Trying to make a fitness plan to start the next stage of our lives between my overweight self and overweight girlfriend
>bring up meal planning and fitness
>she immediately starts negotiating cheat meals
>suggest keto
>she starts talking about how her coworker eats a serving of bread eaxh day and is on 'semi keto'
>talk about getting a scale to check our progress
>claims scale anxiety and syggests we dont track our weight loss because scales stress her out
Do i have the wrong idea about this? These are all easily negotiated issues, I'm not too worried about fucking up unless i just roll over and quit with her, but all this just feels like denial and resistance. I'm going to have to play tough love personal trainer with my gf. Any tips on whay concessions are okay? The 'semi keto' thing sounds like bullshit.
Trying to make a fitness plan to start the next stage of our lives between my overweight self and overweight girlfriend
>He fell for the gf and keto meme
Don't have a gf, don't do keto. Meet your protein goal every day and lift weights with progressive overload using MyFitnessPal and a two scales, one for food and one for your fat ass.
I didnt see anything in the sticky regarding motivating a girlfriend
she loves carbs more than fitness
she's , and most people , want carbs in their lives. you can't make someone else do what you want.
make it a competition.
maybe after you win month after month
she will want to try keto
She doesnt sound like shes ready to commit to any kind of proper weight loss plan. Playing the tough love role in this situation could cause her to resent you.
I suggest doing what you want to do, get results, and then either she'll come around or double down on being fat and making excuses not to try, and youll haave to decide if you can live with a relationship like that.
Thats the plan. She used to be a real fit cardio freak but hit the wall after college and fell for enabling tumblr memes. Either ill get her back into her fitness addiction or ill lose weight without her and she can see can learn what real anxiety is like
Not plotting to get yourself fit while undermining her weight loss in order to keep her feeling inferior and under your thumb then trading her in for a better model when you're ready to upgrade.
I'm going for either 'we changed our life for the better together on my word, cementing a lifelong support system and a self-improving love that isnt found anywhere else', or for this to be proof we cant be together. We'll see what happens
If she's already trying to negotiate terms on deviating from the hard work you plan on putting in, she's not close to being as serious about it as you. Tell her that this is important to you, and if she's not going to follow the plans you've worked hard on, then you're doing it without her.
She's only going to bring you down, I've seen it happen a million times.
>No "semi" keto bullshit
>Cheat meals, bi-weekly (or weekly if you're eating well below TDEE)
>WEIGH YOURSELF, it's not "extremely" important, but you do need to track progress to figure out if you're doing things right or just wasting time
>Calories in, calories out. SIMPLE
That is all. If she wants to complicate things because her co-worker is on some bullshit and she's afraid of scales, then be a man and set her straight. When you start looking good and she's still overweight, if she cares about you then she'll follow suit. If not, you're too good for her anyway.
Keto? why would you want to kill her?
Also: be less enthusiastic about sex, make excuses whenever she initiates. She'll think you're not attracted to her and get motivation to work out.
Keto is kind of a meme diet unless you combine it with some method of fasting.
Start doing some sort of intermittent fasting like 16:8 and slowly work your way up to 23:1 aka OMAD. Count your calories, you can get fatter on one meal a day. Cut simple sugars from your diet. Weigh yourself every morning and write it down to keep track of your progress. Do cardio a couple times a week and lift weights. This will make everything easier and you won't look like total shit at the end of your cut.
Stop negotiating with your gf. Men lead the way, women follow. Once you start shedding pounds, she'll fall in line.
>two memes make a right
OP, she's already looking for excuses to get out of it. Personally I'm a big fan of just going by the scale. You can't blame anything but yourself that way. Also don't jump headfirst into a too restrictive diet otherwise neither of you will find it sustainable
>fasting is a meme
Cope harder, faggot. There's no faster way to lose weight aside from liposuction or amputation.
Yeah ill probably just have to blow her mind with some progress. Good idea.
Get fit then dump her for someone better
i'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm saying it's a retarded meme
>just starve yourself all day guys!
learn to eat sensible amounts throughout the day
>overweight girlfriend
Why? This doesn't even make sense. Are you a masochist????
That way she can't drag you down with her. Which she will likely try anyway. Expect her to start making you calorie-dense food and ask you to spend time with her instead of exercising. Fatties don't want their partners to improve since it adds pressure on them.
Prepare your own meals, seriously. Just 100ml of oil are over 800 calories. I ate a 1300 calorie salad today for example.
It's not a meme.
It works
It actually makes you healthier
You lose weight as well
And "sensible amounts" is the fucking problem.
Snacking is the problem.
You eat 1-3 meals a day and that's it.
Home cooked non preprocessed foods.
No snacks
No liquids that aren't clean pure water.
Occasionally skip a meal or a day of eating.
Don't try to make it up in other meals or snack.
You'll lose weight.
You'll get healthy.
That's it
That's all
That's the secret.
You're not starving, your body is running on glycogen and ketones. If you're really low bodyfat, pregnant or breastfeeding, then fasting is retarded. Otherwise it's a millenia old practice that's actually very healthy for you aside from weightloss. Just take in electrolytes and vitamins.
>not dating an overweight girl with potential for at least an 8/10
>not bonding together on your fitness journey together
The easiest way to get a non-thot qt these days.
>I'll lose weight and she can see what real anxiety is like
that made me laugh for some reason
I don't get the 'healthy' claims of fasting. Is there any actual proof of this?
Also your brain figuratively goes into standby mode from not eating all day. A colleague of mine started it at work. Within a few days it was like his IQ had halved, he was clumsy, forgetful, lethargic all day. Genuinely thought he would get fired.
She already overeats without thinking then tries to get me to maych what she ate when i'm full from half as much. Shes got it pretty bad, but so do i, and now is the time for the big push to see if we will mature together.
It's because he's really not used to being hungry.
His "blood sugar" tanked and his barin went on autopilot.
>calls keto a meme
>advocates for fasting instead
How is it a meme? Seriously.
throw her out
no concessions user
it was similar when I tried keto though as well. Headaches and feeling a bit dopey all day. I honestly don't think you could convince me either are healthy. I just go by CICO now, if I want to lose weight I cut out snacks or have one or two smaller meals throughout the week and that's it. Look and feel great, can still eat carbs and rarely feel hunger.