6'4" 176lbs just got back from a long trip and lost a bunch of weight and strength. What weight should I bulk up to
6'4" 176lbs just got back from a long trip and lost a bunch of weight and strength. What weight should I bulk up to
you look like literal shit
how do people even grow to be so tall? did you drink a lot of milk growing up?
>t. 5'8 manlet
You don't even fill out your underwear, man.
You should work out desu
I'm 6'4 and I drank like 3-4 glasses of milk plus milk in my cereal per day growing up. But who knows I'm just an anecdote.
Yeah haven't worked out for 3 months and ate shit you don't have to tell me ha. Worth it though
you should sip
6'4'' also here
and yes , i've drank so much milk too (1 liter+ a day) with all kinds of nesquick infused with calcium in it .
also , i got a friend i grew up with who also drank a fuckton of milk and he's taller than me
Probably 210...
Seriously. Either lying about height or weight. I'm 6'4 205 and I look just as flabby and dyel...
6'4 here and I also drank a fuckton of milk growing up. Cant recall for certain but at least a liter a day from ages 5-10.
I'm 6'5" and if i were 176lbs, i'd be mr. holocaust. GTFO lying faggot.
6'1 here, and yes.
Sorry I need a body thread to hijack.
OP if you're that tall then 200 should be a good weight
Manlet heterosexual twink here. Pls critique my body. Why does my upper body look like such shit? I am getting back into daily lifting from being lazy for half a year only lifting once a week or so like a lazy bastard.
5'7" 135lb, trying to get to 150
>thinks he's tall
Aww they're so cute
pretty sure its 90% down to genetics but i'm pretty tall and ate a lot of cereal growing up
It's 90% down to the expression of your genetics, which comes down to your environment (e.g. the nutrients you got, how active you were, etc. when still growing), which ranges from your life in your mother's womb all the way until you quit growing.
You can have parents that are both 6'6", but if you were malnourished and inactive during your growing years, there's a good chance you wouldn't be as tall as your parents. Gotta keep your body happy so that it will express the best phenotype.
not sure i believe that, just look at africa
they are tall as fuck
I drank lots of milk and ate lots of butter and cheese. Still a manlet.
Cheerios, milk, and chicken growing up. 6’4”
fuck if you look like that at 135 then I have a lot more weight to lose
6’4” here. Been bulking since January. Up to 200 from 165. Not stopping until 220. Then maybe slight cut to 210-215. You need 12 eggs per day. Steak, chicken, salmon, asparagus, brown rice, and quinoa. Although tempting, don’t bulk too dirty. I started to at one point (McDonalds and ice cream) but started feeling shitty. Cheat with pizza if need be (once per week max). Lift six days per week. 3 days of compounds, rest, 3 days isolation, rest, and so on. Good luck.
Obviously if both sides of your family are 100% Nilotic, you're going to be tall regardless, but how tall is going to be determined by how healthy you were as a child. Your genotype for your height is more of a guideline for your epigenetics to use when expressing that gene. Phenotype doesn't always equal genotype.
he looks right for his height
t. 6'5", maybe you're holding more fat than you think
i dont even know what that means bro
another 6'4" here
it's just genetic luck of the draw, i ate like shit and was fat as a child and then dieted aggressively during the the time period where i shot up from 5'8" to 6'2" (like 13 years old)
you're fat not a twink