The guy did this in 15 months. Is this a realistic outcome for someone starting out skinnyfat and not using any AAS?
The guy did this in 15 months. Is this a realistic outcome for someone starting out skinnyfat and not using any AAS?
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Idk try it and report back in in fifteen months did you think about that?
lol with AAS you could do that in 12 weeks
Absolutely, he probably had a long bunk to put on mass with a short cut thrown in at the end. He isn’t really anything special. Angles and a pump make all the difference.
yes, if you know what the fuck you're doing
meaning not doing 3x5 compounds
It's feasible to do it without roids only if
> follow a meat based diet
Not necessarily keto, might be Vince Gironda Steak and Eggs (carb load every 4 days), though no carbs might work better.
> strict training 6x/week
Preferably hitting upper body at least 4x week. Look up for Mike Israetel chart to get a grip of how many times each part should be trained per week.
yes, at the left his arms weren't the worst, you can tell he at least went to the gym and hit arms
i did similar in 15 months but im not as lean
yes, if you dont fuck around and get training / gym on point. leaness makes a huge difference too
if you cant do this in 15 months youre not even trying lmfao
if you are 1'1" tall then yes.
When you're really young, short and go from pale to tan then yes it's possible.
Could literally do this in two months
Then what? PPL? U/L?
i wanna suck him dry goddamnit
Long clean bulk good program and 100% commitment and sure why not. Dunno if natty or not but it’s not crazy impressive results it could be done I believe but it would take effort and discipline.
Judging by the chin and jaw gains and bit of acne I’m going to say not natty but he still has all his hair and isn’t wearing a ball cap so I’m torn.
3x5 works great what the fuck
Depends if you're a manlet
>I cut to 157lbs , then bulked to 184, and now cut at 161!
Why does he look so much bigger if he's 15 lbs lighter in the second pic and spent most of his time cutting?
Probably a few orals.
Can't cut and build that much mass at the same time.
Not unless he was in his mid teens and just lived THAT kind of life.
From the fact that he's on Reddit and bragging like that?
He's definitely not natty.
It's like a fucking female who brags about her ass but has ass injections.
If his weights are accurate he would've spent like 6 months bulking.
Who's right here?
a lot easier going from skinny to built than fat to built
but if youre saying youre skinny fat, you're probably just fat.
LOL this is what rippletit zealots believe
just kill yourself, you genetics are shit
those two picks could have been on the same day.