Is 12 mg of melatonin too much?

Is 12 mg of melatonin too much?
I just want to sleep the whole night for fucks sake
I'm so fucking tired of this retarded middle of the night insomnia

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pls respond

Yeah it's too much. Take like .5mg of melatonin and try 300-450mg of magnesium

I take 5 mg, fall asleep really fast but still wake up in the middle of the night sometimes

yes. try peppermint tea and 1mg melatonin per night instead. you need a tolerance break so stop it on weekends. u will be up +4-5 hours later than usual on tolerance days, spend that time in a 24 hour gym when nobody is there

eh? smoke some weed. problem solved

Way too much. The effective dose is a fraction of a mg.

Smoke some weed. Then quit coffee. Then quit weed.

This is wrong. Magnesium is literally a metal on the periodic table and saying this is like saying swallow paper clips.


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So is calcium you idiot

Weed sorts my sleep out

>inb4 degenerate

Moderate use for strictly before bed, don't get too blasted, and control your munchies.

Stop larping

Melatonin only helps with falling asleep, it does nothing for staying asleep.

Nice sources.

Melatonin does give you middle of the night insomnia, sorry to say, and yes that's a fuckload of melatonin.

holy shit i should stop eating iron too wtf

>tfw not enough copper

need to eat more pennies

Can I unironically suck on pennies for copper rda

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Can you counter an absurd amount of caffeine with an absurd amount of melatonin?

I’ve heard an absurd amount of killing yourself, summerfag, works.

Would not recommend/10

you filthy animal

Holy shit guys. Does that mean I should stop eating carbon? Like that greasy shit in pencils?

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