"user, no one cares how much you bench"

>"user, no one cares how much you bench"

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Other urls found in this thread:


>If you had to choose between a guy with zero muscles and someone with muscles, who would you pick
>i-i would pick the one with a good personality!
>/show picture of two guys, one with muscles and one who is basically a skeleton
>who do you pick
>/picks muscles
>well then you fucking care about bench dont you
Every conversation like this ever


yeah but i care

y-you too

Ok. I’m garbage. Piss in my mouth please

>I care.

Some nerds in a japanese forum care.

imagine this haha as a joke of course haha

It matters to me Karen

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Correct it only matter how big you are. lmfao at all the twinks ego lifting while I mog them

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I only do dips. Now shut up and take that warm and huge dump on my chest.

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nice Ikea "art" lol

Only correct answer.

Does this mean you want to fuck me for my answer

Uhhhmmmm No sweetie :), I care.

>taking the girl statement at face value

This is where you fucked up. It has nothing to do with actual preference; it's just a way for them to preen their reputation and signal virtue. Trying to corner them with your ebin logic just broadcasts your autism to everyone nearby.

>being a non-retard is autism
sign of the times

>being willfully ignorant about social subtext
>'no they are the retards'

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The social subtext in itself is highly autistic, though.

She’s ugly

>whatever I don't like is autism

Nah, it's dishonest and self-serving; not autistic. This is the same reaction Jow Forums spastics have when they label any 'normie' shit as autism.

"will you just sit on my face so I can finish this set you dumb bitch?"

>no one cares how short your shorts are but I'm not saying anything

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I do, and that's enough.

who is she

Are you retarded?

If she says she prefers someone with personality, why would you then give her the option between muscle vs skelly?

she'd pick the most handsome

Fuck off, gains goblin.

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The only real answer tbhonest famalams.

i dont know

It's true.

What they actually care about is how much you squat, because girls like a good ass on a guy, too.

You're subconsciously shit-testing me

That's true, a good bench means nothing with a shit total.

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Instead of showing her pictures:
> You can pick between this vapid, self obsessed muscle head you know, or
> This chubby, charismatic and confident dude who makes you laugh every day

You lose every time my man

chubby dad bod is no longer trending you piece of shit retard. it's all about the muscles again.

Came here to post this

> Missing the point

Girls don't want to talk to you about the gym all the time, and if they do it's generally ebcause they are just as thick headed. Guys who constantly talk about the gym and constantly go to the gym and only care about their gains always end up in the type of relationship that they show on reality television. Charisma is infinitely more appealing to a girl than your fucking pecks.

this. only teenagers lift for girls

and nobody cares about what you have to say, they just want to fuck you like the whore you are

Based haha poster

i was expecting a "if you read this your mother will ..." on the text behind her
what a missed opportunity

I can do 1pl8 for reps, now suck cock slut

I'm new to this Jow Forumsness thing. What's consider real nigga numbers when it comes to bench?


I care.

>447 for elite
>I can only do 250
damn, I suck

Sure, if your singular goal in life is to competitively lift. Intermediate would put you above most everyone on Jow Forums, Advanced would make you pretty much unmoggable.

>being proud of this

source on pic related? asking for a friend

who this qt? name?

>Girls don't want to talk to you about the gym all the time, and if they do it's generally ebcause they are just as thick headed. Guys who constantly talk about the gym and constantly go to the gym and only care about their gains always end up in the type of relationship that they show on reality television. Charisma is infinitely more appealing to a girl than your fucking pecks

grow up, pal

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I don't care what you think thot. Get out of my way before I OHP you into the manlet pit.

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Fix your teeth, cunt.

It's like you don't understand the world. Everything is like that.
>Man kills another man
>Oh no
>The other man was a convicted murderer
>Great then
>He also was about to find the cure for cancer
>Oh no
>But the man who shot did it in self defense
>But also the murdered was next to a lever which he could have pulled if he was alive a bit longer, the lever could switch the tracks of a trolley...
>Oh fuck off not this shit again

Neither do I. How much I bench doesn't dictate anything positive in my life

Only 6 kg away from being advanced
Bench is by far my worse lift.

I do 285 and still feel small. But then I realize I'm the only person in the two gyms I go to who can even bench that close to 3 pl8.

>thou shalt not murder
> = murder is bad
Wow that was hard.

>he doesn't think murder is justified in some circumstances

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Killing and murder are two different things.

yeah, and murder is sometimes justified

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This. Expanding on this, since I care, according to OPs character, I would be no-one to her, which is a derision of me as a person that just makes that statement completely irrelevant.

eh. meme threads I guess

he's right though
here's a gay test for you that you won't even need me to flash you pictures for:
how many buff dudes do you know that have been married as long as you've been alive and love their wife, and she loves him back?
not many, because not many men get buff in the first place. those that do more than what regular women consider "buff," spend all their time chasing a different dream that ends how it begins -- shallowness.

i actually know this girl irl

>implying id ever talk about working out with a girl

>"exactly user"

Because that's what women means when they say "personality".

Stop judging people on what they say, judge them on what they do. I can't count the number of women who were "so different" and who always ended up with an uninteresting mountain of muscle.

Punchable face.

nice stereotype
not every chubster loser is a charismatic devil
not every jacked guy is a narcissist douchebag

>he lets others (whether god or religious figures) totally dictate his definitions of morality
confirmed for never becoming ubermensch

Name, pics, nudes, come on.

>not every Muslim is a terrorist
Okay, bub.


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stfu bitch, my dad cares

Then why does every "bro" ask me how much I bench you stupid whore?

>"what are you basing this on?"

Because you're small so they are genuinely intrigued.