When it's all about the squint? Reminder that if you aren't born with the hunter eyes, if you want any chance with women you need to develop your ability to maintain an unbreakable squint.
Your role model should be Nick Squintman, who is only rarely spotted not squintmaxxing. His facial muscles are undoubtedly highly developed as he can hold the pose for hours.
Why post on Jow Forums when it's all about Jow Forums? Reminder that if you have to tack on a brief mention of lifting to try and disguise your lookism thread, you need to go back to
Your role model should be Kurt Cobain, who is known for his renowned shotgun aspirin method.
wtf I've always wondered why I squint despite having 20/15 vision. I've even had people comment on how I always squint. It's just natural.
Xavier Flores
Guy looks really stupid squinting like that all the time in every pic. Not hating I’ll readily agree that he’s more handsome could kick my ass and then proceed to slap the shit out of my girlfriend and then fuck my butt, but the squinting shit is pretty weak.
William Nelson
t. a neversquinter in denial
When you get ready to lose your cherry, you'll start permasquinting like the big dawgs.
You obviously don't understand the power of squint mastery. You don't go balls out on the squint all the time. A true master like Nick can permanently maintain a natural looking half squint that mimics ideal eye shape.