Is this possible natty? I wanna be thick like a fucking log except I don't wanna have to jump on sarms or some shit.
Is this possible natty? I wanna be thick like a fucking log except I don't wanna have to jump on sarms or some shit
>How old are you?
>How long have you been lifting?
>Post height and weight.
>Post current lifting stats.
>Why do you want to look like that?
>What are your goals?
>What is motivating you to want any of this?
That is unironically the best looking male human body on earth.
Not op, but
>2 years
>185cm 95Kg
>1/2/3/3 pl8
>Farnese Hercules
>i've been morbidly obese all my life155kg max
>it was shit don't want it never again
OP here
>roughly a year
>5'9(inb4 manlet) 150ish
>I usually do reps at 90/185/nodiddly/225
>haven't maxed in a long time
I used to be a pretty good cross country runner but i broke my femur and had to give it up, so I started lifting and really enjoy the improvements I've made so far. Obviously I have different genetics and shit from this guy but I just wanna be thick as hell, I'm not sure if I should bulk like crazy or what.
Also this is the latest pic of me I've got for reference
not possible to look this full and shredded at the same time
>>I usually do reps at 90/185/nodiddly/225
>>haven't maxed in a long time
you will never look anything like the pic, with or without gear
Fuck off faggot at least I actually lift and don't sit on the toilet hunched over the computer all day like you
absolutely not
how is the guy in pic doing it then
>jump on sarms or some shi
that's good because sarms won't do shit, even if you can get hold of legit stuff
gear all the way
>at least I actually lift
>I usually do reps at 90/185/nodiddly/225#
Please tell me how to look like this
Stats are:
Age: 19
How long lifting: 2 years
Height/Weight: 6'2 - 235Lbs
Stats: 320 bench -- 405 deadlift
I wanna be thicc like that cause my gf loves the way I looked when we first started dating-think this guy but a little smaller
Full stats are 155/320/315/405
Yes my bench is way to much for the rest of my body
>pic related, it's me
Well you’ve got to ask yourself does that look like a natural human body? Ideally sure. But the right answer is he doesn’t even look the same species as most males dude is fucking jacked mutant big.
No homo
looks good man, if you keep putting on mass at that rate youll probably be at that dudes level in 2 years or less, which sounds like a lot but really isnt that long of a time. plenty of time to enjoy it for pussy slaying in your final college years
also, i wish i went into college looking like that. im 33yo now, i went into college at your height, but weighed only like 175 and was a lanket. took me a few years, by end of college i was about 215lbs and 18% bf
Eat food, lift weights and find out.
Will I make it?
19, 5'10 170lbs lifting for 8 months
I think I have long femurs and weak quads.
fuuuarkin mirin cunt
how do i get hands that big? what exercises for this?
youre doing very well for a 19 yo, stick to it bro.
Youre not likely going to get any answers here, so you might as well eat more, train harder (safely) and try to find the answer yourself like Tesla did with free energy
when youre done, come back and tell us how you done it pls, there will always be someone wanting to hear it
it’s cause u got short arms, nigga
>Fuck off faggot at least I actually lift
clearly you dont or you wouldnt make such a stupid fucking thread, as is evident in your complete lack of progress from a year of trying to lift
You have very good potential. But those shorts are lame.
>150 5’9
You got a long way to go, op
Yes, it’s achievable natty with the right genetics and wo plan.
Take a look at him closely. What parts of his body look nicey developed? Neck, traps, and delts. Focus on those three and have a higher bf. His other bp look mediocre. Ignore the shlomos.
Roids you silly goose
You can be big and fat, small and lean, but you cant be big and lean without roids
What's this guy's name? I want to be him.
Don't we all user...don't we all...
...lucky for me I'm decently close with a 9/10 face and 9/10 dick.