Summer is here

>Summer is here
>Time for shorts
>They no longer fit

what the fuck is this? Because of the squatting?

Anyone else have problems with this? I coudl throw out 3 of a total of 4 pair of shorts.

Im obviously gotta continue squatting so how do you take this into account? Buy 1 or 2 sizes larger?

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planning on doing some shopping

plz gimme some tips so I can wear my new clothes for longer than a single summer.

Im poor and dont wanna waste money

idk i only wear shorts with a string and then buy oversized ones

It's never time for shorts. I mean normal shorts not shorts you're exercising in.

I know that feel all too well

>wearing cargo shorts

you already lost

subtle brag post

I do this, also cloth belt. Looks like shit unless I'm in Europe, don't know why.

>being adult
>wearing short pants outside of sports/exercising
pick one

What other shorts should you wear then?

here in my country these are pretty common and normal

>long pants in 30c weather

feels good to not be some corperate cuck

90% of cargo shorts look like total ass. There are plenty of shorts that look like you at least put a modicum of effort into how you look

If you need to ask anons what to do in a situation where you need shorts.. you should kill yourself.

well here they are pretty common, we usually have these pants with or without pockets on the side (i think that makes it cargo shorts)

the thing is i need it to store all my shit, i dont wanna carry bags

No self-respecting adult male should dress like a child. Ever been to Southern Europe mid-summer and saw a locals enjoying espresso in 40C sun? They wear long pants because they're fucking men.

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you're probably a leglet

Am I autistic if I only wear fitted t shirts and jeans? I add a jacket or hoodie in the winter, but thats about it. I hate wearing shirts and shit that makes me less mobile


Buy athletic fitted clothes. I have more problems finding pants that fit than shorts

>southern europe is your go to for examples of how to be men

Shall we also start living with our mothers well in to our 30s?

Burlington and Ross have stuff for $15 or less

Go to REI, their shorts fit great.

consider killing yourself


Yes, America is great. Thank you for capitalizing it but the way.

I hope you aren't wearing those you posted

How to broadcast your social incompetence/low status:
>graphic tees past the age of 17
>cargo shorts
>wearing white socks outside the gym
>jeans+tennis shoes

Screech at me all you please; clothing is still a social signal, and the message you're sending out by wearing these kind of things isn't helping you.

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>Southern Europe
Isn't unemployment over 40%? Being a neet is not very manly.

>white socks outside the gym
Are you one of those guys that thinks he dresses up by pairing black socks with his blue jeans?

>summer is here
>try on shorts that were too big last summer
>extremely tight around my thighs
>wayyy too big around the waist
>have to wear belts at the tightest setting just to have shorts on


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what are Jow Forums short options outside of the gym? everyone shits on cargo shorts but it seems like the only other option is running shorts

>ass pulled stats

You're the reason why the rest of the world calls our education system a joke. Not even Greece's unemployment rate is remotely close to 40%,

you know how I know youre a beta

the only screeching I see here is you giving this much of a fuck about certain combinations of clothing out of fear of being discriminated over "bad taste"

>have to wear belts at the tightest setting just to have shorts on know they come in different sizes, right?

Shorts are the norm for southern frat life.
>Not wearing chubs to show off your juicy quads and calves

Too small around the thighs though, that's the entire point.

You're already behind the times, white mid length socks are fashionable again

Your leg is grotesque

>being able to fit your legs into chubs

Reddit comes crawling out of the woodwork to defend their autism clothes. Don't sweat it; defensiveness is natural for low value males. Mediocrity too.

It's mostly just the thigh being pushed outwards from me sitting down, but thank you user

Regular chino shorts

i'm talking about belts. you don't need to wear a belt at the tightest setting since there are bigger belts.

I'm not a bloatlord

For girls and Supreme wearing genderfluid males (i.e: girls).

are these kind of shorts really that uncool in america?


They look terrible. Just buy regular shorts without the dumbass cargo pockets.

South America?

why does the pockets trigger you guys so much? what do you use to carry all your stuff?

Because most Americans look like shit. So they compensate by the type of clothing they wear instead of just working out.
>I might weight 250 pounds but my designer jeans make me look good

It extend way too long down your legs, make your legs look like twigs and make you, and makes you look like a middle school edgelord/pasty IT worker. Contractors and tradesman get a pass wearing it on the job for the utility; otherwise stick to chino shorts.

But where will I keep all my cargo?

Why are you turd worlders trying so hard to defend your middle school tier wardrobe? Just swallow your pride and buy some adult clothes, you'll look 100x better.

Broke: cargo shorts
Woke: jorts

If you have good legs you can pull them off.

you got fat

cant really recognize it, theyre normal here

adults wear them too

The best dressed men are generally ottermode/twink, since they know the importance of body shape to clothing. Drop those sour grapes.

Thank you for proving my point

where can i get some? i have no idea where to shop for clothes

>theyre normal here
Just because they're normal in the favelas doesn't mean they look good

>unironically wearing cargo shorts

I thought the boomer images were a meme

/fa/, pls leave. im with Jow Forums now.

Go to the mall or buy online. Buy from brands like J Crew or Uniqlo. If you're really lost, read the guide on r/malefashionadvice

>hating on shorts

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ok thanks

>u gotta buy the BRAND or ur ugly!
>Buy my fashion magazine goy

J Crew looks good, fits well, and is affordable. You can buy your clothes direct from Chinese factories on amazon, but they're gonna look cheap and feel terrible. Lots of stores are having 4th of July sales, now is a good time to fix your wardrobe anons.

It's the clothing version of being a fatass mixed with garden variety autism. Instead of recognizing a problem and improving life quality, they get butthurt and ego defense kicks in. Nothing's wrong with the way I dress you faggot you're the loser for caring about this.

They're also the same dudes who complain about having to wear ties to job interviews and try stupid shit like the Eldredge knot.

Shorts and flipflops all day long motherfucker

>mfw I see a family of american tourists dressed like they are in a safari in the Congo
Cracks me up every time

t. southern european

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Wtf are you wearing nigga?

Like what? Post some examples.

If you are a dyel manlet sure

These are too long but still

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