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How you let yourself get this way I have no idea

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Have some webms.

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Is that bollocks on the last guy or just fat?

What goes through a man's thoughts while he fills a bowl of cereal with heavy cream?

Or does such a man even have sentient thought at that point?

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Just fat, his balls have probably receded into his fat at this point.

Tonight, on human dumpsters go diving their metal comrades!

imagine being a man, or what passes for it, with a shelf butt. keksus maximus.

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I’m dumping all these posts I have from that same lady who said asking for a smaller slice of cake is fatphobic youtu.be/1-rJE4xwK0Y

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>Fatties claim weight isn't indicative of their fitness
>Can only pull off the same pose with a door frame

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>when basedboys attack

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She has a blog btw virgietovar.com/blog

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>that smug fucking face
Males me kek every time

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I know a lot of people that turned into gay/lesbian because nobody will fuck with them because their fatness

That’s all I have uwu

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how can someone that ugly and fat be that smug? jesus christ


>One copy of Persona 5 please

im mad that these disgusting sacks of lard have better and fuller hair than i'll ever do. fuck genetics who make a fit, healthy person have shit unhealthy hair while most of these sugar stuffed beasts have beautiful, lush hair, strong enough to bleach over and over for retarded colors

fattie in the back left.
>"Immigrants FEED America" t-shirt
So that's why they are so pissed off about immigration, I would be pissed off too if someone locked up my chicken breasts and broccoli. Would someone think of they children...'bout how they taste with BBQ sauce.

Just wear a wig user, no one can blame you for genetic issues like that

I seriously think some Americans don't understand the difference between vetted legal immigration and illegal entering of a country.

Also these people are the same idiots who tell you you're privileged for being white while they consume enough food to feed two or three adults in one meal alone.

Yup your exactly right. I've sadly been forced to talk to may boomer champagne and lexus socialists and they are somehow blatantly unaware of how hypocritical they are, the double-think and cognitive dissonance is too strong. The ones that do understand the difference just excuse immigration because they condescendingly consider minorities about as responsible for their own actions as a dog or a cat.

Yeah i saw this too he's like

> he's able to walk?

Somebody make a roll for waifu pic out of this
>ywn dominate a sjw slampig and make her beg for patriarchy

Is this a two Ronnies sketch?

The funniest/saddest part of the leftist rhetoric is the emphasis that 'immigrants do all the jobs you won't!'. No shit; it's slave wages for back breaking labor. The same people parroting that line are the ones pushing for raising the minimum wage and workers' rights, not realizing the economy of undocumented migrant labor they've been told to encourage is an easy way to circumvent both.

It's not pc to talk about it but they exist. And I would dare to say that they are about 50% of all the faggots

How are fat manlets even possible?

If you eat a shit load of food as a kid wouldnt you grow to be tall as fuck?

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>imagine being this retarded

you have to be american or british

Mirin V-taper.

How common is it to see fatties of this size in America? I've never seen someone that big where I live.


absolute unit


I refuse to believe that video isn't satire.

The girl on the left in jeans with grey/pink jacket is kinda cute. Too bad she has decided to surround herself with those toxic people.

How is this even possible??

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Its... poetic. A literal trashcan labeled PROGRESSIVE and fat fucks waddling mindlessly in the night towards it.

At Walmart on Sunday afternoon you will see them every time. I think it's a huge chore for them to go outside, so they only do it on weekends when they have the rest of the day to rest afterward, and at Walmart where they can buy all of their supplies for the next week at once.

Other than that, I almost never see them.

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sick dorito lat spread

I you wandered around in department stores for two or three hours you'd probably see five or so.

Jesus Christ that was painfull to watch. Im gonna lift harder and pray to satan that one day He gives me the chance to punch Vergie Tovar in the nose.

Earlier today I triggered a fatty waiting for the bus. I was eyeing a thin blonde chick with bare legs across the street. The fatty glared at me with this trademark angry fat expression until I left. If looks could kill, she would had killed and eaten me.

>smash the scale
All they have to do is step on it

these are real people able to vote

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I know this pic is old but its photoshopped right? Noone can actually have those proportions.

Feminism does that to you.

>when every day is leg day

Fucking gold mine right here

You'd probably see about five if you wandered about in, say a department store for a few hours

highly depends on the area and what store you go into

good one user i chuckled

He's actually buying Resident Evil 7

I wish they still did dumpster dives, them learning how to livestream made their channel horrible

>Futaba best girl hurr durr

I agree, quality has gone down the shitter.


She looks like Matt Lucas in makeup. Honestly, she's actually hideous. How are these people so lacking in Shane that they can present their shit opinions like this? With disabled comments I'm kinda assuming this is just bait.

Dumb, fat government worker looks for a beautiful foreign woman and gets scammed out of $10,000.


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Dumb, fat woman on wellfare looks for a beautiful nigerian prince and gets scammed out of 10,000$.

Not even the same pose. The one on the right is lying in the floor.

Mirin calves

holy shit he is like starscream from the bayformers movies

Deserves what he gets. He's the reason scams exist though. What a retard. And all the comments are right. He's a lazy, self absorbed, superficial pervert.

I'm 27 and lately I've been thinking about approaching 21 year olds, but haven't worked up to it because I'm still uncomfortable about the gap. How can this 50 year old want a 26 year old?

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>Only 22k views
Automatic sign that they know what they're doing is completely ridiculous and are expecting people to call them out on their asinine behavior, but are still trying to live in their bubble and deflect any and all kinds of criticism.
Can't have your cake and eat it too.

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I have crap hair too, just make sure you brush gently, avoid scrubbing the scalp with shampoo and don’t bleach or straighten.

I’m trying to wear a fringe but I have terrible cowlicks but I’m learning to accept it, I also had really bad oily hair that ruins the fringe but lately after avoiding washing my roots with shampoo, just lightly spreading it on my hair, my roots seem less gross.

Also protein treatments once every 2 weeks are good for the hair, look into that.

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>I'm a little bit heavier

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this cant be real

It's an oddly smug feel that I have absolutely no issue making fun of people who's outward condition is entirely their fault and completely managable.

Disgusting Jewess.

which is odd because they're usually hot

I feel no sympathy for the ones who make excuses and have a shitty personality and attitude. But I do feel bad for the ones who know it's their fault and want to make a change. It get tiring when you have a friend who whines about wanting to change but never does anything about it.

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Yeah like Sarah Silverman's rectangular midsection.

how does that hand work
can the thumb really be eaten by fat like that?

>those dirty ass fingernails

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No, like prime scarjo

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its really easy actually if you are mentally weak and find out that eating pizza and drinking coke helps you cope and supresses those horrible feelings also make sure to sit on your ass all day

t. fatass

This is bait
It's actually genetics

It's like a mud golem

She never really did much for me. If I had to choose a favorite Jewess I'd go with Jennifer Connelly.

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Oh god I found what I'll listen to in the gym. This is pure hate fuel.

This is like moving from burning wood in a steam engine to a burning jet fuel in a ramjet.

I feel bad for the ones who grew up fat because their parents were fat. If you grew up healthy doing sports and only ballooned up later at life, thats entirely your fault.

Growing up fat totally skews your views on what eating is. Part of becoming an adult is learning to forgive your parents for their failures, and moving on.

Fat people who are actually working their ass off to lose weight after growing up fat are exempt from my judging because a 10 year old doesn't know how to eat healthy, especially if they grow up in an environment where there is no healthy rolemodel.

If you choose to be fat and rationalize it, just fucking kill yourself.

A lot of people don't understand calories. They just focus on fat and cholesterol ect. Not realizing even healthy shit like walnuts is super calorie dense. Speaking from experience. t.former 280 pound fatty. At 195 now and still going.