Butt Theory 101

I have a theory that I don't think I could ever work to prove fully, but it's fleshed out enough that I can now share the main details:

I think the quality of guys' butts (let's say from puberty to 25, so we leave out the people who got a good butt as they got older) correlates directly to the size of those same guys' dicks. Let's lay out a few facts here:

1) Penis size is largely hereditary but is most affected by boosts in testosterone directly before, during, and after puberty

2) Compound lifting mildly to moderately increases testosterone

3) What is the compound lift that is most beneficial to the body as a whole (arguably)? The squat.

4) What muscle do you contract at the height of the squat once your quads are disengaged? The butt (if you're using proper form, which you should do, always)

5) I have an average butt. I don't focus on hypertrophy of the butt in the gym because I worry it would take away from all the focus i've put into other muscle groups if it got too good. I have, at 20% bodyfat, an average penis. Like literally textbook united states average. (At low body fat, it actually looks pretty decent on my body btw)

Now for the theory:
The flexing of the gluteus to achieve a pump at the height of a squat or a lunge or a hip bridge forces blood (because that's what a pump is, literally blood rushing) to the middle of the body, where it can either provide to the flexing muscles or what's around them.

What's literally right on the other side of you at the same height as your butt? Your dick.

So, people who did more compound movements, probably ones that involve a butt flex, when going through and just after puberty, had more blood near their dick more consistently to cause it to react to the growth stuff that for men doesn't entirely stop until around age 20-22. Therefore, the people with better formed butts (which are hereditarily linked but also can be overcome. Just like the hereditary piece of the dick size indicators/factors.

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An anecdotal addendum to this theory:

When I'm masturbating or having sex, when I flex my butt, it feels a million times better. Getting ridden while in a hip bridge? It's insane. Never felt anything like it.

When I masturbate in a space where I can mount my masturbator on a wall or something, I always make sure to squeeze the glutes extra hard. Makes everything better.

I just saw a porn with a monster black cock going into a hot white girl and he didn't have big glutes

fucker was a goddamn gorilla looking big motherfucker though

goddamn his cock is so huge too no wonder girls like tall guys

First off I never made this racial. And also I never said "big glutes" i said "quality of butts" meaning they have a good butt. Big is not equal to good.


You're fucking stupid

Thank you for your response.

You’re on to something here. But do not forget that a strong butt supports the pelvic floor (see: APT->NeautralPelvicTile

Also, duration of growing and losing big butt is a period of months or Years, meaning that with some reliaibility, the holder of the neutral butt has had susbstantially more pelvic floor support and therefore bloodflow to penis. The direction of force of a butt is OUTWARD through the front. Outward growth. Everything about this makes sense

Genius, put me in the screen cap

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this needs a screenshot


Holy shit genius. Screencap me


Based GENOUSE poster holy shit

>fitness and health

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will glute kickbacks and squats give me a womanly butt?
t trap

Shut up BRAINLET youre fucking GAY

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To help out your theory OP, I've had my ass molested in highschool by a female and right now at age 24 my penis is 7inx 6.3in.

I'm only 6.5"x 4.75" desu. Not big at all. Pic related tho

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Impossible off the bat ive always had 2 things mentioned to me throughout highschool
1 u have no ass wtf do u even walk
2 ur dick is huge wtf

>1) Penis size is largely hereditary but is most affected by boosts in testosterone directly before, during, and after puberty
I have a big 8x6 penis and I don't believe this because I'm sure my testosterone levels are garabge because I'm pushing 30 and have shit facial hair despite my dad and grandfather have amazing beard genetics

what do you do for glute work?

>always have had hank hill ass
>decide to start lifting
>deadlift 5plates
>be at work
>sitting with my back towards one hot chick
>she says something to me
>mfw she looks at my butt 100%
>later on one male coworker mention she said i have nice taper and great butt

>at work im in sweatpants
>they show off my ass / leg gains
>whenever i walk to fridge to get lunch sure as shit females look at my ass

Kinda understand why girls like wearing slutty clothes

>i think about guys butts
>in puberty

Fit is listening

OP biggest fucking brain. Fuckin' cap me or else

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>putting this much thought into dudes asses and dicks
Cmon man

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Nothing, just genetics. My max squat is 220lbs for 2 and dl is 300 for 1.

Post ass
No homo

See, you say no homo but it definitely feels at least a little bit homo to take a picture of my ass and post it for other men.

So this is the power.... of homosexuality + autism.... Woah..

Small ass but it improved with my deadlifts and squats

Teach me instagram slut magics on ass pics

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>that's an improvement
I'm sorry to hear that.


Did you have an ingrown or concave ass beforehand?

This guy is onto something

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Your theory makes sense OP. I have a big ass and also have an 8 inch penis.

post yer dad and mom's dick sizes faggot