My mum doesn't understand calories in calories out. She asks what I've eaten and I reply McDonalds...

My mum doesn't understand calories in calories out. She asks what I've eaten and I reply McDonalds. She tells me that I shouldn't be eating that if I want to lose weight (which is what I'm doing). I reply to her it doesn't matter what the food is because it's all about calories and try to explain IIFYM. She gets angry and says don't argue with me. Tells me I have to eat fruit. Explain to her that I get all my vitamins and minerals from supplements, so eating fruit is pointless. She tells me you are what you eat and says I'm going to become stupid for eating chocolate bars.

Some people are just retarded.

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>She gets angry and says don't argue with me

Take her advice. She doesn't need to understand anything for you to succeed does she?

I wonder what you look like

I think it is more stupid eating McDonald's and taking supplements. Eat fruits and veggies like an adult

a thread died for your rant

You shouldn't be eating McDonald's regularly; CICO is true but isn't the last word on nutrition. And stop being a faggot, bad mouthing your mother to strangers.

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>it's all about calories
its not that simple
but if that works for you great

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Deep inside you know your diet is bad and you are annet at your mother for pointing it out because you are in denial.
Also What kind if degenerate badmouths his mother like this

>veggies like an adult

Mcdonalds has $1 sandwiches all summer


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Man these shareblue posts sure have been ramping up

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For weight loss it is that simple retard. Clearly OP will have deficiency in vitamins but he will most certainly lose weight eating less than he is expending. People who say it isn't about calories are actually brick wall IQ fucking thick skull dumb

He called OP wrong for saying it's all about Calories, nobody's saying it isn't about Calories. Stop projecting, brainlet.

How is your carrier Samsung???

On the off chance this isn't b8 while CICO will determine your body mass, eating shite food will fuck your insulin sensitivity resulting in a life of being skinnyfat

>He doesn't know that the bioavailability of vitamin supplements is unregulated and much of what is written in the label is not actually absorbed.
>doesn't know about the health benefits of antioxidants and bioflavonoids found in fruits and vegetables.
>he neglects fiber
>thinks CICO is all that matters

Enjoy your loss of weight and quality of life, OP.

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Make your mother an apology dinner.

Eating and McDonald's for weight loss is pretty retarded too kid, you'll regret it when you are 20 or 22 and still fat, even if you lost weight

cico is only half the story

>some people are just retarded
>gets vitamins and minerals from supps instead of actual food

Post body

eat wild alaskan salmon burgers with broccoli and a fruit shake instead. mcdonalds has antibiotic filled meat that will damage your ligaments

>haha guys look at me i EPICLY btfod my mom
Die in a hole


op has the iq of 65

Mcdonalds is a pretty nutritious choice to be honest. They put vegetables on every sandwich e.g. a cheese burger has onions and pickles. On the upside you're getting a calcium hit from the cheese, an iron hit from the beef. On the down side you're getting a useless bit of white bread and ketchup which is a sugar hit. But if go diet on the drink and only have fries once that day then you've pretty much had a well rounded meal.

It's only people who go full sugar drink, large everything, extra side, maybe extra burger 'cause I has a coupon', maybe ice cream, maybe apple pie.

Hey, at least it's not pizza.

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>puts a tiny bit of onion on a burger
>it's healthy!

I’ll agree. McDoubles and Diet Coke are a great cut even if no body will believe you.

Vitamins are a meme though, eat berries and so forth.

>vitamins are meme

>falling for low quality bait

You owned your mom. Epic style!

Better than dumbass newfag fatty fucks seeing and believing it

>She gets angry and says don't argue with me
How old are you, user?

>all the people itt making fun of op for arguing with his mum
I know damn well you all have the same experience when you see your mum, unless you just treat her like a child(honestly the better option)

>be on cut and have less caloric room to get all your micros
>waste those calories in McDonald's which is has subpar nutritional value
>Some people are just retarded.

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hi american

How much weight have you lost?

>cutting on mcdonalds and chocolate bars
Never gonna make it, your mom has more sense than you.

Aside from OPs stupidity you can have pretty healthy meals from burgers, can't you? If you dress it up the right way. Use a whole wheat whole grain bun, lean beef or alternatives like turkey or bean burgers, lots of actual vegetable toppings, etc.

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Just eat like a man user stop coping this hard assuming you'll be healthy this way

For overall health it's pretty shit and makes it difficult for adjusting to a healthy diet once all desired fat is lost.

If two people are cutting on the same calorie deficit, but one eats six meals a day of processed food and sugary shit and the other eats a single meal of healthy food and fasts the rest of the day, would they both lose bodyfat at the same rate? CICO is technically correct, but simplifies the issue too much. It's not just about how much you eat, but what and when.

>t. 18% bf

try cutting below 12% bf on mcdonalds alone while getting your macros, lifting 5-8 hours a week, and not feeling like shit


Joke's on you, I got my mom to start intermittent fasting and eating healthier.

their diet is based on fast food and chocolate. As if he or she genuinely knows that

You're mother is right and you should be ashamed of yourself.

Someone who successfully deludes himself into thinking that he can ever achieve a respectable bf% while stuffing his face with McDonalds during his cut is a sad pig and is never gonna make it.

>he talks shit about his own mother to strangers in a Latvian horticulture board.

Hell, whoever eats disgusting shit like McDonalds more than 1x a month or so on a bulk is probably never gonna make it either. Dirty bulking natties are a fucking joke

Just agree with her for the GBP, feed the grapes to the dog, and cash in for more tendies

Well, to be fair, if she’s still telling you how to lose weight, you probably haven’t lost any and don’t look good.

You have to look like Chad and THEN educate her. My parents are always befuddled by the massive amounts of rice I eat and have a fucking six pack, while they eat the same thing and are not special

mummy knows best

youll always be a pudgy estrogen filled blob until you start eating cleaner foods

This. Honor your mother and be nice to her she made you now its time for you to be you and lift. Dont argue with your mom just show her your results.

What's the point of losing weight if you aren't going to feel the benefits of health?

One of the hardest black pills to swallow is realizing that your parents don't always know best
They may love you, but too often they are just 100% ignorant on many subjects and their advice
will only hinder your goals.

Your mother is right You shouldn’t be eating McDonald’s you retard

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>My mum doesn't understand calories in calories out
You know that low-iq is heritable........

They're not even good burgers. Buy some proper burgers, a few buns and cheddar cheese and make your own damned food. It's probably a lot better for you than anything Ronald Mcdonald shits out

You fell for the calories in calories out meme?
You are only making it harder for you to lose weight.

>eat trash
>it's all you know
>eat less trash to lose weight
>lose weight
>stop eating less trash and eat more trash
>gain weight

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You can lose weight on it but you probably won't be particularly healthy.

calories in calories out is way too simplified, you have to think about your macronutrients the % of your calorie intake that is fat/protein/carb, you want to keep the carbs below 40% realistically unless your goal is to get fat

post body with timestamp

Fucking this

Also this, you would have to be on an eternal cut if you don't want to be a landwhale while feeding yourself that crap. Also you will have fucked up sleep, concentration problems and a lot of other stuff because of your shit diet.

Why is it so hard for some people to eat healthy? Healthy food can be delicious too if you're not a brainlet.

>Healthy food can be delicious too if you're not a brainlet
That's the problem. Most people are brainlet. Especially when it comes to health

>Eating McDonald's
>low protein
>shit meat
>shit veggies
>high sodium
>low minerals
>useless calories
>high useless cholesterol
Even though calories in and calories out is a true. IT DOES NOT MEAN MCDONALD'S IS OKAY!! Because it's shit calories in and shit calories out it will not highly benefit you in your training in fact you'll became weaker and more fatigue.

Yes supplements do contain vitamins and minerals you need however. IT DOES NOT MEAN YOU CAN STOP EATING FRUIT AND VEGGIES. Supplementation is a way to extending those vitamins and minerals into you body as well managing your caloric intake, not a full on replacement also I honestly don't think you are fully ready for supplements.

Start eating a high fat and high protein diet with low carbs like steak, chicken, and lots of green veggies and limit your fruits to mostly berries for Keto to happen.

But the best advice is to fast for 7 days then start with a brand new diet program.

>Mansplains nutrition
>recommends Keto

>Landwhale detected

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>who cares about micronutrients?

Your mum is smarter than you, kill yourself

This, it’s not all about fucking calories, your body needs different natural vitamins that you can’t get with just McDonald’s and supplements.

Found the brainlet

>it's a Jow Forums autists fall for obvious bait thread

The saddest part is that my mother and brother eat like OP, but are completely oblivious to their weight. They order 2 for 6 whoppers at Burger King every morning, and get a case of White Castle burgers every day at night. Along with binge eating snacks and to top it all off, drink 3 2 liter sodas a fucking day.

That sounds really nasty
I honestly don't get how people live like this.

It is, and I thank myself every day that I was raised by my grandmother to eat healthy and stuck with it ever since. They live like this due to pure laziness. They have cash to spare, so instead of actually buying healthy food, or learn how to cook, they find it more convienent to get everything from the outside. Their diet is 100% all outside food. Chips, Oreos, gummy bears, the works. They drive only to get food and that’s it.