And these "gains goblins" you describe as creatures that are sabotaging your attempts at self improvement

>and these "gains goblins" you describe as creatures that are sabotaging your attempts at self improvement.
>tell me can see them in the room right now? and tell me more about this Zyzz fellow, why do you revere him so much and what does "making it" entail.

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>doc I think you’re a gains goblin

you are clearly delusional, you need to stop this obsession with fitness, its ruining your life

>is the wealthy piano with us in the room right now?

>Thirty year old boomer?
>You know they haven't been that age in decades!
>You are aware of what year it s right?

>So you mentioned your desire to "leave humanity behind".
>What exactly does that constitute?

Obsession is a necessity for fitness doc, you ain't gonna get nowhere lifting casually

>why do you insist on following the advice of a cartoon dog?

>Can I ask why you put your height, weight and this measurement in inches on your resume?
>What is this '2 plate'?

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>Ass to grass... How long have you had these suicidal thoughts?

I unironically mentioned Zyzz and gains goblins to my psychologist once. After that he wanted to know what he looked like so I showed him some pictures from my Zyzz folder and told him how he was salvation for all and died for our gains.

He was also pretty cool about it and we had a nice laugh.

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My psychotherapist one day asked if i ever get angry or emotional and when i said only at the gym i had to explain whats the mindset and how it affects lifting.

>my name isn’t Miren, user. and please stop calling me bruh in the work environment

Checked. Beautiful digits user.

I will never call another man "bruh" in my life. Praise be to the meme Gods.

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>Patient insisted that he desires to contract a vaginal disease of some sorts, despite clearly being a male
>He also made statements that I were his counterpart and my "cunt" was sad.


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>where do you want to take me user? We're going to "get big"...?

mirin those digits, bruh

>You mentioned that you are afraid of accidentally finding yourself in transit in a town called "Snap" Where do you think this city is located? Can you show it to me on this map?

>sir, I understand that you are only attracted to their feminine features. Please stop shouting "no homo", you're frightening the other patients

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>day 4 of observation:after the patient was denied gym privileges he rushed to the lobby muttering about his "gains"
>once in the lobby the patient began lifting chairs above his head and screaming "light weight baby!"

>So, Mr. user was it?
>Are you sexually active?

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>Are you sexually active?
Why do they ask that, just to make fun of us ?

> I’m sorry Mr user but your repeat references to “leaving humanity behind” concerns both myself and your parents
> I believe a stay in our facility will be required until we are sure you’re no longer a risk to yourself

> user was referred to us at the psychological assessment unit after being hospitalised following an extreme diet based around excessive consumption of onions and high caffeine energy drinks he colloquially refers to as “sips”
> The report from the ER references that in his more delirious moments the patient spoke frantically and apologetically to a delusion they referred to as “scooby”

Kek. Fuck you

>tell me more about these "braphogs"

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To trim out venereal diseases.

>sir what do you see here?
>no, very few people see a "skeleton's ass" im gonna write this down
>skeleton dont go "braap" sir
>Your "gains" will not disappear tonight if you dont thank this "SKELLINGTON MILKWAYS" you are talking about calm down user

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>"so user, you put how many scoops in your shake?"

>You "sip" on how much Monster Energy Zero Ultra in a day?

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Fuckin lost it user. Kek

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One would call an girl like her a "braphog"

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Why is this so funny

> Can you explain your issues with these “30 year old boomers”?

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Enough to reach my final form

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That's beautiful, bruh!

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had to actually laugh out loud

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(You) for this image

I see goblins clinging to something

i dont get this one?

>this faggot stole my joke

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>points to local gym

Rich Piana(Wealthy Piano) was youtuber/body builder. Head of the 2 scoops, CMON, etc meme. Passed away recently.

Thank you mister milky skelly

Not ur joke if u post it once a month

bruh is retarded teenage skater slang
You're thinking of "brah"

I posted it first in april. Other two are theives. Theives!

no, unless you are an archeologist babe

>being that mad someone used your content on an anonymous imageboard

But that means it was a good joke. Anyways, take this 1+ upvote

I've talked to my therapist about Chad and wanting to become what I refer to as Enlightened Chad
The Enlightened Chad doesn't put people down, he brings them to the light along with him. He helps everyone make it brah.
It was fucking hard to not burst out laughing everytime she said enlightened Chad though

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Not anymore

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