My gf is still pretty chubby after doing a weight loss pill thing, and wants to lose weight - but she doesn't really seem to have any dedication. She says, "I want to look perfect for you", but then goes on to eat all day non-stop watching movies. How do I get her into gym bunny asthetics?
Helping gf get in shape
have you tried yelling at her?
I prefer left because I’m high test
>weight loss pill
What a fucking meme. Tell her to start fasting and drinking snake juice.
You can't force anyone to get fit.
The only way people get and stay fit is if they have a strong personal desire to do so.
If you are busy working you arent busy eating
We'll, she's not really that fat. I just want a fit gf. She works at a health clinic. I'm just afraid I'm losing attraction to her. I've never been in a relationship this long and want to make it work, but don't know if I should leave her, or cheat on her...or what.
Some of them actually work, I used to work in a care home where there was a morbidly obese woman who had become almost entirely bedbound. She was prescribed some weight loss pills by the doctor and began to lose weight. Of course it didn't last however, as she used the pills as a justification for demanding more pudding, thus offsetting the benefit of the pills.
I had a gf like this. we were both kind of out of shape when he first started dating. I wanted to get better and so did she. I did. She didn't. We broke up a couple months ago
are you me?
this topic made me realize how stupid women are most of the time since they are having the same mindset at other things too....
I'm having the body these bitches are drooling over but she herself is going to be a fat 5/10.
I'm pretty sure if I'm giving her an ultimatum she will do some/say some stupid irrational women shit.
Holy shit she should be happy that I'm staying with her.
Get her to lift with you or threaten to dump her.
Laziness is one hell of a vice, and every creature comfort of the modern world sure makes it easy to be lazy.
What it comes down to is values. You can't just will another person to have values. They're a deeply internal thing. If someone is still comfortable being lazy they will never ever change.
The will has to come from within, it can't stem from an external source.
There is no magic advice that will fix this. Nothing will change her but her own inner self.
>preferring no thigh gap
Both are pretty trash, honestly. Example of trash genes.
Though thigh gap is superior to no gap every time.
Honestly prefer left of these. Both look good, but left's belly looks so smooth and comfy.
I think your right. She says she never has time for anything, but takes ages to do everything. "Waiting on you" has litterally became my catch phrase. I lose my patience with her when im stressed out because she seems to take 40 minutes doing 10 minute task. I've literally had to get her to start shaving the right way because she didn't know how to do it properly to avoid razor bumps. It's hard to enjoy stuff with her because she doesn't know how to Puch herself, and I'm all about pushing myself to the limits.
yeah left looks way better, bigger boobs too
Have you tested your testosterone levels?
>threaten to dump her.
honestly this but you don't do it directly. you casually chat up other girls in public in front of her, mention girls from work etc all very casually.
she would get in shape if she felt threatened by the possibility of you leaving her and more attractive girls fancying you. obviously she knows you wouldn't leave her and that's why she wont put effort into getting in shape. so you have to use what's known as dread.
I'm this user I alwas hoped that I don't have to pull stupid shit on my GF.
Thinking that women are rational thinking humans was a mistake.
I'm not hating on them but thinking that they are 1:1 equal to man is stupid.
Never thought that I will think that way but getting a gf proofed me otherwise.
seeing how my gf shaves brings me to the brink
I'm going to force to try safety razor shaving for a few weeks to prove that those "woman fuckshit products" are nothing special.
Hell I hope to get her shaving half half so she can see how shit her way of shaving is.
Having red bumps down there looks absolutely disgusting.
oh and alse right with
a) at least more legs/ass
b) just a liiiiitle bit more like left on the lower part
and fuck that cunt for that smug grind and fucking "oh look a protein shake +1000k stupid hashtags" for having a body that is nothing special and should be standard.
not being a fat fuck is something special nowdays.....
It's not just the fat, it's the streatch marks and lack of grooming. She doesn't shave her legs very often, and doesn't shave her ass or clean very often. So surprise sex ends up being disgusting alot since I apparently have super smelling and can smell her booty from a mile away.
I think your right. I went from browsing Jow Forums all day everyday to gaining 30 lbs of muscle, clearing my skin up, learning to socialize, and getting a group of friends that I can hit up whenever.
I hit her up just for a quick lay to see if I could do it, and then had her move in because I was getting lonely. Not she's so ingraned into my house and life, that I couldnt leave her if i wanted. Plus....she has 2 kids. At first I could get any, and loved her, but now I feel like I'm settling.
>I alwas hoped that I don't have to pull stupid shit on my GF.
>Thinking that women are rational thinking humans was a mistake.
>I'm not hating on them but thinking that they are 1:1 equal to man is stupid.
>Never thought that I will think that way but getting a gf proofed me otherwise.
it ain't that complicated: a guy is only as attractive as his options. she sees you have options => she has to compete
>had her move in
there's your problem right there. cohabitating is a desire killer. she always knows what you're doing and doesn't fear you're out fucking other chicks.
Every week if she misses her weight loss goal you tie her from her wrists to the bed post and whip her chubby ass until she's bleeding from both ass cheeks. She should be taking her weight loss seriously after the first two weeks.
I asked you a question. You claimed to be high test, how do you know it?
that's what I have to do right now, sadly
having a simple talk is not working since she just pulls the getting emotional card
Even more funny that she kind of depends on me at paying the rent.
Even more funny that I can get a new girl pretty fast while she is developing a 4.5/10 body ..... I don't think she knows her leverage in a possible future negotiation
But her parents are really nice at least.
> Plus....she has 2 kids
wait .... you are continuing with another guys save game?
> lol man up and provide for me. What are you, a loser?
you prefer left because you're low self-esteem.
Low test beta numale detected
Well done.
Dump her?
Op your either pathetic or retarded, you moved a chubby single mom and her two semen demons in with you? The fucks wrong with you?
I'm a single dad and I don't even date single moms, fuck all that noise, quick bang and that's it, with all the young pretty girls with tight vaginas why would you move some dipshit single mom with a loose vagina and mombod in?
Yes. I was very thirsty and pathetic when I got with her. She basically worships me and I almost broke up with her a few months ago, and just couldn't imagine being alone again. Now the feelings are coming back, and I feel trapped. I'll giver her a month. If shit doesn't improve by then, I'm moving on.