Female orgasm - The ultimate blackpill


>Women’s copulatory orgasm may function to retain sperm from men with “good genes” , one indicator of which is attractiveness, and one benefit of which is pathogen resistance. Women who perceive their partner to be more (vs. less) attractive are more likely to report orgasm at last copulation.

>The results indicate that women mated to more (vs. less) attractive men are more likely to report orgasm at last copulation, and this relationship is mediated by women’s perceptions of other women’s assessments of their partner’s attractiveness.

Basically means that women are BIOLOGICALLY wired to cum for Chad
If you aren’t 6’4 and good looking you might as well be incel these days, you will never experience a woman at her sexual peak

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But if I am a boomer?

>tfw gf has multiple orgasms when we fuck

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Better looking guys are more likely to give girls an orgasm? Fuck man that is absolutely awful and totally unbelievable.

>this relationship is mediated by women’s perceptions of other women’s assessments of their partner’s attractiveness.
So this means that it only matters if their friends also find you attractive. You not only have to please a girl and be liked by her, but also their social circle.

fucking thots, this is proof that they have no personality and base everything on the opinion of others. No wonder they respond more to brainwashing propaganda

>tfw gf fakes all orgasms when you fuck

>seeks validation on an anonymous image board to justify his views
You are literally the same.


Cope more incel

you tell em user

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It specifically says orgasm depends on how attractive the female thinks you are

So if you are a manlet and she haves a pygmy fetish, you are good to go

and how attractive her girlfriends think you are. girl power!

>girls are more likely to cum if they think you're hot

Whoa. Stop the fucking presses. Next you'll tell me the sun rises from the east.

I bet you think you are pretty funny.

And I bet you thought that "news" was insightful.

>and this relationship is mediated by women’s perceptions of other women’s assessments of their partner’s attractiveness.

Stop trying to black pill my bros here. Work towards being attractive, women find that 5'8 goofy ass nigga gambino attractive. Skills, money & power are attractive

My ex came 3 times during breakup sex, and she broke up with me. WTF does that mean.

that she broke up with you for other reason than attractivity

Smoke you a kipper?

What a guy.

What a guy.

>you might as well be incel these days

incel means involuntary celibate, it's for betas who want sex but can't get it, volcel is the word you're looking for

who keeps making these types of threads? is this a false flag operation or is /fit really this full of desperate crabs keeping each other In a bucket.

>be me
>6'4" green eyes, thick black hair, white.
>Has 280 lbs and workouts 5 times a day

What the fuck is wrong with me

Well yeah im pretty sure I also cum easier when I fuck an attractive girl. Not exactly news.
>The ultimate blackpill

280lbs is way too heavy for that height m8.

I know, i am an idiot. Literally, just recently realized how gifted I am, high iq, good genetics, but no, I have to eat everything and anything

I only had sex once and nobody orgasmed there.

>women fucking men they find attractive reach orgasm more
Calling bullshit on this one, that's not what fat old man doujins lead me to believe

sure thing buddy
>high iq
>fat as fatass
>good genetics
>claims good genetics despite being a failure

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>high iq

If youve ever has a girl orgasm you would know this easy haha. It makes your vag start squeezing, basically coaxing the semen up the canal. Anyhow

>easier to orgasm from a partner you are attracted to
>orgasm helps people make babies

What else is new?

just touch her c l i t o r i s when you're fucking her dummiez

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>giving a shit about her pleasure

fucking onions lads

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white boi stub vs chad black phallus hitting pleasure zones.webm

Kek how much life experience do you guys have?

user that's nothing new. It's like saying males orgasm more to females they find attractive.
Yeah, no shit.

I bet you think you're pretty smart

Why does it look like a tiny peepee

because it essentially is a little peepee

so in a way, even if you're with a female, you're still a little bit gay user

sorry f a m

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WIzchan loser detected. If you guys wanna see where these absolute bottom of the barrel dregs of humanity congregate, check out wizchan.org and laugh at them.

>have made every girl I've been with orgasm
>full pussy spasms
>not my ex tho
>i got fat shortly before getting with her
>never gave her an orgasm for sex
>only girl to have cheated on me
Huh.... maybe this study isn't so bullshit after all.

Fuck off with this blackpill shite. Some stupids believe this shit and truly this isn't the fact. Chads are only Chads because they dont think about the shit that you do. Develop your character and looks/height will never matter.

We all default to a proto-female form as a fetus, it’s when the testosterone hits that you grow a dick

My current gf enjoys sex (a lot) but cannot orgasm from anything but foreplay. Can make her come hard but not from fucking, even if we’re going at it for like 20 minutes.

I have a 10/10 face and I don't care that much about women, only a primitive paleo subhuman would base his life around the popular woman's opinion. I recommend that you phaggots read some Schopenhauer to free yourself of this toxic mindset.

fuck off fatty

this is supposed to be news? did we really need science to tell that women like attractive men more?

This is retarded because pretty fuckbois will breed instead of high testosterone men. Women shouldn't choose who to mate with.

What many of you seem to be missing is attractiveness is very subjective and relative.

Are you supposed to be pale like albino to be considered white?

Not him but
>seek validation
Not the same as group think thots.

>I have a 10/10 face

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there is no actual definition. People like Swedes are obviously white and then there is a continuum into the Mediterranean, Cenral Asia, and Middle East and at some arbitrary point people are no longer white

Me too bro. It's really not that hard.

>wow women have standarts so cruel
also you're exagerating a lot dude chill

>frantically reasserting your delusional perspective

That's her problem.
I still get to fuck her and have my orgasm(s).

That actually makes a lot of sense. It explains why girls seem to think when a guy can't cum it's because she's ugly. Girls think it works the same way with guys. My mind is blown, good thread OP.

If my asian gf sounds like a Sailor Moon character every time we fuck does that mean she's faking it? she gets extremely wet, and I usually get her off on her clit first either through oral or a vibrator, and then 60% of the time she'll say she came in her vagina as well after I've fucked her.
I've only made her come a few times while on top, but when I fuck her doggie and fuck her hard, she comes inside every time.

does her vagina tighten/clamp down hard when she says she came

Go out for the wrestling team
>being older than HS age and posting here

You're on the right track my man.
Just keep at it and you'll get better, although I would recommend using the vibrator as little as you can.

Also some positions just don't work for certain women, especially if they can't cum from vaginal simulation (i.e. they have to have external clit stimulation while penetrated to cum).
That's why my GF can't come while she's on top it's pretty damn hard to correctly stimulate her clitoris in that position, but doggy, missionary and pronebone are 100% garanteed because she or I can easely just reach down there and get working.

sadly not gonna post pics because i heard some bad stories about detectives but trust me the female attention gets really annoying.. but my goal here was just to recommend "black pillers" to pick up Schopenhauer

It means the affect in this paper is real, but only has maybe a 5% correlation to your reproductive success as man

So it matters enough of the time that it influenced human evolution, but a lot of the time it's still completely fucking random

Not that I've noticed, is that a sure thing she's faking? I don't have too much experience but she'll be extremely wet, and from what I understand girls don't always tighten when they come inside.

What are you on about. If your nipples are dark brown you arent white. Also if yoi are from anywhere other than european descent you arent white. Middle east is arabs and jews. Central asia is fucking asians. Clearly youre a nonwhite hoping to slide into the definition. European = white. Middle easterners = middle fucking easterners. If 99% of your country has dark hair and brown eyes your country is not white

Idk every girl is different. Anything after the 3rd orgasm my ex russian gf would start convulsing and eye rolling backwards like I was an EKG Tech. Shit was hot

>this relationship is mediated by women’s perceptions of other women’s assessments of their partner’s attractiveness.

Jesus, women are so fucking retarded.

I made a girl cum in like 10 seconds last night. I don't think she lied since we were literally at it for 10 seconds.
Am i Chad?

i am literally blond and blue eyed, you just understand nothing about genetics.
Are you being serious here

If the woman cums from sex, she is more likely to say the guy was hot afterwards. We need to know how attractive she thought he was before, to see if it correlated to how frequently she came during sex.

Part of bot controlled shill op to demoralizefirst world males to depopulate and eugenicize.

I bet you think that I know that you know you bet that you think you bet

I think clit is way more sensitive, at least for my girl. If I'm giving oral she won't tell me to stop and will happily come multiple times, but the vibrator she makes me pull it away because it's too intense. Anytime I keep it on anyway she starts squirming and screaming like a banshee, it's extremely hot.

Yeah, nah, she's faking my man.

If you don't feel a noticeable tightness, then nah

also it sounds like she overexaggerates her reaction to make you feel better

I'll be back for breakfast.

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I'm not saying you're not attractive, but you're most likely exaggerating with that 10/10
Even this dude is not considered 10/10

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Dick size theory BTFO

that's what I'm thinking too. You know Asian culture, they just want to please everyone and she wants to make me feel like I'm the best she's ever had. Some guys like that I suppose but I want it to be real. I have no doubt that she gets off on her clit, but next time I'm fucking her inside I'll pay attention to what it feels like when she gets extra loud.

You probably have a pencil dick

It is, which is why eating pussy is gay

You are ugly lmao, you are a masturbation aide and not a human being to her.

lol at these experts

inb4 ''i look better than that''

9/10 face here. Can confirm. I regularly make hot chicks cum and I’m only 5’11” with a 5” penis. Lol @ you ugly gymcel.

>5’11” with a 5” penis
Nothing to be proud of

Legit, dick size and stamina only matter if you are ugly, in which case you are pretty much just a human dildo.

what's new

You can be all that and still be a weakling if your spirit isn't strong.

It means you’re a white dork dating a Ching Chong who perceives you as being far better looking than you actually are.

>green eyes, thick black hair
That's your problem incel. Girls only want tall, blonde, blue eyed Chads with handsome faces.
Hate parents for giving you trash genes.

Women prefer men who look high t when they’re not pregnant or on birth control (which basically makes women’s bodies think that they’re pregnant all the time). When they’re on BC they prefer prettybois.

Bullshit. If you're 10/10 like me girls will prefer you anytime.

youre misunderstanding, they like both pretty boys and dominant guys when theyre fertile, when theyre infertile or pregnant they like men who seem like providers, these provider guys are usually not hot at all

>fucked 35+ thots
>each and every single one came multiple times
>made close to 10 squirt (out of ten, three squirted from penetration, the rest from fingering)
What can I say boyos. Ask me anything.

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There are guys who can hump 30mins and cant come, and there are guys who will come in 10 seconds no matter how much they resist. But no god forbid there can’t be any difference in women, if she doesn’t come fast your dick must be small lmao. C’mon now

You guys are retarded and clearly haven’t met many women if you really believe that

This just shows how weak you are though, that you can't make your female reach climax.

honestly man, my biggest strategy for talking to women is getting them alone. When its me and a girl, I feel like I can court literally anyone on this earth, but when her squad of friends are behind her going "mmmm he's not a REAL man honey" its damn near impossible. this would explain why.

I bet you're a big guy.

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>actually believes this