Is this an alpha move?

Is this an alpha move?

Attached: lockerroom.webm (480x600, 1.33M)

He's covering his dick the entire time. True alphas let it swing

What does it matter? There weren't any women there to see it.

He's gay, he's offering his ass cheeks to everyone.
He wants to be dominated

being naked in front of other guys?
being afraid of getting naked in front of other guys is a guaranteed beta move though.

Could be interpreted that way user. As I started getting stronger and building more self-confidence I noticed I didn't care as much anymore and would do this as I walked to the shower. It's less alpha, more I don't care. And in a locker room full of other dudes, neither of them do either.

He has a nice butt and nothing else

its more like if you have nice body you wanna show it off no? (or if you have ugly body you dont wanna show it)

Why are americans so gay? Who the fuck get nude in the middle of everyone like that?

Athletes see eachother naked every day in the shower.

imagine the smell

BASED and redpilled but unironically

American athletes.

Europeans just see their fathers naked everyday

Thats australians

>being scared of a nude man
jesus christ imagine living your life like that

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What if I get hard while looking at him, and he notices?

No it's just a douchebag move. May be a strong sign of insecurity, indicating a non-alpha need to reassert and display control over others.

Was there any reason for him to take his clothes of there rather than out of everyone else's view? If he just did it to prove a point it shows he's actively conscious of everyone else's attention on him which is a sign of being beta.

Well, i guess one ussually doesn't take his clothes with him when he goes to shower... But i am saying this as someone with actual experience, not a over-analyzing autist.


Although there are not many things less alpha than sitting around debating what is alpha, filming a guy in a locker room get naked is definitely one of them

Good one retard.

But he's not in the shower yet, and he just dumps his shirt on floor in an inconvenient spot. Seems like he's trying way too hard, not alpha.

t. Sink shower faggot

That's def not sexy, he looks like a Chad brainlet that only has his body to attract someone
*look how i don gib a fuck bruh*

Lmao true, that's the strangiest and cringiest move ever. Who dafuq?

100% attwhore, made me puke

i literally go to hot springs with my friends fully nude every weeked

Tastes like fishing

>in locker room in Korea
>naked men everywhere
>just hanging out and chatting in the nude
>naked kids running around and playing in the locker room
>everybody totally comfortable with their bodies

>locker room in any western country
>90% of people don't shower
>5% shower in underwear and wear a towel to change under
>95% of people very uncomfortable

>everybody totally comfortable with their bodies
>plastic surgery a common birthday present for teenage girls

Jiggle jiggle! Bless this fucking video, but it needs the sound, user.

You're either pathetic for being insecure in that situation or you're normal for doing it. Nothing alpha about it desu. His gait screams trying too hard though.

>5% shower in underwear
I really really want to believe this. It's too funny. Unfortunately that cannot be true. Who the fuck showers in their underwear?!

Some men's penis just shrunk to a quite ridiculous size - due to heavy exercise and different blood-flow characteristics - and they do not want to be called small-dicked, just because of this, as when it comes to action their dick can be pretty impressive, but they cannot prove it as showing a full hard-on in front of others might be considered to be gay. So they cover their shrunken acorn dick amongst the impressively meat-dicked fellas.

That's true story, especially where there are saunas. They do their work -out , they go to have a shower in their sweaty underwear, which sweat under the shower more or less "washed" out, and then they go to the sauna in it. True story, seen with my own eyes.

t. small dick

Honestly I hate how fucking pussified modern Western men are about being nude around eachother. Men who are 40+ just remark "Hey, he doesn't have anything I don't" and strut around naked not giving a fuck, while millennials are out here unironically worried that they'll be taking it too far if they change in a fucking men's changing room.

If you have an acorn sized dick after getting out of a shower chances are you have a small dick desu.

>Implying I want other men (faggots) to see my hairy ass hole
Yeah okay

>but they cannot prove it as showing a full hard-on in front of others might be considered to be gay.

yet those same dudes looking at your dick and making fun of you for having a small dick? just flip it back on them and call them gay for looking at your dick

>1.5 inches soft
>6.5 hard

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well there are now :3 gosh i wish this webm were longer

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Post pusy

it is pseudo alpha. you can tell by him still giving a fuck if someone can see his tiny wang. he is covering his genitals like a virgin and this is just a mere attempt at trying to look alpha.

How's this even possible

>tfw literally all of my friends have seen my penis
You aren't true bros unless you've seen each others cocks and I mean this unironically. Unless you have a literal micropenis, every soft cock looks around the same. Who cares?

I'm not american can someone explain

Literally no one gives a fuck about your cock size when it's soft unless you have a micropenis.

We are still an extremely protestant based society. Embarrassed by naked bodies, condemning drugs and alcohol, and working way too much.

Would your grandfather be gay enough to do this in his youth?

>condemning drugs and alcohol

You care, you fucking creep.
>You aren't true bros unless you've seen each others cocks and I mean this unironically

Promote discipline over abstinence. Restrictions breed rebellions.

It's not like I've pulled my mates pants down faggot, my friends and I just have no shame in our penises as we aren't microcock cunts and understand that looking at a naked body doesn't make you want to fuck them in the ass.. Grow up, I bet you won't wipe your son or daughters ass because you're too scared of being called a pedo or gay lmao

That is what society promotes, hippie. Everyone I've associated with who does any drug that isn't alcohol or cannabis has been a total degenerate.

Then you're gay user.

>grow up and show me your cock you fucking gay asshole haha I bet you let your kids stew in their own shit!

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NOW IM GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Now that I think about it bitches are always naked when they know men ain't around.
Does that mean they're lesbians?
Or are you gay if you have issues with being naked in front of other men...?
Explain to me how humans work Jow Forums.

Attached: gayaf.gif (220x220, 138K)

No it's not. The DARE program and just say no are still crazy recent. No one actually dives into what drugs and alcohol can do, the good and the bad. Preparing someone for the effects and correct usage of drugs and alcohol is not taught at any high school I know of.
Ignorance is the key to self destruction

Silly Billy, it's obviously a female (male)

>not going full mast before taking your clothes off
Found the beta.

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Is this another thread where both sides of the topic don't think about it at all but the epic shitposter feels the need to stoke a flame war anyways?

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Is the guy at the end saying "fuck I'd tap that" lel?

They're Canadian so probably

His ancestors probably lived in a cold climate, this evolutionary adaption is very handy in conserving blood for the more important regions, sadly this adaption is quite useless today.

I wish mine be like that. I've never measured it, but my dick is like a permanent semi-erection even when I'm not aroused and I hate it because it sticks out in pants and stuff. I've seen people peak and notice and I'm not one who likes attention like that unless I know the person intimately.

Honestly don't know why people would be upset over being a "grower." The girl might laugh in the beginning, but if you've already got her in the position where she sees it, you just tell her that it gets much bigger when it's hard or something.

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Never understood prudes. Nudity is not sexual unless in the right context

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But it is disrespectful to show your bare ass to a room full of people

Really? Because no one in that rooms seems disrespected.

What's disrespectful about an ass? It would be disrespectful if he mooned everybody or took a fat dump in the middle but not this

this bro, we all fluff

>walking in a lockeroom barefooted

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when i played football all the muslims in the team showered in underwear
Also a non muslim who was ashemed of his dick

Based Islamic moral gains

that's a "been in the locker room thousands of times and no longer give a fuck" move.

>Embarrassed by naked bodies
but that looks like an hockey team, they should be used to shower together and seeing each other naked, i don't get what is strange in that webm

I'm sorry, do your cheeks keep themselves apart naturally, or are you flashing your asshole in every direction when standing upright?

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not in a lockeroom dipshit

No need to apologise

A lot of immature, disrespectful children getting offended by this basic truth, it seems

post boipucci

What are we judging here? What does he do that is different than normal?

Locker rooms in countries with Sauna/Banya culture are filled to the brim with butt naked guys if you like that stuff

Weak comeback as only insecure teens tend to care about seeing bros naked

in what country is getting naked in a changing room a notable thing. it's about as worth filming as a guy getting his dick out in a public toilet

if you're neither gay nor insecure, you don't care if you're naked around others
it's like old naked guys in the sauna, they just don't give a fuck because (unlike you) they don't see anything sexual about

Yeah no shit, it was a joke comeback



Are u me?
2 inches soft 4 inches semi and 6.5 hard.

What kind of faggot films inside a locker room?

Not only is it gay, it is also a crime.

>he doesn't take cold showers
Spotted the basedboy

9 cm soft
19.5 cm hard

I just wanna be one of the bros but my bisexuality is fucking it up. I feel like a damn creep because everytime in the showers after gym or wherever I can't help but glance. I really have to focus not to look but it's subconsious. Same if I see their pits, crotches, butts or stomachs, etc during summer.

I'm unvoluntarily perving on my bros. Feels bad man

Is this an alpha move.

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I can see none of you have ever actually played a sport before. I can't think of anything more normal than stripping down in front of teammates. It literally doesn't matter and no one cares. It only gets gay if someone takes a prolonged look at your junk, at which point they get put on "gay watch" and lose their naked privileges.

It is not, but my pusy is bleeding rn so doubt you would like to say that