After approximately 2-5 years, the human brain for those in a relationship changes...

After approximately 2-5 years, the human brain for those in a relationship changes. Brain scans of activity show that for the beginning of the relationship, activity is centered in the ''lust'' center of the brain when a human is looking at his or her partner. But after a while, the activity in the brain changes. Over time, the activity changes to the ''comfort'' and ''safety'' centers of the brain.

You're going to have to come to grips with this. Only in a minority of cases do people have lust for their ''partner'' for life. You're probably not going to be the special case.

You'll need to plan your life around this fact of nature.

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This is actually a good thing. It means if you've gone through the heartbreak of losing a 3+ year relationship, the pain is simply the loss of comfort. I can deal with that.

test drops also from what i have heard. womens test goes up after childbirth hence the "mamabear" term while mens drop so that they stay faithful

>The Coolidge effect (also known as the Clinton effect ) is a biological phenomenon seen in animals, whereby males (and to a lesser extent females) exhibit renewed sexual interest whenever a new female is introduced to have sex with, even after cessation of sex with prior but still available sexual partners.
>This effect can be attributed to an increase in sexual responsiveness, and a decrease in the refractory period. The evolutionary benefit to this phenomenon is that a male can fertilize multiple females.The male may be reinvigorated repeatedly for successful insemination of multiple females.

Got a question for ya m8: ya ever fucked a pillow? How bout rubbed one out against ya bed? I find my pillows and my bed both comfortable and safe, doesn't mean they can't get me hard. My lady's just the same: she's comforting, but she still gives me more wood than a lumber yard. Quit trying to blackpill people 'cause of your own bad life choices, cunt. Take your crab bucket somewhere else.

>Quit trying to blackpill people 'cause of your own bad life choices, cunt. Take your crab bucket somewhere else.

Anything you've perceived about life choices of the OP is a complete projection of yourself onto the post. The thread merely states a phenomena.

>also known as the Clinton effect

damn white girl's asses are literally evolving for the bbc

Us incel virgins amirite?

I just keep a couple side chicks in rotation. My wife is amazing, has a great job, and is a boss at cooking.

lol based piece of shit user

samefag and virgin detected

I mean, I'm not an incel or a virgin, but that breakup fucked with me pretty bad. Only been seen naked by two girls.

Wrong. First paragraph states a phenomena, other two make presumptions and recommendations. Nice try cunny

>not being able to appreciate a good fake post

Can you guys spot the cognitive dissonance tells in these posts?

>fake asses
no thanks

lefts face on rights bod would be ideal

What about for womens

no, explain

based user
rule of thumb is never marry before five years
i made mine wait 7 years

swap noses too

Cognitive dissonance implies they're all the same person. So no, you stupid nigger

>you stupid nigger
your post is both wrong and mad lmao

Women lust 24/7. It's why Cosmo mags are all about sex and Men's mags are all about business and bettering yourself.

Women catch feelings as soon as you bang, for the most part. Suspicious/Indifferent to most guys up until.

Cognitive dissonance - the mental discomfort experienced by a person who simultaneously holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values.
Single person, you stupid nigger

Ah I see, you're just pretending to be retarded. Interesting troll, though I don't see the point.

I prefer right's face

Because you should have transitioned to nuturing children by that stage. You are biologically programmed to lose attraction to, and break pair-bonding with, sterile partners so that your genes find someone else fecund to procreate with.

Attached: White-Family-Photo.jpg (2534x1690, 558K)

My willpower is greater than some stupid biological urges. I can hold my pee in, I can hold my shit in, and I can force myself into whatever I want.

Sorry user hundreds of thousands of years of successful ancestors have sexually selected you not to be able to choose to be loser

Are you fucking stupid?

>Sources: None
gee thanks OP

Yeah what a fucking dingus. I hope he gets pozzed

>women catch feelings as soon as you bang
It's weird how that fits exactly into my reality. Every single female that I've banded ended up catching feels for me.
While the ones that I'm trying to bang are harder to approach and get close.

Anyway, I honestly doubt that's generally true.

Thank you for this accurate and peer reviewed scientific research, OP.

Can confirm. Been with my pig of a gf for more than two years now. I don't even touch her anymore but I still love being around her. Suck desu

So that's why they turn into moody nags.

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2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1

>After approximately 2-5 years, the human brain for those in a relationship changes.
Pro fucking tip: After 2 to 5 years of reliable relationship people start putting less effort into their relationship too.

>Oh my god are you saying as someone puts less effort into looking sexy, they get less attractive?! No way!

Science on relationships is a fucking joke, we know that relationships change but the question that should be asked but isn't because we don't know is WHY.

It could be chemical interference which is uncontrollable or it could and is much more likely to be natural fucking effects from being with the same person and giving less shits about your looks.

I once banged a girl for two months. No feeling at all. After these two months she said, she cant have contanct anymore because her BF is back from his 2 months vacation

That was a allmywat.jpg moment

You can choose to hold those in, but you cannot control having the urge to let them out. You can choose not to cheat, but you cannot choose to have the urge to fuck other hot women.

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Except there's something called Society. Human's aren't just driven by their natural urges.

Science and reason cannot explain human desire and love. It's dumb to try.

If you didnt recognized it: Jews are destroying it right in this moment

>You'll need to plan your life around this fact of nature.
Ok and how?

t. biology brainlet

Who is this brapper with the ugly face on the right? these 2 get posted often but no names are given.

Well, that’s interesting, my ex (together for around two years), just married her new partner, and three weeks before the wedding in a fit of panic told me she still loved me and never found him anywhere near as physically attractive as she found me. I guess it’s good that things will work out for them. Man was she mad at me for telling him. Now my friends call me the wedding crasher.

Imagine actually getting married