Be somebody else

>be somebody else
>5’10 dad and 5’4 mom
>be 6 foot
>think nothing of it

>be me
>6’4 dad and 5’9 mom
>told my entire life I will be giant, etc
>dad marks line at 6’6 on wall with user WILL BE THIS TALL
>be 6 foot

I-I’m just a late bloomer, right guys? I’m only 18...
>inb4 height won’t give you social confidence
I don’t have any problems with that it’s just a narcissism thing

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You had the genetics to be 6'4''. You just suck. Or you were adopted. Suck it, nerd

Sharp eye. I was adopted, but by a 5’8” dad and a 5’4” mom. It was easier to just explain who my biological parents are. Maybe my adoptive parents don’t remember my biological parents’ height correctly.

there is still time for a few inches
maybe you didnt eat enough

I ate too much, actually. But none of it was healthy.

my uncle and grandpa are 6'1"+ but my dad is 5'10" and mom is 5'4". I'm 18 now and currently at 5'8.5" is it over and i should kms or is there hope

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First of all, you’re 5’9, because when there’s a .5, you just round up. Then, claim you’re 5’10”, because whenever somebody asks, you’ll be wearing shoes. Then, just cock your head back all the time naturally, so now you’re 6 foot. Welcome to the club.

is there even a chance of growth past 17? or i have peaked and this is kinda it.

i know a guy whos 6'10 and reckons he didnt stop growing til 28

I don’t know. I haven’t grown since 14 even. But you’ll see it’s not so black and white as “you stop growing at 18/20 and that’s it”. Many people grow beyond that as you’ll see below.

is there even a chance of growth past 17? or i have peaked and this is kinda it.

did he lift weights during his 20's? i sometimes wonder if lifting can stunt growth dispute the general consensus that it is an old wive's tale

good form won't fuck you up but otherwise yeah it's possible

how can stimulating growth stunt growth cmon son

you are prioritizing your natural gh pulses to repair damaged muscle fibers rather than osteoblast proliferation?

That was never true. Most articles on maximizing height tell you to weight train.

21 is when most people will not grow anymore. So you still have some time for another growth spurt.

has this happened to anyone here? i'm not doubting it i just hear it from someone who's gone through it and how much growth did they get from it.

5’9 and my sister is almost catching up to me she's 24 i used to be a head taller than her what the fuck is going on

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Your adopted parent's genetics affected you by environment, and thus inhibited your growth.

i'm 21 btw

’10 dad and 5’4 mom
>>be 6 foot
>>think nothing of it
that's me, except my dad is 5'8 and my mom 5'4. Still wish I was at least 6'2
its never enough

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>dad marks line at 6’6 on wall with user WILL BE THIS TALL
kek, did he mentioned something about you being shorter than he expected?

Im crossfaded as fuck and i cant understand your stories.

Ask your dad how long he grew. A lot of people still grow after they are 18. You won't be 6'6, but 6'2 is very well possible

all in family tall at least 5'11-6, all my cousins 6'1+
and I'm 5'9. I guess you get the genetics for height from your mother side and they aren't that tall average being 5'9 there probably

Or your Mum cucked your dad and you aren’t really his son which is actually way higher of a possibility than people let on.

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yeah a couple of centimeters if you eat well etc.

Basically I’m disappointed I have average height with above-average parents, and all the stigma has pointed to me being huge

No they’re really nice, I’ve even brought this up to them before and they said that 6 foot is still tall and I’m a tall guy

>mad that youre 6 feet
cmon user...

Its all genes bro