How much do i need to lift in order to stand a chance against a grizzly bear?
How much do i need to lift in order to stand a chance against a grizzly bear?
at least 10times the world record at everything
i mean like dude, a grizzly bear can break a cows neck with one blow
RIP Jimbo ;_;
At least tree fiddy
Do sprints instead
1000kg deadlift
How heavy is an assault rifle?
Your gun
use gun or at least fucking spear
Only about 5 pounds.
A revolver won't work against a grizzly, you need some heavier calibre
As much as Boris Bokha
I couldn't do that shit. all that needs to happens is for you to accidentialy trigger the bears kill instinct and bam you are snapped
How sad is it that Jow Forums would lose to a bear every single time yet someone who visited Jow Forums for less than a month would defend his life nearly every single time....
>passing through a black neighbourhood to go to work everyday
I know what you mean
What kinda work do you do senpai
You need to be thick in order to have a miserable and extremly lucky chance at survival.
If you can lift 5kg you'll be fine
.500 S&W will do the job any day
At least one grizzly bear
If you deadlift a grizzly, then they're powerless.