Alpha Male Thread

I woke the fuck up feeling like an Alpha today Jow Forums
>Got mad pussy last night
From my wife, a beautiful and smart woman that lifts with me.
>Fat as fuck best friend tried texted me
Told me he missed me, and he was motivated by my progress and has lost 60lbs. He has taken up lifting for the past 3 months. Proud as fuck of him.
>Get mires from fucking everyone
My family and friends are proud of me and I go out of my way to talk/see them, also I remind my grandmother I love her.
>Chad in bed
I communicate my desires to my partner in an open way and it leads to great sex.
Because I go to church regularly and engage in my community in Christ-like manners.
>Have money to fucking burn
Fireman with a low salary, but I'm passionate about my work everyday and have budgeted alongside my wife to get all our needs.

>Jow Forums
We need to have a talk, every thread you read preys on your insecurities and warps your view of what means to be an ideal male.
>Don't let this boards negativity steer you from pursuing a life of success and positivity.

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its 001 cause its the 1st thing you need to read in the morning
>If you arent like this
>be like this
fake it till you make it
whatever it takes, right babe?

>my lifes great

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OP here. It didn't start out great. But I had a view of what I wanted to be and pursued it. I do indeed feel like the luckiest man alive, but you are capable of so SOOO much user.

I genuinely want you and everyone else to set the right goals for success.

You are what OP is talking about, bet you got halfway through post got jealous said fuck OP and made your comment

>We need to have a talk, every thread you read preys on your insecurities and warps your view of what means to be an ideal male.
>Don't let this boards negativity steer you from pursuing a life of success and positivity

>Fuckign manlets amirite?
By attacking things you can't control, Jow Forums will belittle you. The reality is that the poster may lack these qualities as well.
>Crabs in a bucket
They prey on your desire to give up. If you choose to ignore it, or better yet use it to motivate yourself to control your life even better you can build a foundation and start your ascension to CHAD-HOOD.
>In case you haven't figured this out, Chad is the concept of "unobtainable" standards of perfection. A tool that crabs in the bucket use to justify their lack of effort.

>God like

Alright Chip and Joanna. We get it. HE>i. No one gives a fuck.

Imagine COPING this hard.

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OP could be ugly as fuck with ugly as fuck girl, but in his eyes shes beautiful, he gets pussy, he works out at the gym and not a cunt, so people admire that even if hes 5'2" 120lbs.

most importantly
>I communicate my desires to my partner in an open way and it leads to great sex
do this and sex will always be great

if you dont feel like OP, act like you do
>fake it till you make it

OP here. Do something fucking crazy today man. Start a new hobby or break a PR.

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Congrats OP sounds like you're doing well for yourself. I have made some good progress into getting my life where I want it to be as well.
>Went on a date Saturday night and hooked up (first time in a long time)
>woke up this morning to messages to topless pics from date girl and messages from 2 tinderellas
>been training for a marathon in August and feeling psyched about it
>finally hit 190lbs

My fucking bro. You get it.

Also, you were off by 5 lbs and an inch my man. Natty btw.

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OP again. 190 was hard as fuck to hit, knowing you hit that alongside doing a shit ton of cardio is nothing short of impressive. Keep it up! Don't just complete the marathon, try setting a time for yourself.

Shout out to the 30yo boomers itt. Here's a fucking heads up.
>You've reached an age where you don't feel like you're in your prime and life may be harder to progress, thus you are teased relentlessly.

Success will smack you right in the fucking face if you pursue it hard enough. Remember that. It's okay to be timid about your age, but you know what, fuck it. If shit is harder then push back with everything you got.

You are fucking smarter than when you were some 20 yo fucknut. Use that experience. LEARN. ENJOY LIFE. Once you are a 40yo boomer, look over the empire of your life in pride.

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Thanks bro I started lifting as a skinnyfat at 135lbs with shit diet.

I was right there with you bro. I was scarfing down nuggets and soda wondering where the fuck my progress was.

Wanna know what Genghis Khan did? He was a leader. Imagine being the top dog of a ruthlessly savage army that fought for every desire. This LEGEND was indomitable when faced with any challenge.

I don't want you to rape and pillage, but you should become undaunted in the face of your obstacles.

Straight from the fucking wiki on this Alpha.

Early career: In 2006, when most of the male models working runways and advertisements were skinny and androgynous, Italian designers Dolce & Gabbana chose the muscular 6ft 3in tall Gandy to be the face of their apparel campaigns and fashion shows.

>I'm not 6'3" and muscular though
Find your niche, Randy broke the norm of his time when the norm was not tall, dark, and handsome.

There is a place for you user, believe it.
>Comparing me to a God like Randy
That is exactly how much I believe in you.

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Wake up today and make it a good one. If I can inspire a single person in this thread, I'll have reached my goal for the day.

>Pouring water into a sea of piss.

Stay hydrated buddehs

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show beautiful and smart wives tits or gtfo

On a blue board... user, I can't my man.

I can describe them though.
>White tiddies, pink nipples. Too big for one hand to hold and yet compliment her in a dress. Feel soft and smooooooooth, flick the nipple and they perk up in 7 seconds on the dot.

Like bags of sand user.

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Uh oh...

Turns out there are some quality people out there in the world. Look past the sea of thots, and find a person worth the commitment.

post body bro

OP here. It was a joke my man, but I can show you 1 year pics.

I'm running close to 2 years now and haven't bothered to take a pic in nice lighting. I worked on building arms and pecs a little more efficiently.

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Been going hard on self-improvement in every aspect of life, this last weekend a QT co-worker wanted to hangout, she came over and we ended up having sex

Family, friends, and co-workers have been mirin and complimenting me lately

I really want to help one of my buddies out, he "had it all" but now he's fat, depressed, out of shape, and has substance abuse issues. I used to be the same way, and I am so happy I pulled myself out of that miserable lifestyle and I want to get him out of it too.

Still working on the personal finance and career goals, but I'm not in debt, own my car, and could be doing worse.

I also killed the beard. I never should have had it in the first place.

No one knows true progress like those that were stuck at the bottom. Congratulations on seeing the light user, the next step is continuing and building on it.

Keep reaching out to your friend if you can. Be his support group and do your best not to belittle him.

>Jow Forums
>We need to have a talk, every thread you read preys on your insecurities and warps your view of what means to be an ideal male.
>Don't let this boards negativity steer you from pursuing a life of success and positivity.

Yes so true, sometimes this board can be very encouraging and helpful. It needs to be taken with a grain of salt though, all the trolling and negativity can get to you... Threads like these are why I still visit from time to time

A lot of that trolling works for people if they use it positively and can selectively take in wise criticism. We aren't Jow Forumsfitness or boring, so there's that.

Very true, I should've added: If you're on Jow Forums and expecting not to be trolled or harassed than you're naive

It also gives us the opportunity to make positive and constructive posts have more weight.
Become a positivity disciple and spread the good vibes when they are most needed.

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Relying on people to be discerning and mature off the bat is a losing strategy; Jow Forums doesn't attract the most stable and grounder people. Fitness subreddits are boring, but they're way better than this hurtbox for sincere self improvement.

I just like this place for the insane shit, like the metamucil dude who shaved his butthole and the arguments about how many people are needed to take down a bear. are here...
And not only here, but the OP of a thread entitled "Alpha Male"
I can only assume that your penis is tiny and your hero complex isn't fulfilling if you are still looking for validation in a cesspit

I insinuated I was alpha as fuck. But please read the whole thing user, The intention here is to make YOU alpha as fuck.

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OP is a faggot

check em ->

This post would have been BASED and redpilled, but
Daily reminder that Chad doesn't exist.
Daily reminder to just improve yourself daily, no matter how small the increments
Daily reminder to just be yourself but unironically

I wrote this before this beta cuck cunt got all serious

OP is right and since he is alpha he doesnt give two shits what we think and hes just helping /b/ros out

nice bro. Shame you as egotistical as a low iq nigger tho.


I loooooove this place, namely because it's full of people that have made me better. You're damn right that I'll brag about the progress I made.

B-b-but mate, right under that line I basically said the same thing you did!

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I fell for the college meme literally for this, and am going to paramedic class in august. With this experience I may be able to build off it into becoming a physician's assistant.

The whole point is to shed insight that's a bit more profound than our normal memes. Pulling 200iq out from raw autism.

Contrary to you, the guys in The Godfather never worked out, faggot. They always were alpha to begin with. Their alphaness came from attitude and dressing well, as well as having a successful (if not respectable) career.

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It's almost like an ideal male can obtain success through a myraid of methods.

A true alpha male would not dog his best friend by calling him a "fat fuck"

good job putting half your assets on a 50/50 bet with a woman. May the odds be in your favor

fuck off with your ego.

I hope you get the validation you are searching for

You can pick on your mates my man. But make sure it's coming from a place they know is positive and caring. I'll call him fat to his face as long as I back it up with kindness and the helping hand he needs to progress.

He can fucking take it mate. Roll with those punches.

he didnt call his friend a fat fuck he said he was fat as fuck

stop being a pussy and take some advice

yeah fuck off i missed

>how to be an alpha male
>say the word fuck alot
Well fuck

Fuck. You're right. No more swearsies after this post.

>OP is fucking full of himself. Needs validation.

I just thought of turning a normal thread I see on its head and putting a positive spin on it. You can put me on full blast all you want m8s, but I hope I helped at least a couple of people today.

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My my.


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Based Genghis

Based water poster.
Keep up the good work, it doesnt go unnoticed.

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Meanwhile while your writing this story your wife is fucking the real chad. Good job

Ah yes, the cuck defense. Don't revolve your thoughts around those closest to you betraying you. Your trust should be selective yet pure and strong.

That is the secret to a loving relationship.

Based OP. God's messenger. Thanks bro.

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If you post on Jow Forums, have you already lost your alpha status?



idk. Can you repeat the question?

What do you guys recommend for social anxiety? I have been running away from my problems for too long, I am about to graduate from university and I haven't made any social connections in my 3 years at uni. Because of this I am a little afraid to start working because of the social aspect. Also I really appreciate the positive energy in this thread. I have started lifting this month and started reading to improve myself mentally.

OP here.

Do you have any close friends that may introduce you to bigger groups?
The biggest hurdle with social anxiety is that it requires you to make a concious effort to overcome a fear of rejection on a consistent basis.

You have to trust that you can grow as a person, and that social mistakes happen to eeeeeeveryone.

Very similar to reading or working out, make a list of how you plan to interact with people for any given day. Try to have 15 days in a month where you find a way to talk to people.

Practice with starter confidence boosters. Walk with a straight back, head pointed forward as if you're in a deep pool and trying to keep your nose just above water.

When you talk to someone, it's okay to make jokes but make as few possible self-demeaning jokes as possible.

Avoid crossing your arms or putting hands in pockets.

Smile more!

Practice in the mirror and subtly implement this stuff throughout the day and I promise you'll feel eager to be social!

Yeah I do actually. My issue is that all my current friends are friends that I have made back in high school. Your advise is solid but do you recommend any mindset changes?

Ways to tell OP is not Alpha:
>Excited about pussy
If you were getting it regularly you wouldn't be so ecstatic
>From my wife, a beautiful and smart woman
using your wife as a validation of your status is not Alpha
>Fat as fuck best friend
not surrounding yourself with like minded individuals, getting validation from an inferior male is not Alpha
>my family and friends are proud of me
validation once again from other people, not Alpha
>Chad in bed
The prior points have determined that was a lie
>money to fucking burn
repeatedly using profanity, the lowest common denominator of expression, not Alpha

You may feel happy and accomplished, but if it is dependent on those who surround you which it clearly does, than it is a fleeting joy.

You have to start picturing motivational messages as kindling. If you want to keep progressing socially, you're going to need some substantial fuel.
>Build consistency.
I may be motivated to workout out every now and then, but on days that I am dead to the world my muscle memory kicks in and I workout anyway.

You cannot get by on motivation alone. Create a habit and force yourself to follow through. Inevitably, when you trip up and fail you have to create the habit of going out and talking to people AGAIN.

Make it your routine to grow socially. Practice hard, inform your closest friends about this issue sincerely and they will very likely help.

>What's your next move user? More Jow Forums? Get to work, there's a whole world out there waiting for you.

Success is a state of mind that we determine ourselves. You can measure your caliber however you like, but the normal virtues we worship on fit are as follows:


If anything, this post was made in irony and sheds light on there being more to life's progression than what this board normally offers.

I am no alpha, but I have found success. I genuinely hope we all find it.

Money > Gf-Wife

More money increases the quality of your woman, your ability to provide for her, and your future children.

You can have all the money you want, but when splurged it will leave you destitute. Without a quality partner I assume you will lose her as fast as money gave you her.

It all comes back to control and patience in finding the right person, and managing your assets with wisdom.

If money is your only means you see to acquire someone, then maybe you have to further develop yourself.

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>get out of your head bro

No brakes on the positivity train my dude.

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Noice m8


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>Crabs in bucket
Hey your the guy from the Peterson thread. Why don't you go clean your fucking room you filthy zoomer.

>he's never heard the age old term before

You could always try reading

There aren't that many people on Jow Forums, and even less people who actually use "crabs in a bucket" coloquially. Through a deductive process, coupled with the 'laughingjordan.jpg' I spotted in the thread, I'm 99% sure you're the same guy, you filthy zoomer.

that isn't arnie

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who the fuck would use "crabs in a bucket" coloquially? we say it online to back up our (mostly pointless) arguments
and no, sorry mate, I just finished my dinner and that was my first post on this thread. Ill let you know if I make any more.

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OP here. I’m predominantly a lurker. I just came up with the idea of this thread the other day and thought it would be fun to share. Haven’t posted anywhere else, but have seen the crabs in a bucket term used often here.

I’d like to do my best to offer more substantial commentary than others that choose to bring other anons down.

Likely, those that post here attempting to defame everyone else reflects how they treat others in real life as well. While somw ribbing can be fun, I hope a lot of us can set higher standards and have better intentions for each other.

I got no more insecurities
Im confident of everything i do
I make my feeling of awkward to a feeling of excitement and happyness
I lift every day but rn im in bulgaria for a vacation

Im gona start a yt channel wearing a pink ski mask cause im confident of my heterosexual sexuality write songs do acting and modeling til im famous as shit like eminem

I got my goals and standard set space high cause fuck the sky its got a limit

And nothing will ever stop me from reaching my goals besides god but how can god stop me when he wants me including everyone else to succeed?

Ad infinitum bros, s

Ad victorium brother. Goodluck.

Is it though?

This guy looks like he's about to go back to his job at the DEA and get betrayed by Walter White


It's been a fun ride all. Time to let the thread die. Remember to go out and be lovely to one another.

Thanks OP, I needed this today.

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are you seriously bragging about getting "mad pussy" from your wife? Someone, pretty much by definition, you're supposed to be fucking?