stop eating chicken
Stop eating chicken
So tell me how most pro bodybuilders build muscle
>there are no nutrients in chicken
yikes stopped watching there
>GMO fearmongering
fuck off, sage
>Don't eat chicken, you dumb peasant!
>Eat grass-fed premium Bison meat and expensive fish instead!
>chicken is "cancer causing" but red meat isn't
holy mother of CRINGE
this is why you don't get nutritional information from youtube celebrities who are shilling "redpills" that can ONLY be found on their channel or website
You think that you can take 0 protein and tren and build muscle?
of course! the guy who wins mr olympia just took more drugs than everyone else
>protein is useless becomes it comes from a domesticated animal
people actually listen to this shit lmao
there are reasons to avoid chicken but this retard literally never mentions any reason as to why chicken meat is "worthless".
that's why you buy organic, they don't use gmo feed or allow for antibiotics unless the chicken is sick.
>poor people will try and deny this
>pro body builders
>steroids produce protein out of the fucking ether
Amazing. They truly are magic.
pic related eats regular conventional chicken breast all day
>chicken has no nutrients in my opinion
>in my opinion
you mean the guy on more growth hormones than a field of chickens?
OP said stop eating chicken. you think chicken is the only protein source?
> "hey goy stop using the best thing available!"
> doesn't recommend a better solution
Sure thing shlomo. Hey if you aren't a gay nigger piece of shit, how about you tell me some superior sources of lean protein
GMO feed makes zero difference in quality of meat.
Fight me cracker.
you're just assuming shit
fact of the matter is that he eats plenty of regular chicken breast, cope harder.
I believe you meant
>stop eating GMO-chicken
Are you me?
>eating the genetically modified jew
All chicken is gmo nowdays. Unless you grow your own
Non-gmo organic is a scam. Just like free range, they only have to SEE outside, then theu can be labeled as "free range" so if your factory has windows you can put that on your prouct.
>free range and organic are the same
I'm talking about eating chicken that haven't been pumped full of antibiotics and fed gmo's. There are literally standards set out that have to be met for chicken/meat to be classified as organic. If you can't see the benefit of what I'm saying then that's down to you.
It's not about quality here, the point is trying to avoid all the shit that's pumped into meat that you then put in your body. Besides there are studies showing that organic food can be more nutritious than it's non-organic counterpart
>there are studies showing that organic food can be more nutritious than it's non-organic counterpart
>can be
lmao you're one gullible boy
I trust that over a kid's opinion on Jow Forums any day
Oh, you're that retard that placebo'd himself into thinking beef raised his test lmao.
false, its banned in all of EU
nutritionally, it can vary depending on methods used. But again, my point is to avoid as much pesticides and antibiotics as possible from my food. If you can't afford the extra cost, that's fine, but I'm happy to do that
>That bland, colorless chicken breast
>That gay hairstyle
>Wearing shoes indoors
Yep, its a wh*toid.
he probably comes from the land of the corn syrup. What they do to food in America should be illegal
3months for a chicken? get on our level, we grow it in a month.
Lol no
He got me a few seconds after you.
>"chicken has no nutrients, IN MY OPINION"
The bottom line is absolutely correct though;
Source food (especially meat) locally and with knowledge of the source.
Already did. I'm /tbone/ and /chianti/ tonight because I don't try to subsist on crap
>See, I have this very "scientific" ... youtube video!
You're a fucking retard OP. Come back with peer reviewed papers or fuck off nigger.
Fuck off, beefshill.
I get the feeling that most of the world doesn't actually know what a gmo is and doesn't realize shit like apples and dogs are gmos so they freak the fuck out and think its the government putting in chemicals to turn them gay.
You think I have time for that bullshit? I’m not gonna spend my week driving between farms because of shitty memes
Nice, just bought 100k
>buy organic, they don't use gmo feed or allow for antibiotics
Farmers haven't been allowed to use antibiotics for chicken in forever regardless of organic or not
But it says modified, so it must be evil.
The real issue is if the meat is getting proper nutrition and exercise before it's slaughtered. It's all useless if it doesn't eat right and stands around all day.
Here's how I can tell it's bullshit: it's not typed out.
Scientific research or other information meant for fully functional adults is typed out. When you consider a 6 minute audio clip to be a better delivery method your target audience is American sub 80 iq mutts.
Not that I'd stop eating chicken no matter who said what.
GMO is not banned in EU. What is banned is selling GMO food with no mention in the labeling.
t. fellow EU citizen
btw Finland has the cleanest chicken in the world. enjoy eating your hormone-pumped antibiotic-filled shit (also we pay 17€/kg so that sucks)
fyi that's a (((fitness/lifestyle))) model posing for a picture not a farm boy
although he probably did consume a lot of chicken
What's wrong with antibiotics and Genetically modified chickens?
holy shit the cringe. why would anyone eat chicken like that? is he literally mentally retarded?
I have no issue with GMO's, but the problem with eating antibiotics laced food is they hurt your immune system and also lessen the power of antibiotics when you actually need them. As a side effect more and more bacteria and other illnesses are evolving into antibiotic-resistant forms because of this overuse of antibiotics.
We can't digest many of the proteins in GMO plants and animals.
We don't really know how to.
So it just floats around in our body causing all sorts of havoc.
Even leading to cancers and many physical disorders.
Source needed to know where you got your "facts"
Chicken is bad especially if you're blood type B
referring to how body builders pretty much only eat chicken and rice schlomo
somthing this autistic surely has to be bait/satire
What's wrong with shoes inside?
it's worked for every body builder ever and it'll work for you too
it's fucking nasty
yeah but a grass-fed steak will knock your fucking socks off
You've started a storm
stop giving views to clickbait youtubers who preface an attempt at arguing with science with "in my opinion"
Why broccoli
seems legit
cruciferous veggies are good for lowering estrogen and raising testosterone. broccoli is also fairly high in protein (about 50% of calories are protein) and most of the carbs are fiber, which is also good for you.
>is he literally mentally retarded
look up "sage northcutt interview". the short answer is [spoiler]yes[/spoiler]
he said bison and wild caught salmon you big dumb fucking idiot. stick to lifting weights, and less time sharing your autism on forums
>gained more muscle eating bison than chicken
[citation needed]
WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT???????????????????????
Lmfao these people
More like 20%
Your shit is fucked bruh.
17.1g * 4 kcal = 68.4 kcal / 207 total kcal = 33%