein shake, you don't even notice it is there if you're not a fan of honey.

unironically low testosterone

Unironically low test

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Do you actually lift or do you just lurk and shitpost here? Actually lifting will help fix that. Also sun exposure and being active in general. Start lifting start hiking swimming or kayaking get some sun and maybe grab a multivitamin fish oil supp maybe some zinc or vitamin D. Sounds like depression and/or low T. It can be fixed you just need one good day to get you moving again, but no one can do it but you bro.

Low iron. Start cooking on cast iron.

I lift, take vit d, zinc, and fish oil
I eat a lot of meat though.

I literally just got over this problem:

Stop eating sugar, stop watching porn, stop jerking off.

I'm 90% it's this. Not him but some days where I don't really jerk off, maybe once a night before bed I have a lot more energy. But then the days come when I binge and get a hard on every hour I'll feel like decaying shit the next day.

eat non-shit food

Fucking hell. This hottie at the gym really frustrated me. Had to come home and fap to relieve myself. Nofap failed again. These fucking thots are pissing me off and I swear she was teasing me on purpose.

Whats omad

for some reason i started feeling shit lately when the weather changed from nice and warm to overcast and rainy and can't seem to get rest. I don't fap, take zinc, fish oil, a lot of meat, almost no refined sugars and enough sunshine and excercsie daily. No psych shit either. It'll go away probably. Try getting some more sun tho

Interesting. I sleep better after I have sex/jerk off, but I presume it's because it promotes sleep. Either way, my boners work and I am making linear gains at age 30.

One meal a day

one meal a day

One meal a day.

yea I used to think the nofap shit was placebo trash because I love a good fap as much as the next dude but I'm starting to notice the patterns. My diet isn't terrible, taking vitamins and I'm not depressed.

of milk a day

I've had the same thing. Honestly, first of all listen to your body. I don't know how many times I've written it in my journal, but no matter what, LISTEN TO YOUR BODY. Its millions of years of evolution. If it wants to sleep or rest, rest. Don't lift, don't do chores, don't do cardio, just rest. Even if its days, weeks months. For some tis days, for some its months. For me it was days but if I kept ignoring my body it would be months.

Eveything is important, your body is immensely complex, but listen to it, it will tell you when to rest, what to eat, and when rain is coming. It will even tell you when you can get back to lifting and progresing in the gym.

>diet, could be u need no meat, or less gluten, or less dairy, or less processed shit, whatever, listen to your body, but nobody has gone wrong with WHOLE FRESH SEASONAL FOODS
>don't eat too little, don't eat too fast, don't eat too often, maybe try fasting, it has helped me
>rest, this isn't only sleep, but chilling out and being in the moment. when you stop running and just stand, this is resting. the same way, when you work all day and then you are back home watching a movie, this is also resting
>de-stress, do things you like, it will give you energy back
>don't worry, meditate, really learn and try at it if you like it
>slow down
>notice when you are in a wired state, ie. checking phone, pleasing others despite your own convictions or goals, whatever, this really drains energy
>make necessary changes, maybe move out, maybe fix your relationship, maybe change jobs. sit on your bed, your brain will tell you in 10 seconds what can be fixed to feel and be better
>don't stress over the above too much, just be human, making 10% of the above better will be fine

some youtube channels / videos that helped me


ran out of characters, but

>many other things I haven't listed could be improved, maybe something else will come to your mind - nofap? noporn? less cosmetics? less plastics? less driving? more nature? more vacations? drinking too little/too much water? (I was drinking too much), your body will tell you when its thirsty. too much time spent in AC areas? boss is not someone who inspires you? running/walking when your body is asking to sit down?

I used to be a big meat eater, but switching to a vegetarian diet has helped me. Meat is very hard to digest, albeit very nutritious.

Raw honey is great I can confirm from my experience. Both for eating and washing face with instead of soap/facewash.

some other things that helped me:
>cold showers
>dry fasting 24-48h
>absolutely no alcohol, no cigs, no drugs ofc

Also this, try to do more things you like OP, and follow your goals. Maybe do Self Authoring thingy by Jordan Peterson.

Follow this guys advice OP, it's spot on.

Saying it more than once isn't necessary.

to continue since I'm on a roll, I also implemented some quite brosciency ayurvedic practices in my life, namely:

>dry brushing body - take a dry loofah or sponge and drybrush the dead cells off your body before a shower
>tongue scraping - before you brush teeth in the morning, scrape the white stuff off it, with a tongue scraper (can buy it online) or just with your brush
>oil pulling - take some olive oil, or almond oil or whatever you like and swirl a tbsp of it in your mouth for 10-20 minutes, spit it out, it will be full of shit your body wants to get rid of
>neti pot - if sinuses are blocked, use it to clean them, breath is important

You got any bloodwork done? I had the same problem with being tired most of the time. Turns out I have hyperbilirubism. I have three times as much bilirubin in the blood and one of the side-effects of that is excessive daytime sleepiness. I microsleep almost every day at work. It turns out that you can't reduce excessive bilirubin in the blood without fucking other things up so I just have to live with it. It's not as bad is it sounds but It takes some willpower sometimes to stay awake.

The approach I like, and to quote some user:
>try these things, like throwing stuff at a wall, and see what sticks

the things that stick obviously you needed or liked


You can also scrape your tongue with a spoon, works surprisingly well

From books, I can recommend: Hope and help for your nerves by Claire Weekes, sounds like you're burned out and your CNS is tired

This is horseshit broscience and fuck you for thinking you know how to magically fix this. Fuck you.

its common sense desu

You know it doesn't have to be something related to diet; your question is pretty vague so the answers will be too, but you might just be having a shitty 8-9 hours of sleep and need to catch up.

Consider the likes of sleep apnea, I had to deal with that for ages and it never showed up in my bloodwork - I didn't even have hypertension or the likes, just general tiredness

>tfw i literally can't even nap because every time i do i wake up dizzy almost like im hungover

i have no problem sleeping in my tv chair or on the subway trip home from work, but whenever i try to actually nap in bed i wake up feeling like absolute shit. hell this morning i woke up at 6:55 AM to watch the world cup match i went back to sleep for an hour after it was over before the next one started and felt like shit

If it started recently go see a doctor. Seriously.
t. MD

If not then go to your local GP and say you want to quit smoking and ask for Bupropion (Zyban/Wellbutrin XR)

why am I laughing like a retard at that picture?
I'm about to turn 28 ffs.

Shilling antidepressants on an anonymous board huh? Maybe I should go to med school too so I too can earn the right to feel entitled to spout bullshit because I went to school.

It's not shilling if I'm doing it for free and bupropion is very different from most antidepressants.

I'm taking this exact shit right now to quit smoking but what I didn't expect is that it fixed all my other problems
>never feeling exhausted mentally
>physical exhaustion is easier to ignore
>no longer sleepy during the day
>much less trouble getting out of bed
>more energy to to stuff
>gym is no longer a chore
>feels like my IQ went up a bit
>less craving for food
Hence my previous post.

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Describe how it’s different from other antidepressants.

you are taking drugs to quit smoking? something just seems wrong about that, please reconsider!

TL;DR because noone gonna read all that shit that I would have to type.

It's basically a drug that metabolises into gentle cocaine in slow release. Keeping the effect nice and stable. Modifying doses and method of intake(sublingual f.e.) modify the effect quickly.
No other common antidepressant works anything like that.

Smaller evil for the greater good.

try the good for the greater good

Is it acceptable for an addict in recovery to take? Does that “count” as drug intake?

My guess is that you're a caffeine addict who doesn't even realise it.

Also the majority of the replies to this thread are fucking retarded. You should've given us more information about your lifestyle OP.

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Technically it's an antidepressant so probably yes but you would need to consult your specialist if you want to be sure that you won't fuck up.

Nice try Shekelstein but we won't fall for your tricks here. Jow Forums is a natty board.

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on milk all day

>other anons dont ever copy previous posts to reiterate a point

its u that needs to lurk more

If I sleep more than 5 hours in a night I am tired all day. You might have the same problem