Sunday night feels

How have you been holding up, Jow Forums? Good weekend? Any big plans for this week?

Also favorite compound lift so mods don’t shit on me. Mine is OHP.

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Mine is bent over row. Was supposed to meet tinder slot but she canceled on me. Now just reading.

>she doesn't have feelings for me

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I had to work my wage cuck job all weekend so nothing fun for me. Gyms been going good though. Probably just going to watch animu with my gf when she gets out of work.

What kind of job?

I used to do that and honestly working saturdays and sundays is the worst

Deadlift is my favorite lift because it's the one I can relate too. I hate the gym hard today so I'm feeling pretty good. But I know the depression will be back soon. I'm a NEET that recently got a DUI. So my only plans are to avoid alcohol and suicidal thoughts, and to keep lifting of course.

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I’m uneasy because I just left my job (small business detailing vehicles) because my boss and his father were toxic people to me.
My future is up in the air. I applied for the California conservation corps. I’m going to an info session on the 18th. In the meantime I’ll have to do craigslist gigs for money.
It’s been my first week completely sober in years probably (except black coffee). Gave up weed and alcohol (pills too months ago) I’m fairly depressed but holding in there.
Good news is I’m going to Lake Tahoe the 3rd-5th with a friends family.

>usually get into work an hour before everyone else so i can leave at 4 instead of 5 to beat traffic and have time to lift and shit
>be at work on thursday
>everyone has off friday
>qt asian and this other girl keep asking me to go to happy hour after work
>down to go, ask when they’re going
>they say 5pm
>don’t want to wait around for an hour so i decline
>tfw being smart about time management fucked me

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>friday at work
>talking with coworkers at lunch
>talking about relationships
>gay coworker talking about what its like to date guys
>i say "if i was gay, id date you"
>he responds "if you were gay, i would not date you"
>everyone chuckles at it
>dont know why but i was slightly hurt by that comment
>hours go by
>still thinking about what he said
>feeling bad
>sunday night
>still feeling bad
>going to go in tomorrow and probably think about it some more

i don't actually want to date him, but something about how he said it just bothered me.
like he rejected me without me even asking.
i shouldn't be as hung up on this, but i am.

Turned 26 last week and decided to become Jow Forums
Made my first chicken breast, rice and steamed veg yesterday and it was awful.
Long road ahead.

Reposting coz why not
>be Moroccan = crazy family
I can’t green text right now, were from Rabat and they’re moving me to a small town in the middle of no where and I can’t do anything here, not allowed to leave the house alone.

I can’t improve. we have no gyms. I can’t eat right cause food is my only form of entertainment and already gained ten kgs. Don’t have proper internet. I have no education. I can’t pretend that things will get better. The future is over and I feel so worn out and I can’t even fight it. I don’t have the energy to. I think ending it might be the right thing for me. I’m broken. Damaged goods.

I’m should be doing okay my guys, I’m excelling at football, I’m getting swole. Started going out with a long time friend but I feel like shit, I love her but I feel like I’m not good enough. I’m not sure I completely trust her, even though I’ve known her forever. After reading all the shit on here about how women see a man as a status symbol I’m scared she’ll leave me if the moment presents itself. It’s weird cause I simultaneously resent her but I want to love her guys. Am I over thinking things fit? I know I can’t talk this shit out with her cause I’d seem like an insecure beta. Another note we were actual best friends for a solid 4 years before now so if I fuck this up it’d suck.

Keep it up get an education or certification stay off the drugs especially weed and pharma. Gl

How old are you? Just marry a local and create more babies for the future


It's the gay demon trying to get a hold of you. Stop worrying about some faggot.

Breh you’re a swole dude on your football team and you’ve known your girl for years. There’s no way she’s going to drop you for some “status symbol” bs. And if she does she was a shit person to begin with

I’m 23, I’m stuck in a small town where the average guy would consider me a whore for talking to him on the phone before we got married

Just do a bunch of calisthenics and run.

Than get an arranged marriage

You're a morrocan

Take up running

apply to any american college
get a student visa
find a guy
get married
drop out of college
never look back

syrian women do this kind of shit all the time

Where would I run? I’m not allowed to go out alone

So i can be beaten cause he had a bad day? Fuck villagers

I PR’d on bench and squat on Friday morning, and spent that night hanging out with her at work just watching some dumb show. I felt the happiest I had in a long time.

Saturday, I made a bunch of food for the week and we snapped and texted, just talking about whatever and laughing at our inside jokes.

She was with her boyfriend today.

Tomorrow I’ll get stronger again.

I would have done the same user. Not going to let bitches stand in the way of my workouts. Except for one. If she came back, I would miss a workout for her. Just to say goodbye in person

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>Tomorrow I’ll get stronger again.
for the past month and a half (since I have joined the gym) this is all I think about during the weekend while I am resting. I am wanting to get back to work on M-F so that I can get stronger and hopefully somewhat bigger in the process

why am I even acquiring this strength? because why the fuck NOT?

At least your dad can get as few goats and some other animals if you get married

Lie and wait. When they are at their most vulnrable state, spring out of nowhere and destroy them. Never contemplate suicide when your enemy's death is an option.

Just keep at it man. Eat well and stay focused. Having the combination of the desire to get stronger and the will to stay after it puts you above 90% of the rest of the people around you.

I’ve found that the biggest benefit of wanting to become stronger isn’t the actual strength, but the discipline I’ve learned in the process.

>Good weekend?
Was alright. Had the mother of all DOMS after taking a week off then hitting heavy squats. On the last few Sundays I've tried cooking something new, and today it was shrimp curry. I was an idiot and forgot to de-shell the shrimp before putting it into the pot, so afterwards I had to pick out the shrimp while it was still hot and remove the shell. There's also a heatwave with no AC, so I'm going to sleep in the basement to stay cool.

>Any big plans for this week?
Hoping to wrap up a project at work, plus we have the 4th off so I'll probably shitpost for most of the day.

> Also favorite compound lift
Either squats or OHP. They make me _feel_ strong rather than just moving numbers up.

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I’m not going to murder my parents

I've accepted me and >her will never get together. But should I ask her if one of her friends is single?

Not good op, my onetitis is fucking a guy rn and Im under house arrest

Deadlift 4 dayz

month down Jow Forums road at 27, determined not be a skeleton at 30. got me to quit smoking pot and accept a promotion at work. it's a long road but it leads to a better place. we're gonna make it bro.

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>tfw home alone instead of out watching the Canada Day fireworks

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>dad is very impulsive
>rages at smallest things
>just yelled in anger why is his left shoe on the right and his right shoe on the left for example
>yells in anger when he drops his car keys, blames his pockets and the designers being retards from India
>threw phone against a wall because of auto correct which turned out actually fixed his grammar and used the word proper

>the other day he asks me to do something that i couldnt do for another 5 hours, we can get a ticket and fined
>i do this when the time comes
>he yells at me for not listening to him and doing the task at the last minute
>i tell him to just get the fuck out of my face and that im sick of his attitude
>he tries to punch me, the first time he was ever about to hit me in 25 years
>i dodge it and grab his wrist then shove him away
>i tell him i wouldnt worry about me and he should be scared of himself being so fucking stupid, this better be the last time he upsets me

>he tells me i ruined his life and just walks away

Hes been locked in his room watching tv for 3 days now.

He lives in my house that i bought with no help from him ever. The fucking people on this planet man.

He thinks cause i lived at home til uni hes done a great deed for me.

thank you. I have been focusing on eating better/healthier for a long time now but I am trying to eat more to match the intensity of my training. I can't wait to see my progress after years because I am more than up for that level of commitment

I wish I knew what was wrong with me. I wish I knew why it's so hard for me to find love.

My life hasn't been better ever, and yet I feel so lonely.

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same here, bro. I'm pretty normie tier for the most part but I'm at a weird part of my life where most of my friends are married with kids or they're at their cabins this weekend so I've literally been at home alone all weekend. Went out to get groceries today. At least tomorrow is a day off.

Weekend was gud. A lot more sociable recently, and I'm noticing people enjoy my company at bars and parties. I think I've always assumed I'd be displeasing to be around with, but lifting has given me the confidence to dress better, chat up strangers, be the extroverted one.

Still though, I'm mortified of asking for dates or engaging in intimacy, even when plastered. I don't think I'll ever be truly comfortable with myself, and every time this one qt walks though my gym, I'm reminded of the walls I've continued to build up. I'd much rather live in a fantasy where my affection is unknown and mutual than risk being crushed.

no man, it was a little bit of a rude comment he made and id probably be thinking about it a lot too, like he already consideres you unworthy. just do your best to move on

Holy shit my dad is the same way. Just blew up and left the house because Netflix didn't have the original Blade Runner up for streaming. Said he'd be back tomorrow, getting tired of it, wish I could leave

yeah he sounds like a bitch man, i know it your dad but people who dont realize the only person they can blame for their situation is themselves are cunts

19 year old zoomer here, just bought a guitar off a friend for $100, but I think im too stupid to learn how to play it from watching youtube videos

I feel like such an idiot when there are kids half my age able to figure this out when I can barely get my fingers in position to play a fucking d chord

should I pay for lessons so I don't pick up bad habits or should I just neck myself

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Just be straight forward with her. This site had me thinking of females as robots that will leave you as soon as you state something “beta”. As long as you don't do that shit 24/7 she will likely give you a straight answer back.

I did the same thing man. Got my groceries, then was in the kitchen all day doing meal prep while everyone else was probably out partying and enjoying the sun. The qt cashier didn't make eye contact with me once, not sure if she was shy or was just repulsed by me, I'm guessing the latter.

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I can't break though my mental block to get my six pack. I'm at about 14% body fat and I can see my outline coming though but I keep giving in to cheat meals and fucking it up under pressure from friends to go get food. I feel like such a fucking waste. LIke I've been wasting effort stalling on this cut. How do I power through this guys?

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Meeting qtgf's family this week. I wanted to be jacked by now but didnt make it. Have to try to win them over with my personality instead. Probably fucked.

Lessons are good, but see if you can pi k it up from the videos. Nobody ever learned in a day, or even a year, just see if you enjoy learning it, and if the videos arent enough, try the lessons

Really man? Thanks, I’m still unsure of how to bring it up though. Could you help me out a little?

Dude everyone is like that when they first try guitar. Wait until you try a C chord you'll want to kill yourself

been trying to learn for a few days now and i feel your pain,
i know it sounds cliche but just keep practiciing. the more often you practice setting your hand in the right postion for a D chord and then transitioning to another, the better , faster and more automatic it will become. ive noticed after three days of practicing the same chord over, i can get it almost perfectly.

also it feels super awkward but most guitar teachers say try to learn without looking at your hands, as great players know the shape of chords by feel alone
good luck

I’m on lithium and a low dose of Zyprexa. Part of the reason I’m on zyprexa is I fucked up and took too much adderall. I’ve been depressed since the 8th grade. The lithium keeps me stable and the last time I stopped taking it I wrote my own suicide note and my family had to talk me out of running into Chicago traffic. Women say I’m good looking and I’ve been called “beautiful” by hot girls on the side of the street. I’m beta and a pretty boy. I haven’t had a a friend since I was in the 8th grade. My personality changed from outgoing and fun to be around to literally the school lone wolf. I’ve never had a girlfriend. I go on dates and I wonder if the girls are expecting the person I was before the medication. At least this last date is corresponding after the date plus she’s a short qt and says she wants a second date

I miss having a low inhibition. The only way I could feel like myself again (before the medication) was with alcohol.

I work in sales and I’ve become a nicotine fiend in the process and am literally killing myself. My sales go down when I’m not smoking or dipping. But because of this job I’ve been able to reduce my medication to a low dose because of social and mental gains.

I dropped out of college a few years ago and want to go back. I’m 24

>sober in years probably (except black coffee)
don't wanna shock you too much here user, but coffee is nonalcoholic

When you text her call her babe or something, if she returns the name she thinks you're good enough for her. If you dont give a fuck just ask “am I good enough for you” and if she breaks up because of a single question it wasn't gonna last anyway.

im no expert here man but i think you should go back to school, it really seems like youre not happy where you are right now and thats okay man.
just find anything really that you want to study, even if its some suilly stuff like philosophy, just go enjoy it. or if thats not an option at the very least try to learn a new skill or pick up writing, or guiatr. just really try and develop yourself as a person and maybe it will help you identify yourself by more than just the medications your on and your social status.

>got drunk with qt I know
>we've fucked around a little and I sleep with her whenever I'm too drunk to drive home
>she's scared of commitment, daddy issues, etc
>right now she's the only girl I think about
>really do have feelings for her
>want her to be happy
>tell her what I think one night after we get back from the bars
>fall asleep next to her after making out for a little
>next morning tell her I'm sorry if I made her feel weird by telling her that stuff
>she says she needs time to think about what I said
anyway bench press is neat, I like deadlifts too though

good for you for not being a pussy about it tho, i hope it works out for you my guy

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Keep searching, you can find the answer but it will be painful

should've just met them there user, but I respect your time management skills

thanks bros ill keep at it

Hang in there user. Joining a conservation corps helped me out a lot - being outside in nature doing manual labor all day makes you feel great.
Just watch out for your degen coworkers if you're trying to stay sober

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There's a girl I at work I really wanna fuck and I rarely got to talk to her but we got along. On Friday we were coming back from having lunch elsewhere with the group and we chatted for a bit. Afterwards I sent her something related to what we were talking about and we chatted for a while through Hangouts.
Today she sent me a meme via Instagram, we talked for a bit again and I made her laugh so I guess it's going well.
Seeing that message notification made me feel great.

I prefer chicken thighs over chicken breast, I buy them skinless and deboned. I think thighs taste way better than breast, not nearly as dry and they are cheaper. Make sure you put salt in your rice when it cooks, I like to add in whatever herbs I have into my rice also (garlic, cilantro, onion, etc).

Got rejected a couple days ago by a girl I thought I had a chance with :/ Fuck my life man if only I had asked her out earlier

>have feels for a girl I was close with in my grad program
>find out bro had a thing with her at one point late last semester
>don't think he knew I had feels whenever it began but I had at least two full-length convos about her with him during/after and he never mentioned it
I don't know how to feel about my bro. I feel like if I were with someone who my bro liked, I'd at least tell him so he could move on. What do you think?

Its Canada Day and i've just finished working out and this is me literally right now

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she was probably getting ready to party

My friend from high school was visiting for the weekend, so I threw a party for him. He ended up not coming and spending the weekend with a girl trying to hook up. The party went great, but I still miss my buddy

thanks bro, needed this right now. And I'm sure she was just shy or mirin

Don't get overly emotional, honestly. He probably doesn't care about the girl so didn't really Intuit that you would (because he doesn't think you are a beta). Maintain the illusion bro.

I think I'm about to start the process of breaking up with gf of three years.

>mom accidentally schedules appointment at wrong HR block for taxes
>dad has to drive an extra like 6 minutes
>blows up at the office cursing out the employees throwing shit
>on the drive home mom and sister are trying to calm him down
>gets out of the car in the middle of traffic, takes the keys and just starts walking

I heard this all second hand from my sister, but its awful having to be the kid apologizing to people because you know your parent is an asshole.

I asked a chad I know to choose between Incredibles or Jurassic world to watch over text message and he didn't even respond back to me.

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>be me lifting 2 years
>strongfat mode just hit 225 bench for one rep
>girl asks me to workout with her
>roided chad approaches us and basically mogs me
>girl basically tells me a few days later i should take his advice cause he seemed to know what hes doing
>had a convo how unthoughtful and insensitive she was
>she got angry and we never talked again

Fast forward 7 years

>be fit guru basically
>1700 total as a natty
>315 cnj
>girl asks me to help her tone at her gym
>dejavu chad approaches us
>just lead him on and one up him every opportunity
>he keeps making excuses like haha yeah i cant do that cause i am a boxer and it might hurt my joints!!
>just embarass him more and more passive aggressively being friendly and energetic
>he came back to say goodbye to us and the girl put her hips on my hips when she waved bye to him

Looks like its all downhill from here

the true alpha would lead her on and tell her to fuck off bitch you ain't alpha

that'll be me on 4th of July too my leafy brother

>tfw I’ll never be with a girl who’s as attractive as my sisters

They all married men that were slightly more handsome than me and my brother. Why live when hypergamy exists?

I dont get to see her for another month and a half. I really miss her. We text a decent amount but her phone is broken and only holds a charge for a couple minutes so its hard to get a hold of her

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Thats some shit my dad would do too. The worst part is that if you ask him what can we do to help he has no answer.

When everything is going perfect and theres nothing to yell at he becomes annoying. When you play along he kind of freezes in shock and starts to over eat. He eats so much he throws up all night.

I never claimed alpha, just being equipped with knowledge and muscle to actually have a chance at retaliation felt a lot more comfy than what happened a long time ago

Well, i'm currently on the toilet with some killer diarrhea so its going great.

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>tfw finished undergrad the other day
>family is all away on vacation without me
>friends all flaked on me for hanging out
>barbecued a chicken with my dog


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>barbecued a chicken with my dog
Jesus, isn't it a bit extreme to cook your pet because your friends didn't hang out with you user?

Had an ok workout, didnt take any pre so I was struggling a little. I should have done a rest day but w/e. Gonna cook sausages with a potato, trying a new recipie. Will also try to read a lot tonight and go to bed a reasonable time.

Overall feeling extremely depressed and lonely.

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he was a good friend...

Immersion therapy's going great, turns out I can be sociable after all

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How you fags holding up? Just got off of work and about to eat. Holy FUCK am I lonely.

I got rejected from the journalism school I was trying to get into. Combine that with looking the same after 1.5 years of lifting seriously, not having any real friends or a girlfriend, and not liking my part time jobs, and things really just don't feel okay.
I guess it's an achievement that I haven't binged in a while. I'm still hungry at times, but I'm not exceeding my calories (even though I'm bulking) so that's good.
I cried for the first time in ages a couple of nights ago. I was laying out on a dock at a little after midnight, just listening to the waves, looking at the stars, and the hopelessness that's been building up just kind of hit me. It's been several years and things still haven't gotten better no matter how much I've tried to make them better.

same bro

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You think people like messi and lebron james fap multiple times per week?

I have a gf and still fap daily and it crossed my mind ill prolly fap for a long time coming.

Seems like a lot of you guys fap as much as me which made me wonder if these guys do it too

You the argument some people use where it's like "sometimes I want to fap and get a quick nut and other times I actually want to fuck my SO" ? I feel like Lebron could just get some random bitch to suck him off if he wanted that quick nut.

I don't think that man has stroked out his own nut in a long time unless he was blasting some chick's face.

I'm going to break up with my gf of three years, feeling scared as fuck

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the one friend i have actually texted me today and asked if i was going out to some person we knows canada day party, all the lc's were closed and i couldnt bring myself to show up sober so i just said i was too tired for it

why are you breaking up with her?

Broke deadlift and ohp pr and also mom visited and made pesto

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Should I ask this girl I used to be in love with if one of her friends is single?

what are those little blue things in the bottom left

I don't want to marry her and we are mid-to-late 20s and I think it's time to call it quits if I'm not going to do anything.

I love her but I don't see it working out.