is getting married worth it, Jow Forums? How will it affect my gains?
Is getting married worth it, Jow Forums? How will it affect my gains?
If you think your gains is more important than having a family, don't get married.
if you're not over 6'2 and in the top 10% of facial aesthetics then no
Highly depends on the girl, in general no because guys pick the worst fucking cunts to marry. If you find a gem though go for it.
what if I am?
make sure you don't become an alimony slave
this, read the rational male, basically a book on how to remain desirable and avoid the boredom that comes from marriages. the dude who wrote it has been married for like 20 years now and has multiple children
You will lose gains, time, and money unless you get very lucky.
Yeah definitely the best solution is to twist and bend every which way to keep a wife committed. Living however you want and leaving women if they start acting like cunts is a way worse way to do it.
Enjoy your divorce
I wouldn’t get married in the first place.
you wallet gains will become skelly mode if you don't get a prenup
the book's more on the attitude you maintain, namely avoiding getting oneitis, even for your wife. he also stresses to avoid becoming "predictable" at all costs, since that's the root of what leads women to begin to find you boring to be around. i'd definitely recommend giving it a read
That’s all good advice then. I just don’t personally see the point in getting a wife. I would only want a marriage like how it is idealized in stories, where the couple loves each other unconditionally. I don’t believe there are any women in real life who would love their husband in this way, and I don’t feel any desire to pursue a watered down version of it.
The only unconditional love is between a parent and child. If you want unconditional love from a romantic relationship you're asking for it to end up abusive. You need to fix your expectations. If your parents didn't give you unconditional love you might be seeking it with a gf, but that's a mistake.
desu i just want a family. a chance to raise a child and be the dad i never had
fucking feels
I agree with your views on unconditional love, but I think my expectations are already fixed. I’m not getting married. That doesn’t mean I am bitter or that I don’t date and develop feelings for women. But like you said, the only unconditional love is between a parent and child. If I didn’t sign a “till death do us part” contract with my parents, why would I sign one with someone who does not love me unconditionally?
If your goal is to be a dad that probably changes things. I’m not sure if I want kids, so it’s not a reason for me to marry. Be careful though. Everyone likes to exaggerate how easy it is for estranged mothers to take kids away from their fathers, but it is true that courts are in general biased toward mothers in custody battles.
Your test levels will drop a bit.
Hmu on Jow Forumstheredpill senpai!
i heard that prenups get thrown out the window way easier than they should
You heard correctly, at least for the U.S. The most liberal states don’t allow them in the first place, and many more states whittle them down to protecting only pre-marriage assets, so any income or property from during and after the marriage is still fair game.
My wife cooks,weighs, and prepares my food for work for me. So definitely makes it easier for me at least
I wouldn’t look for one person to complete you. A good wife compliments you, but doesn’t make you. Surround yourself with friends and family so you never have to rely on one person alone. If you have kids treat them well so they can treat you well when you’re older.