Why do roasties drink so much?

Why do roasties drink so much?

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nice jaw

bet she'd make some prime chad babies

>alcoholic roastie
>still has a better jawline than op

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Last night I went out for Canada day and there was this one roastie who was absolutely obliterated. She was outside stumbling around and people kept wrangling her on to the sidewalk so she wouldn't get run over. Later on she was literally rolling around on the street. She didn't even have any friends with her, she was all alone, getting that fucked up.

Sad desu

They have nothing better to do
I don't mean that from a boredom standpoint, that just offer nothing else

Because it's fun despite being bad for you in the long run. They don't take the future into account

Uhhh getting drunk is actually good for you

Because they are miserable


In my country a recent poll says that not just drinking but 63% of smokers are roasties.

>Why do roasties drink so much?
They're trying to cope with a depressing fact that 80% of women are pursuing the top 20% of men.

Pretty gross seeing girls smoke desu

Because they are empty from all the pointless one night stand and partying, so they try to fill the void with more meaningless sex and alcohol, and so the cycle continues

it is drumpf's fault

Wat explain

Ironically, I have not yet met a single woman willing to admit that the top 20% of men are pursued by th bottom 80% of women.

>sympathy for the roastie

a rare point of view

Trolls trolling trolls, user.

Any health benefits are lost if you're over 1 glass/day

it gets you laid

I got my wife to admit it. Her friend is a 9 out of 10, and just got out of a big relationship. She's on Tinder now. She says she can't find any good guys on there. I asked her how many guys she had matched with, and how many guys tried to match with her. 80/20 is generous.

She's going to die alone at this point.

She's too old to make anything but autist babies

A facade/depression from knowing that if they listen to their aching uteri when they see babies/nightly dreams of being pregnant, then all the women around them will screech and tell them they're supposed to be strong, independent world-travelers taking lots of foreign cock while getting a college education in something that won't make any money after they graduate in a fuckton of debt, because their foremothers fought for their right to be poor, barren old maids.