Dad of three dies after taking too much steroids

Talk about being impatient

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>that 28

>But Luke didn't take his uncle's advice and admitted to often taking double the recommended intake in the hope it would enhance his physique.
>"Instead of taking one steroid tablet he would take three or four which didn't help."

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>But Luke didn't take his uncle's advice and admitted to often taking double the recommended intake in the hope it would enhance his physique.

>Luke's niece, Kayleigh Nowell, told the inquest how he had been 'a fairly big lad' before he started training and that he would often train at the 24-hour gym two or even three times a day.
Who does that?

>steroid pills

the other day I took 5 steroid gums, will I be ok?

can we talk about the number of people who die due to alcohol as well?

What was he actually on? So he's taking orals but what kind?

Did his organs fail? He didn't even do blood work did he?

What was his cycle?

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Steroids are fine as long as you don’t take too much. There’s retards who take all types of steroids too much and no wonder they’ll die. Roids are safer than alco.

Ah shit, a blood clot

He needed to check his RBCs every 3-4 months and donate blood
Maybe blood was too thick but there is no actual evidence that higher RBCs cause issues for everyone but thick blood will clot over time and can cause stroke/heart/blood pressure issues

You need to donate blood senpai

It was DNP actually.

Steroids are fine in moderate doses but those people who take more and want more gains faster will see gains but the downsides do increase depending on various other factors

>Roids are safer than alco.
Roidlets actually believe this.
Even steroid forums aren't dumb enough to think that, this must be a reddit thing

I’m no steroidlet but how has Arnold made it past 50?

My God you're absolutely right.
Everyone knows that you die at 50 if you drink even a single beer. Go an spread the word my brother!

Anyone find pics of him? You can't make an article about a roided up gym rat and not include his physique.

>lad bible

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Feels weird seeing a 28 year old being refereed to as a dad. I'm 25 and I still legitimately feel like a teenager. Fucking kill me already I can't stand the agepill.

>Feels weird seeing a 28 year old being refereed to as a dad. I'm 25 and I still legitimately feel like a teenager. Fucking kill me already I can't stand the agepill.
Stop playing games and watching gook cartoons, fucking manchild!

he ate 3 asteroids how irresponsible

Alcohol kills millions of people, retard.

Dude, that guy has had like 5 open heart surgeries before he even turned 70. If he was not rich and powerful he would have died waiting on a list before he turned 40.

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Same, the age pill truly is the worst.

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>5 open heart surgeries
lmao. How's that even possible? Weightlifting itself could have easily killed him

If I get drunk every night my liver MIGHT give out on me in 15-20 years.
If I go full blast I WILL die in a matter of years to months

Daily reminder: More people die from Vitamin C than steroids

Daily reminder: If you have shitty genetics you can die from anything, stop looking for scapegoat, faggots!

found the roidcel

>More people die from Vitamin C
You can have 100 grams of Vit C injected into your system when you are sick. 100 grams of Dbol would kill you

another roidcel lmao

He had his first one when he was in his late 40's. People using him as a reference of health when it comes to steroids is laughable. A lot of the guys he went up on stage with died early as heck.
Go ahead and use steroids if you want, but know that it will rob you of a retirement, unless you are a influential millionaire.

If I cruise like 250 ng/l of test-e would I need to do that?

He also stopped blasting all the time when he was in movies. Notice how much smaller her got after he stopped going on stage?

>dispite being bigger than even the most gifted natties

What's your point?
Most things will kill you at 10,000x the recommended dosage

He was born with a defective vent in his heart.

all of these people are posting their OPINIONS on steroids. Reality: evidence matters, opinions don't. Juice is not as dangerous as people think.

Holy shit are you me? I just told my parents this like 2 nights ago when i was visting them. I feel just like i did when i was 17 except stronger faster and smarter.

>except stronger faster and smarter.
Things will start going downhill soon

Yeah, all the roiders that end up with heart surgery or heart attack just conveniently have a predisposition to heart disease, it's just all a big coincidence.
Vitamin C tablets are also more deadly than dbol, I read it online so it must be true.

My point is that you're fucking lying.
Vitamin C is extremely safe

Right, because you always read about the healthy people on roids who have no complications. The news publishes those kinds of articles all the time to use as comparison to the ones they publish about people who die from steroids (who it turns out pretty much always have some kind of heart complication and shouldn't be abusing roids in the first place), you're totally correct

>Right, because you always read about the healthy people on roids who have no complications.
Most of the people that have complications on roids don't publically announce it for everyone else to know for starters.
And yeah, every single time a person who is young and has a heart attack of heart complications there are always roidcel brainlets justifying it with m-muh genetics muh birth defect even when there's no evidence for such a thing.

>roofing for this

They exist retard, they kill your liver though.

Which is why the news puts out articles of people dying from roids, who also happen to always have heart conditions which mean they shouldn't be roiding. You're looking at confirmation bias to cope with the fact you're a dyel little bitch.

The news isn't going to put out good light on roids, despite the fact that millions of people do them constantly and you get what, a couple news articles a year of some dumb asshole with a heart condition who's abusing them (note: not doing them safely, read the fucking article) end up dying? That's why you only addressed the first part of my post, because you know you're a wrong little faggot

Yea we'll see about that, pal.

fucking braincels, educate yourself about juice before talking about it.