You have exactly 10 seconds to post a physique better than mine

You have exactly 10 seconds to post a physique better than mine.

Pro tip: You can't.

Stats are 6'0" 170 lbs.

Attached: Physique.png (1080x1343, 979K)

stats 6'0 205lbs

Attached: 20180522_233057.jpg (1080x1997, 813K)


You have exactly 10 seconds to post a physique better than this.

Pro tip: You can't.

Stats are 4'8'' 75 lbs

Attached: tfw toilet mode.png (423x539, 57K)

How can you be only 170lbs lmao

ezy pezy

Attached: sergio_oliva-article-660x330.jpg (660x330, 49K)

Attached: Rich.jpg (500x500, 114K)

>being so insecure that you post this shit picture of your shit body every day on an anonymous internet forum for people with autism


Old picture and manlet (5'9" 200lbs+) though

Attached: WEWUZUNKEPT.jpg (944x960, 87K)


Please stop posing this OP

Have you been strength training still? How are your lifts?

op is not the one who took the picture

Damn, Woolie looks like THAT?!

you have the typical african anterior pelvic tilt

i remember you from like 6 years ago

7'6" 450 lbs.

Attached: ogre.jpg (1124x632, 131K)


For all those curious, this is bait and this faggot's LARPing. Guy in pic related has posted before saying those are definitely not his stats, because obviously they're not.

> Have you been strength training still?
Stopped lifting a year ago
> How are your lifts?
I wouldn't know

Yeah it's a shame

Sup. Hopefully you've made good progress yourself.


Attached: big-lenny-2.jpg (703x1050, 74K)

Don't visit this hellhole often why did you stop lifting

5'8" 193 when I took this. You tiny.

Attached: 20180702_115847.jpg (1080x1080, 248K)

holy shit you're still here. i made a some great progress from your routine you posted ages ago. glad you're still looking big af. hope everything is going well brah.

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fuckin pleb

Attached: doorbrah.jpg (220x229, 5K)

Got bored ultimately

Good to hear m8. Things are going well on my end.

smartphones are so unaesthetic

Attached: 135e10798bbb0b4a93a862832ffbabbe.jpg (736x1105, 97K)

Fuck off nigger.

Actual goal physique, memes aside. How do I achieve?

Best mog ever

You're black though lol


How many steroids is this guy on?

fuck man how to get those biceps

all of them

posterior pelvic tilt

looks like nu-kratos
shave head and grow out beard

Attached: 1515719557722.jpg (900x506, 60K)

Attached: boogie.png (640x352, 225K)

Would you post youd strength training methods again? I'm curious of what they are. I'm doing some currently but I'm progressing a bit slow.

What happens when you stop?