Sure muslces are great, but we all would trade it away for an 8 inch penis. What causes the penis to grow during puberty?
Why does it stop to grow?
Answering these questions we might figure out how to enable the growth to continue..
Sure muslces are great, but we all would trade it away for an 8 inch penis...
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Yeah, we might just find the answer to this question that surely no one else has asked himself
I have bought some penis pills, 100% natural and proven to work. Wish me luck lads.
Lenght of the penis is decided pretty much at the same moment you decide to become a man in the womb. Its not at all like a muscle that you could somehow have an effect on. You cant change the look of your nose and ears, just the same way you cant change your penis. Sorry.
They wont work. You are wasting your time and money.
>Brother never had chance to wank as a teen cause we shared a room
>He went to uni and so I got to wank 3 times a day minimum
>Used death grip so basically jelqing 3 times a day
>See brothers boner a couple years ago when I caught him wanking in the bathroom when he came home for Christmas
I’m about 8” but he’s a dicklet at around 5-6”.
I’m convinced that Wanking=Bigger dick, which is why I’m going to allow my son to lock himself away to wank all day as long as he plays some sports in his spare time.
We already know you dumb shit and a 2 second fucking google search would tell you its 100% dependent on your mothers testosterone levels during the prenatal stage of development which causes certain male features to develop.
Once you leave your mothers womb there is literally NOTHING on the FACE OF THE EARTH that will make your penis larger. So STOP FUCKING ASKING.
Daily Fun Fact: Mens ring fingers are also affected by test. levels during the prenatal stage. You can tell dick size by comparing your ring and your index fingers together. Larger ring finger in proportion to your index = larger dick.
I'm pretty sure jelqing is legit, you could try it.
I might get around to it someday myself.
5 inches is the best dick length, non-negotiable. It is the perfect length for the g spot (men and women), won't break her cervix, and fits the best in ur pants
i have a 21cm penis. i frequently contemplate suicide.
Sucks to not have an 8 incher like me. All the girls mouths drop at the site of it. They're so for days after a good fuck
Anyone who says a small size is better is a coping fag
post benis
I like guys with 8+ inch dicks for hookups but 6-7 inches is what I want in a boyfriend. Really big dicks are fun for a one night stand but they make it difficult to do certain positions. Like anything over 7 and I can't do doggy style or it feels like my cervix is being mashed into a pulp. 7 inches is probably the perfect size for being able to do any position without unnecessary pain.
disgusting hoe
>t. retard
That behaviour is why you're an incel.
>t. incel
>Daily Fun Fact: Mens ring fingers are also affected by test. levels during the prenatal stage. You can tell dick size by comparing your ring and your index fingers together. Larger ring finger in proportion to your index = larger dick.
Some of you thots throw around "7-8 inches" as if it's something common, that the everyday man you'll meet on a hook up has. You must only date niggs.
sure fe(male)
if above average penises exist, why should a woman settle for less?
7"+ penises ARE common
it's because men add ~1" to their actual size. When you have an actual 7 incher, women will think it's 9"
When you ask women about their ideal size, they will thus say 8"+ or some shit, but when they were actually asked to select an "ideal" penis based on plastic models, the ideal was around 16 cm (~6.2")
refer to about 1 in 100 men have an actual 7" when measuring properly. That diagram is from a british study btw
>7"+ penises ARE common
people are not even trying anymore
I can tell this isn't Britain or France
Ay guys I think I have very mild phimosis. There's a strip of tissue connecting my hole to the lower foreskin. Not sure if it's normal, but it looks like the red thing in pic related. I saw a guy in porn who didn't have it like that and he could retract his foreskin a lot more than I can.
One night stands are degenerate, no matter if you are a man or a woman. Period.
I know it may sound retard, but it's true that using too tight underwear during puberty would limit your "growth" ? Don't remeber when I heard/read about it
Nope, I've been with 5 guys total and only one had a dick over 8 inches. He was over 6'5 and a rower. The sex was painful a lot of the time and I needed way more foreplay than usual.
The other guyd I've dated have been 5-6 inches and it was totally fine, except for one who had a really curved dick that made certain positions weird.
Current bf is Russian and has a 7 inch dick. It's perfect.
Just do some foreskin therapy. There are nice instructions on the internet. Don't circumcize it like me, removes half an inch and 80% of the sensibility/pleasure
i've hear about it compressing your testicles and so it would limit your test production. And all the shit that comes with low T
it's mainly bad for your balls
keep them healthy and your test production will make it bigger
it's britain
20cm here, also contemplate suicide. None of it gives happiness, not an above average dick, not a great physique, not academic and financial success, nor even healthy relationships with women leading to good offspring. Nothing fills the hole. It has taken me years to realize that happiness only needs one thing, choosing to be content, and that is a choice you do not need anything to make.
>foreskin therapy
I found something about regular stretching and creams.Is that it>?
again, these are all self-reported sizes, probably measured along the side of their dicks which adds ~0.75"-1". The largest you ever had was probably just above 7"
t. 6.5" conventional measured (as for medical studies), 7.5" when along the side of my dick (how I imagine most Jow Forums sizes are done, because of course you choose the largest measurement which is still along your dick)
My ring finger is larger than my index and im working with 4 inches
>1 in 100
>not common
pick one
by your own numbers that means that there are 38 million males who have or will have a 7inch penis
these men are naturally more confident/ sexually succesful therefore will likely have more sexual partners.
The comment speaks for itself
small dick coping incels btfo
>ring finger is considerably longer than my index and i'm still a 5.3" dicklet
addendum: the along the side measurement is how they usually measure in porn. I once replicated a "measurement" they did and came out at 8" lol. It's funny when you realize most male pornstars are 7" or even below
You are wrong. Also forcing your kid to a hobby will surely backfire. In fact it’s alot vetter if people like you don’t have kids.
what's the point of measuring bone pressed ? Feels like cheating
this isn't true at all, I've been wanking since I was 8 (now 18) and I'm a 5 inch dicklet
bone pressed on TOP of your dick is actually the scientific way to measure because it eliminates bodyfat% as a variable. There are plenty of other measurement strategies where you can actually cheat (e.g. along the side of your dick adding 1" because it sort of bypasses the pubic bone while still remaining visibly close to your dick)
you need Jesus. not the one who gives you forensic justification though
most clinical studies add size to the penis by using the bonepressed measurement
I was in four different classes, almost all guys were dicklets. I know this because all of them showered after sports class or spoke about it privately
so you are telling I measured until now (26) the wrong way ?
Because 1cm can make all the difference in these faggots confidence.
I’ve never heard of bone pressing before I came here and it is in fact cheating.
Eh, promoting that his son invest more time into projects that are less instantly gratifying, with better longer term outcomes doesn't seem like terrible parenting.
Although, he is probably more likely to live this way if he idolizes you and you teach him through example.
Hard to know what is the correct style of parenting tbqh
well, it's along the lines of saying 6'6" is a common height because it's only 99th percentile
>along the side
wdym? I just stop measuring where the penis ends
What if I already have an 8 inch bbc?
most people I see on the street aren't even 6ft
If you arent physically attractive to females your dick size wont matter, focus on becoming a chad and your dick size wont matter much, unless you dicklet with 2''.
No brag but i get bitches wet easilly with my looks and a touch in the hair, im a dicklet 6'' and its not a problem
if you put the measuring tape next to your dick instead of on top of it you will be able to measure a larger number. It's how they do it in some of those "dick measuring" parts of porn vids to confirm the actor is a billion inches long
Marry, have high IQ children, create something beautiful
and statistically speaking, most of those people are packing a dick between 5-6"
6' height is about equivalent to 6" dick size on a bell curve
Jacked it every day for 10 years, can confirm.
>high IQ children
Can't envision how it could be wrong. What's the big difference if you just measure close to the dick?
small white cocks are correlated with high IQ
Try explaining better long term outcomes to a 5 year old and then come back. You can’t make them do shit if they don’t want to unless you put your love behind conditions at which point you have allready lost.
I mean, it might work out in some cases, but most of the time it doesn’t.
The best you can do is to actually trick your kids into liking sports, but if they don’t have it in them, it will only lead to repressed emotions, heartache and anger.
It depends
IQ is really not correlated with a smaller penis size, desire to achieve something is though
>you need Jesus. not the one who gives you forensic justification though
English is not my first language, so excuse me if I ask you to elaborate further. I tried finding meaning and happiness in religion, but found nothing but escapism. So far the only thing that has helped is to accept that this is it, and I must learn to find happiness from it before attempting to change it.
try it out, you can press much deeper along the side
a consequence of the fact that you could replicate it is that you can basically tell this size to everyone asking and nobody won't notice (and you're not factoring in that bluepilled normalfags probably lie even more about their size to cope, so do as you please)
>trick your kids into liking sports
just play football with them and do daily push ups as a ritual
Religion is not escapism. The elites use astrology to make popular music and artworks.
You have to kinda work your ass off to get "results" with legit Christianity.
what if my dick is a curved to the left ? Feel like this shit is eating 1''
what if he has a huge dick and a high iq?
it's a rat race. everyone does it, so you can do it as well
>high iq
highly unlikely
exact numbers don't mean shit
it's big if girls say it is
I wouldn't trade it for 8 inches of dick bruh, maybe for two extra inches of height if I can lift and gain the muscle back
It is likely in Western countries. There is something like cultural evolution. In order to survive while not wanting to kill yourself, you have to attain some sort of education and make money.
Ofc there is a ghetto culture, but we are talking about potential mates or Jow Forums users here
this. only smart people use Jow Forums.
I'm 19.5 cm and fapping since I was 13
17 age 16 cm
18 age 17 cm
I have a 5.5 - 6 inch dick and I've been jacking it since I was eleven. Granted, my girth makes up for it, but come the fuck on with the broscience shit.
damn u got so close to the sexiest digits
Anybody wish that they actually weren't that big when they were flaccid? I don't like having a visible bulge in the side of my pants, and I can't wear skinny jeans anymore.
well, it's still highly unlikely. A 130 IQ black guy is about as common as a 150 IQ white guy. On Jow Forums, "high IQ" is around 145+ - and you won't find a meaningful amount of 165+ IQ white guys, which is the equivalent. And that's assuming equal standard deviations, iirc whites have a larger spread than blacks, making it much harder to find a high IQ black individual.
it's about the grip
although it made me laugh, it is quite true.
6" reporting in. Got no reason to complain desu, me and the gf have plenty fun
I have an 8 inch wanger and it’s honestly not that amazing of a thing. Sure girls say my penis is big but that’s about it
Except it isn't. Look up digit ratio, ringlet dicklet
Also had a phimosis for 25 years. Decided that I dont want it anymore (and a friend who had it said removing it added 0.5 inch to his penis) so I did it.
Couldn't jerk of for a few days and it took a few days until the stitches healed up. Penis is bigger now
Almost 7.5 here bone pressed, still feel tiny due to porn.
End me.
I didn't mean to explain it to them; there are more effective ways of manipulating their malleable brains into spending most of their time on projects that will provide the framework for a satisfying life, and limiting the time they spend on projects that provide instant gratification.
I think that it's safe to assume that those who spend more time reading books, with a healthy thirst for knowledge, who don't procrastinate lead more fulfilling lives than those who spend most of their time wanking, watching anime, and posting on Jow Forums. (me)
My bf's dick is too big for me, but it's fun to hold and flop around I guess. Personally wouldn't trade 2 inches for muscles though, but I wouldn't trade muscles for 2 inches either.
You failed to understand which finger was which, well done.
>due to porn
why though? Johnny sins is smaller than you (if you're measuring correctly). You're about the same size as it'z only smellz guy. Most pornstars are around your size
if the spread between ring finger and index finger is too much it is actually an indicator of a smaller penor
So inject girl with test during pregnancy for chad child?
>Sure muslces are great, but we all would trade it away for an 8 inch penis
The state of this fucking board
why is that?
Well we found that hwndu flag so maybe.
Im 9 / 6 can confirm. Been extremely sexual my whole life started grinding out orgasms in my bed at kindergarden. Jerking it 2-3 times every day since 12. Feelsbad that im still a kv at 20 with this lust inside of me.
I suppressed it during puberty, only 6"
Should have been wanking like crazy I guess