Dad bod

wtf was this """trend""" all about, do you think any guys fell for it and are women really being honest when they say they think dad bods are hot?

Attached: dad-bod.jpg (1100x619, 122K)

dad bod = can't get other women = safe meal ticket = no competition

Trend? Did we go back in time? What's the current year?

John ham is fucking proof that height and face beat out frame/body.

Straight up senpai

The dad bod is a meme.
Girls that say they prefer a guy with a dad bod are usually completely carved out by 100s of men and are now looking to settle for a retard who will treat her like a goddess.


>are women really being honest when they say

dad bods are all about the security of being the more attractive one in the relationship

they want to be desired and have all the sexual power in the relationship while not having to challenge themselves, it's a self-esteem thing

He said what "WAS" this trend.
Lrn2read, brainlet.

if women are honest, they will never wear makeup.

>Trend? Did we go back in time? What's the current year?
>OP used imperfect past tense "was"
I really don't want to believe you are that retarded

Also forever being associated with Don Draper doesnt hurt.

I think it was a combination of out of shape journalists and virtue signalling thots

What can a guy that refuses to be mediocre do when their girlfriend wants them to have a dadbod instead of being hot?

Guy on the left doesn't look too bad.

Ignore her request?

Jewish psyops, pay it no mind

She doesn't know what she wants

You cant deny it Jow Forums

Good face and average body>>>>> good body and average face

even irl most guys i know who get laid are just average/ottermode who are good looking rather than the huge guys

you think women would tell you out loud what they want?

dad bod means you dont care about body cause ur rich
bitches love money

The only dad bod is the guy in the middle.

That one is actually just 'fat piece of shit' bod. Up your game, fattie.

>That one is actually just 'fat piece of shit' bod.
aka how 90% of American males look past 30 aka the dad bod.

Draper looks like an old Tobey Maguire in that pic lol

Anyone notice how all the "dad bods" women are going crazy for belong to millionaire, accomplished actors and such? That's not your average dad.

>dad bod is best!
>posts pic of celebrities who can slay at any level

The shotty male equivalent of 'big and beautiful' doesn't take away from the facts.

yeah and the average guys or ottermode dudes aren't a dumpy middle aged man who are 30 pounds overweight. If face matters most then how are you even supposed to put on the weight to get a dad bod without sacrificing the facial aesthetics?

>The shotty male equivalent of 'big and beautiful' doesn't take away from the facts.
From which facts? That 90% of American males look like this past the age of 30? That this is what is called a dad bod for this very reason?

How to escape untrained dad bod zone?

Cut? Lift at maintenance? Lift at surplus? Suicide?

Attached: 846727CA-0B8A-4772-8DA6-8265C39A64D7.jpg (500x670, 72K)

Uh, not listen to her?

Post body.

just focus on cutting bodyfat then go from there.

Left looks good though, don't even compare it ot the trash in the middle or right.


Fat acceptance for guys. More promotion of obesity.

It's because people are getting fat now. Every girl still wants the ripped hot guy but they don't often have that choice nowadays. Plus women like to pretend they aren't shallow so they're virtue signaling by pretending to like fat men when in reality they imagine dad bod as builtfat. Women actively started hitting on me when I started having decent muscle development. Now every woman I talk to likes me more now. Cantt say that was the case before. How many threads like this do we need?

John Hamm is what girls mean when they say dad bod. Mid teens bodyfat with some muscle as opposed to a complete slob or a chisled aesthetic look

His body is what every American male that doesn't lift should look like.

Daddy issues.
They want to cuddle with their daddy

Dad bod trend started out from frat guys who got beer guts from all the beer they drank. It was reinforced by TFM, and some other frat/Chad outlets, but the most notable was Trailer Park Boys.

All the frat guys (who are already chads) started being proud of their dad bods, and girls, who are incredibly susceptible to adopting the opinion of anyone higher up the social ladder than they are, agreed with the sentiment.

You must understand that these guys are already chads. They're frat guys who have a ton of friends/brothers, control the social circle at their university, and essentially just live in a mansion with all their best friends where they throw parties that sorority girls will literally line up at the door for, trying to get in.

They could assert that braided rat-tails are cool, and the dumb waffly girls would think so too. There's a reason these guys can have a beer gut and go out in 3"-inseams cutoff jean shorts and smoke cigs and girls still want to fuck them. Cuz they're chads, in the psychological sense of the word.

Attached: IMG_4721.jpg (750x1334, 308K)

Also, their faces are still generally very handsome, with good hair and genetics. It's mostly a joke, and women perpetuate it to fit in with the frat guys. This is certifiable fact. Anyone who's been on a university campus, or especially has ever been in a fraternity will verify this as truth. Almost everything else in this thread is wrong, except for a few who got it half right like
Fraternity culture has a huge amount of influence on social trends. The Juul vape was exclusively marketed to frat guys (and still is) yet millions of people who have never been in a frat use one. They don't even know why it is cool. Costa sun glasses, sperries top-siders, 5"-inseam chino shorts, even fortnite.

He's also got a pretty big dong from what I've heard.

Yeah anytime I see this shit the examples are rich and famous dudes.

Also motherfucking THIS.

The only people that think frats are this cool are frat brothers and freshmen.

Good explanation.

Pull ups 5 days a week. Eat no more than 14000 calories a week.

His frame is pretty decent though
He's got broad shoulders and looks wide as fuck, especially in suits he looks like a stereotypical football jock grown up

>Pull ups 5 days a week.
How many sets? How many reps? How much rest between sets?

There's nothing wrong with his frame. He looks like an average dude.

Incorrect. Normies, between the ages of 12-36, who are especially susceptible to this kind of social reinforcement, always fall for this meme.

I mean, I'm not saying it's good. But the logic is there.

I'm not the person you're replying to, but I'd say "until failure" (which is probably zero or 1 initially), 5 sets, lots of rest between them. Like 10 minutes to an hour.

John Hamm looks fucking amazing for 47, fuck you.

>an hour in between sets
what did user intend by this

Grease the groove passionately

I intended "do pullups during pauses your ordinary day-to-day work" rather than deliberately doing sets with rests between.

Jesus even the ugly ones are handsome.

im entirely convinced the dad bod fad is women convincing themselves they did not "settle". that they chose this so they feel better about it. you cant possible think a woman would find seth rogans stomach slapping against them physically attractive.

meanwhile in group settings with women in their late 20s and into their 30s who settled are quietly taking peeks and holding glances longer at the male of the group who is in great shape.

I'm 31 and in good shape, hang out with women with bfs and husbands who are at best skinnyfat and at worse obese and no one cares about my body, or other male bodies for that matter.

Women generally don't care much at all about male bodies.

im 34 and when i go out with my wife and her friends and husbands i see it personally. im more than "good" shape, 6'2 215 about 10-12 bf. im much bigger and in much better shape than all of their husbands or boyfriends.

its even more obvious when were out at a beach or im wearing a tanktop.

women do care about mens bodies. but as others have said im sure this dad bod fad is probably some weird form of control by being the more attractive person. but you cant tell me that given the choice, in bed, they are going to chose someone with a great body over dad bod.

it drives my wife nuts when random women approach me at bars. i get approached more than she does.

I don't think any woman really thinks the dad bod trend is that hot, but they may find it more comfortable to date an out of shape partner if they are out of shape themselves.

dudes on the left and right aren't bad for a middle aged man.
middle is not a dad bod, that is just called being obese.

Start taking estrogen

Ngl the first guy on the left looks amazing


Did Sean Connery have a dad bod?

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