What is better for gains?

What is better for gains?

62.5kg X 8
60kg X 7
60kg X 6
55kg X 6

Or this:

4 sets of 8 reps 55kg

In other words, is it better to train failure every set, or try to get a certain weight and certain amount of reps and then move up in weight next time once you've hit that goal?

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just make sure you have linear progression between training sessions. once you reach heavy weights training to failure becomes impossible and dangerous with some lifts like bench press, its better to have a steadily increasing load

I don't care wtf this thread is about, damn that's a fine ass chick

Thats a nigger

>dangerous with some lifts like bench press
you should bench press in a power rack
if you aren't failing reps, you aren't training hard enough

I do the first option, because if that way I'm sure I'm doing all I can

wtf where do you all find these black girls every black girl around me is a sheboon and I have built an opinion most of them are sheboons too

you're an incel

instagram and tumblr duhhh. I go to a mostly white school and always have, so i've learned to not look ghetto. You can find more like that in white spaces.

62.5kg X 8 =500
60kg X 7 = 420
60kg X 6 = 360
55kg X 6 = 330
TOTAL = 1610

Or this:

4 sets of 8 reps 55kg
TOTAL = 1760

Whatever the higher total work volume is generally better.

Training every set to failure is retarded because training to failure on one set will affect the others greatly. If you want to train to failure it is best saved for the last set of the excersise. Also instead of training to absolute failure, it's better to train to technical failure. Make your last set an AMRAP set instead then.

Personally I would do neither.

Your first option lacks volume and your second lacks intensity.

I think your best option is to slap another set to your first option and be done with it.

>so i've learned to not look ghetto
bruh what, did you just say you are black browsing fit? 2018 and I still dont believe someone is not white posting here

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You're a disgrace


Believe it

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> Try to get a certain weight and certain amount of reps and then move up in weight next time once you've hit that goal

This is better for beginners. Then when you hit a plateau start using periodization.

I-i wasn't trying to scare you user!

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Have fun recovering while I'll be stacking up the workload over time.


Cute, now post boobs

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switched up my shit not to go to failure after this podcast, no joke

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boobs are boring.

Overrated meaty milktanks

It's the booty what's it all about..

my boobs suck

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Good girl

There's some weird white thing in the way.Can you get rid of it?

>pornography is forbidden on this board
git da fuk outta ma christian server u sinners

Her body is a temple, and I'm going to pray in her.
If you catch my drift

thats the spirit baby

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It is better to train and not injure your back. Who cares about anything else?

Please tell me you like white guys

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>Hahaha niggers

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I recognise you from a thread way back (you posted pics to prove you were a grill and had braided hair IIRC)

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kikes>niggers. nuff said!

>ywn shove your face in that ass

its not fair bros

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I do :3

Lol yes thats me

Hoo baby

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kek none of those numbers are question worthy and when they are you wont be asking this question

i would betray my race for you

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What a good kid

>What is better for gains?

Black women. Having a black gf increases test so much, it's akin to roiding.

Just look at Dan Green's wife.

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Ready to be kidnapped and tied down, Ebony?

that is a dude u faggots

fuck off, kike

We meet again. Have you taken our advice with your weak ass knees?

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she's pretty, goals


no I'm not

yes lol, and strengthening hamstrings has also helped.