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Find a flaw
It makes my dick burn when I stick it in.
I tried hard user but i can't find the flaw.
olive oil is better
says virgin, has gaping holes
>flaw found
nice dubs
The correct name is coconut fat.
Oil implies the substance is liquid at room temperature (20-25 celsius)
If coconut oil is so good then why does the American Heart Association advise against the consumption of it?
Enjoy your estrogen poisoning
Every year my dad comes back from vacation he brings me a massive cannister of olive oil. It is made oldschool style with a stone press and is propably the best olive oil out there. It tastes fucking delicious, not bitter at all and has a fresh tasty flavour. Could propably sell it for a fortune here but i just love it too much and it encourages me eating salads, beans,lentils and other stuff you can dribble it on for some taste bud explosion. I love my dad.
from cold pressed olive oil? ya okay
it is liquid though
Grass fed butter tastes better. Nothing wrong with it tho tastes good in coffee
>it is liquid though
It's about as liquid as cold butter.
just took a pic of it, from my kitchen
its not on my dick
Kek, bitterness and a peppery taste are characteristics for good olive oil. Take it from someone who gets fresh olive oil directy from italia, where i've visited the mill and seen the pressing process.
Sources because you faggot won't believe me otherwise:
based medbro, barbarians never understand this
That's a tub of fat. You should eat high protein, high fiber, moderate fat and carbs.
coconut oil melts at around 77 degrees
It's too hot in your kitchen you must be poor
it's around 30 now
no, I'm just not obese, so heat isn't uncomfortable
How do you guys use this?
I use unscented coconut oil for cooking rice but have no clue otherwise
It's pretty cool, the cheap and mixed crap gets sold to idiots at premium prices and we keep the good stuff for ourselves.
I add two spoons to berries + protein powder + rice milk shake. shit is cash
You are not eating god like avocado oil
seriously, you people really get your panties in a twist over non-issues
are you really trying to paint olive oil as some sort of "tainted poison food" that must be avoided?
What is the end-game? A world where people subsist on distilled water and anally administered salt pills?
Free dental care
Portuguesefag here, we also produce a lot of world-class award winning olive oils, and have an extensive tradition surrounding it.
Just thought I'd chime in, but at least around Portugal, different high-quality olive oils have different flavor profiles. One of the most common differentiators is acidity, with olive oils produced in the north usually being very mellow, while the southern varieties have more of a tangy light acidity to their flavor. Both EVOO, mind you.
I'm not sure what the main factors are behind these differences, soil composition? Climate differences? Age/variety of olives? All I know is these differences exist and in Portugal different people have different preferences for olive oils flavor. Almost like choosing wine.
It's not a coconut cream pie.
Fuck off hamplanet
coconut is best for cooking since monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are easily damaged by heat
however its high in saturated fat so be careful
Just bought 2 litres for extremly cheap price,just 13.49 for 1 Litre.
Better be good,never tried coconut oils
It makes a good lubricant for anal sex
Hopefully all that coconut fat will go to my gf's ass then
>however its high in saturated fat so be careful
There are zero (0) negative side effects of consuming saturated fats.
>saturated fat is dangerous guhhhhhh
what is this 1995
It only works with man ass
Time to switch my gf to traps then
Wish me good luck boiss
naw, coconut oil has a higher burning point so its better for cooking
Tastes gross
coconut oil raises LDL-C
High in salicylates; spikes my tinnitus.
greek oil is best
in what world is that cheap lmfao
Absolute state of b*rbarians
Does oil pulling work
oxi malaka
Italian oil is the best in the world and you know it
I use it in my hair, it works great.
>italian oil is best
even if I love Italy, and I'll be visiting soon, Greek oil is by FAR the best.
We literally invented it btw.
We were molded in it.
Makes everything you cook taste like coconut. I am not a fan of the taste.
Because it is high in saturated fat.
>coconut oil
>extra virgin
i live in the mediterranean and my family produces olive oil ( from black olives )
it has a dark yellow color and is bitter as all fuck
but when you drink it you feel like it cures disease
>black olives
where are you from
Implying fat makes you fat
explains it
explains what , i don't understand what you're getting at ?
Daily reminder that if you buy your “olive oil” from Europe, especially Italy, spain, and Greece, there’s a 90% it’s counterfeit or diluted with cheap sunflower oil by the mafia. Cutting olive oil is one of the mobs biggest rackets over there. Stick with the California stuff, tastes better anyhow.
Coconut oil makes A+ anal lube
it goes well with coffee
you also invented gay anal sex iirc
I tried this, the oil separates after 10 seconds and goes to the top, where your sip is 80% oil and the rest coffee. It's weird
They are still pushing "fat is evil" meme because they are all bought by corporations.
I like both. I usually use coconut with coffee somthimes for cooking. I get some olive oil from Italy time to time and it's amazing how much more flavor the proper stuff has.
Even the European mafia are sissy faggots. Other mafias are cutting drugs, your cutting olive oil. That whole continent is one giant basedmill.
>buying olive oil
Nigger, no one buys olive oil here. Each family has their field and makes their own oil.
We just export the leftovers
I don't see anything bad with this, you're WELCOME
N-no homo tho
I use it as a hair/beard oil
Freezes in the winter trapping the delicious beard oil inside
I like Portuguese oils best—mainly because of the Arbequina olives they use in the north near Spain. Mellow and fruity.
u wot m8
Fuck you fir you ruined my life