Oh you workout?

>oh you workout?
I've been fucking working out for years
Fuck those who ask this question

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>looking like a dyel even to fucking normies with their pitiful standards after years
what the fuck are you even doing

>oh you workout?
No I human!

Help me user

oh you workout?

>*lift up shirt to expose shredded abs*
>heh, yeah I workout, sometimes *wink*
>*turns around and walks slowly*

Post body

I have to opposite problem. Lots of people at work and in social circles are like "wow look at user, he's so jacked, come to the each with us". My GF always mires me. Girls at school all Kirin, campus gym dyels all jelly.

I still think I look like trash.

>don't test me

>haha yea i've been doing a PPL split for a while
>oh you lift?
>yeah i lift
>well that's a pretty good routine for a beginner
>mfw been liftain for 3 years

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Post body dear animeposter

Hate that, too. On the one hand they are noticing that you are fit, but on the other hand they are still implying you are DYEL

>"Dude, you'd look great if you went to the gym."
>"Yeah haha thanks..."

I've been lifting for 10 months and a lot of people are telling me how ripped I am even tho im a dyel by Jow Forums standarts
Normies started noticing my gains after around 4 months of lifting so idk what u guys are doing to look like shit to normies

>lift heavy
but that would be silly user! higher volume and lower intensity is better for hypertrophy!

Always have that one buddy that points out how "genetically blessed" I am and that I should lift to take advantage of that. He fucking knows I lift and he still does it.

Standards aren't the same everywhere. Where I live most guys are at least somewhat fit. It's depressing, because there are just way too many men here that compete against each other for the tiny number of women that aren't horrendously ugly or overweight.

your friend sounds based and redpilled

Lord have mercy,look at those digits.

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How would you prefer they work your hobby into the conversation. Sounds like they’ve noticed your gains and trying to be considerate enough to talk about your interests. You’re chimpin out because how they phrase the question?

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>get to the gym
>changing to gym shirt
>chubby brown kid sitting behind me
>"you have a nice body"
>thanks man
>"how many years you been workin out?"
>10 months

>mfw in the end it was really all about genetics

Is your shirt still lifted up as you turn around? Or do you let go after the wink

Truthie here

I basically got this recently from my friends gf when she was drunk. I said I mentioned the gym and she said I was scrawny. She's fat though so I couldn't care less about her opinion. Fat people have constructed a universe where they think they are ripped gods under their fat and size means strength even when they are lugging around useless weight.

>do you work out?
>have home gym so I maintain plausable deniability

it's about your frame. I lifted for a year back in highschool, then stopped completely. 5 years later people STILL ask me "woah dude you work out? you're kinda big". I'm 6'4 and naturally broad. big hips, big shoulders, big legs. I looked skinny at 88kg (195lbs). I lift once a week now, maybe less. being jacked is probably 80% genetics. you can't train your bones, you can't train your height. there are shorter guys who look massive in pictures, but they're smaller than me simply because of my bones. the downside of this, I never look yoked in pictures. imagine an ottermode guy and just scale him in photoshop in front of a jacked shorter guy. well that's me. I wish I could have that popping bicep effect, but I don't.

pic unrelated.

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This. My friend is dyel but is lean, tall and had thick bones. Everyone thinks he works out even though he hasn't lifted in years. Clothes hide all.

"Yeah, I worked out at your age, too. I was a bit bigger than you are now."

"All that muscle's gonna turn to fat when you get older"

"You must be pretty boring if you work out so much. Read a book"

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I would take it as an insult OP some people genuinely think people are born just are jacked naturally. If anything its a compliment.

Impressive. Very nice.

i dudditz

It's the only option left for you

was same here. like 2 months into 'bench and curls every day' the routine i got most compliments. i know why know though, it's because of 2 reasons.
1. beginner gains come in quickest so it's noticeable you started working out and people you know compliment you. also friends of friends i never met would compliment me which i still can't explain
2. you're still small enough to where people feel comfortable talking to you. 2ish years (remember this is real world standards not Jow Forums standards) in guys avoid talking to you out of fear and jealously basically. they basically feel you're out of their league friend wise and if a girl saw you 2 next to each other she'd have her eyes only on buff dude. girls on the other hand just don't like to admit they like a buff dude in public because we might reject her unlike her 1000 Instagram followers. but go on tinder and you'll get 100s of matches in a month. you'll see their true attitide there

''your arms are fucking huge''
''i wouldnt mess with you''

pssht, normies tell me these things every day
*Teleports away*

>girls at school all kirin
fucking elder dragons

had forgotten about this one