Hey Jow Forums

Hey Jow Forums
So I am a 25 years old virgin NEET, that is starting to bald I want to get out of my misery, I want to change my life for the good, so I came to you.
Guys save my life pls, need advice what you guys reccommend me to do

Attached: 1516720236624.jpg (1837x1378, 583K)

i-is that you??
no homo...

Stop posting man ass in a sfw thread first nigga

Blue board, retarded.


I used to study medicine, until I failed thanks to a bitch that fucked me over on a period of important exams. After failing uni my life went to complete shit, due to depression and anger. But I want to change Jow Forums my looks are decent, I used to do well in life, I lifted, was an inteligent human being, I just want to get out of this ditch. Do something about my life before its to late

what does that even mean?

I want to change my dietary habits, to have energy, and prevent my hair from falling. somethinng to rebuild my life bros, any tips?


Blue means no nudity

Go lift and eat according to whether you want to gain or lose weight. It's literally not complicated.

>get a job
>start lifting (post body so we can see where you're at)
>start roiding eventually
>study in spare time
>stop being a sad fag and unironically learn stoicism and learn to control your own thoughts and feelings

This board has gone to shit

holy fuck haha
i didnĀ“t knew i dont come here often

Can't you restart studying medicine? Seems like becoming a doctor is an easy way to get some chicks and get your life together atleast in the eyes of normalfags.

that career path is way to long man i will be a functional doctor I will be out having 40 years old

this is solid advice, I had written out in paper and start doing it tomorrow
thanks man

I am currently studying tourism management on an internet course, but I dont feel excited about it (also im failling courses pretty bad)

Search for The Last Natural Routine on kiketube, do his routine, aquire aesthetics. It will change everything. I believe in you senpai.

>HMMM no other threads have any nudity, I better be the first one to post it since I am new and all

Are people this retarded?
Reported thread

Are you afraid of nudity, user?

I can relate
>started balding at 18
>full horseshoe by 20
>start shaving by 25
>got first kiss at 26, lost virginity at 26
Honestly weight loss and lifting has completely changed my life on a profound level. Lifting and fitness gave me the confidence to be successful with women, its largely eradicated my anxiety.

Basically find out what is causing you the most unhappiness in your life and take steps to fix it. For me it was my obesity, so i took steps to fix that and i'm the happiest i've ever been in my life. Just know it can get better if you work at it.

pic related is me

Attached: progress.jpg (668x458, 83K)

sorry let me correct that, i started shaving my head when i was 20.

Jesus christ get hair transplant

>balding at 25
try 15

No reason to, you have to take stuff forever to if you want to keep it not worth it at all for something as trivial as hair.

Are you talking about premed or actual med school because there is a major difference lol

Respect brah
keep on working out

Thank you user, it's a lifelong pursuit for me now.

Ya the drug cocktail you have to take after it probably fucks ur libido up anyway. It also has a high chance of falling out again. Hair transplants are a meme, dont know why they are ever seriously suggested.

You don't need to take anything for hair transplant

after you get the surgery you have to take propecia and finasteride basically forever to keep the transplanted hairs.

If you've got like half of your hair left and get a transplant the old half will fall out but the new half remains

good job user
keep up the good work