Be in LONDON train

>Be in LONDON train
>see scrawny kid reading
>pay no attention
>realise what he's reading
>12 Rules by Jordan Peterchad
>look closer
>he's got a protein shake in his bag too
>make eye contact with him
>"that's a good book"
>he smiles nods approvingly
>tear up inside a bit
>Feel immense pride in the journey he is undertaking

That aside, is Jordan Petercon is so smart, why isn't he swole?

Attached: Jordan Peterson.jpg (810x500, 39K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Feel immense pride in the journey he is undertaking
Why? You have nothing to do with it.

>Jordan Petercon is so smart

>clean your room

wow he is so wise. moar like he is a sign of the pathetic times

according to himself he used to bench 100kg when he was late teens/early twenties, but he seems the type to ask you what you bench and he benches that +10kg

he's happy someone is trying to make changes, reminds him of old him, its nice to see people try to become better

>make sure you pet a cat

Fucking A, always nice to see encouraging IRL, you're a good lad, OP.

He used to lift, google it.

jordan peterson is just a white deepak chopra. Not saying self-help is necessarily bad, but real change usually has a stronger bedrock than "just clean your room bro".


Do you even know what clean your room means?

I'm about to start reading 12 Rules. I like listening to his Youtube videos so I think I'm gonna like it

Joe Rogan currently live with Jordan Peterson

Look at this faggot reading the page of contents and taking the chapter titles literally

Is Rogan cucking out again and giving him a hard time?

Yeah I've heard some of his talks. Its some premature enlightenment.

Thanks for the heads up my man

Why do people get all pissy at a guy peddling self improvement?

You're doing the same shit Jow Forums does when they sneer at all advice as "hurr just bee urself"; pretending that being reductive counts as cleverness or insight.

He isnt very smart and places blame where it isnt due because he is a shill and a liar. You are equally unintelligent and thus perceive him as wise. Cringe at the teenagers ITT that couldnt tell moloch from a morning star

clean your dicks and pray to lawd jesus

>memerson cultists
Enjoy your 3 day vacation OP

Because he places blame for certain societal ills which are orchestrated by oligarchial alliances on the common man

>feel immense pride in the journey he's taking

What, the Central Line to West Ruislip?

Victoria to Walthamstow m9

That's nothing to be proud of.

Peterson currently talking about lifting FYI

Clean your dick and worship the Jews.

Crab in a bucket syndrome. People get threatened when they see others show improvement in ways the deemed impossible for themselves; it's an attack on their entire worldview.

Same reason incels shit up this board with lookism threads, and fatties get triggered by weight loss inspiration .

He's live now at the JRE

Because its just that, glorified self-help. I reiterate, its not bad, but it isn't groundbreaking either. So Peterson motivates you to get fit, congrats. I just don't get the shilling, thats all.

What Peterson just said:

>he put 35lb muscle in three years at uni
>ate 6 meals a day

Jordan confirmed for not natty Lobster

Because he mixes it with mystical jungian trash, boomer conservatism and schizophrenic conspiracy theories, and his followers think he's some sort of eminence (when his views outside a vey specific subset of clinical psychology are worthless) and shill him everywhere.

Peterson just holds their hand through it and validates problem young dudes have; most self help isn't that focused. And he managed to marry it with his meme-tier rebranding of Cultural Marxism to make a livelihood.

He married a kike.
He works for the opposition.

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>I reiterate

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>mfw idiots turned to a false prophet like peterson instead of god himself zizek

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Juden Peterstein

it's because they're consuming pure ideology

>Now what you have in the case of Jow Forums is a macabre expression of ideology similar to Yugoslavia in the 1980s. If you have not heard of the lasting fashion, like pepe the scatological toad in which past visions of uber and undermen are sublated in a surreal manner, you are told to go to ray-did or tumbler because you aren't part of the tribe and commune and so on and so on. *sniff* There is an old East German joke in which an engineer gets sent to Siberia and he tells his friend beforehand that in his letters all that is true will be written with blue ink and all that is not with red and so in the first letter what is written on red is that how great the Gulag is and how they get new clothes and women and so on - in red ink. Only thin that is missing is blue ink. If we see this in the case of Jow Forums *sniff*, this is precisely the case. We have all the red ink we want - mehmehs, endless jokes and freudian ironies which go a long way to show us a creative and modern men. But there are no memes to show true pain, the truth of Jow Forums which is that it does not hate the Other, but rather, itself to the point of it unable to consider crippling solitude without turning it to a joke of having "no gf' or drawing a comic of two fellows you have here in the illustration. These men eat up ideology, shit ideology and make nonsensical machines out of ideology so that they don't see ideology, but an entertaining process of alienation and so on.

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He was swole when he was younger, he mostly stopped because he got annoyed at the amount he had to eat and didn't really start up again. It was also compounded by depression and generally feeling shitty due to his auto immune illness which he has only recently gotten a handle on with the help of his daughter. Feels weird to know so much about a guy I've only met once.

I desperately want to see a talk between the two of them. JP says he tried to read Lacan and couldn't understand it at all. I enjoy both of them and they are so completely different.

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>and so on and so on
this pasta never gets stale

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Absolutely based.

Idk man, there's a large amount of truth behind those jungian tales

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Zizek's Twilight Zone

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The problem with Peterson's self-help advice is that it is intentionally used as a delivery vector for his poisonous ideology of radical individualism. The self-help advice is not separate from his ideology, in fact Peterson states that the only reason someone is "far right" is because they have pathological resentment and have not taken on the responsibility of being an individual.

This is why we are dealing with so many Juden Peterstein cultists now who are slavishly devoted to defending Peterson's honor while simultaneously declaring any White person who "wants to collectivize" as a dangerous enemy that needs to be destroyed just as much as the Marxists. These people associate their journey up from the gutter with Peterson and his ideology, and they are not capable of separating the self-help advice from the ideological payload.

There is more, but by the look of this thread, you goys are not going to like it!
archive li/CDzEi
archive li/CDzEi

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Do people actually hate on Carl Jung? Granted I never studied psychology (too arrogant as a kid and mocked anything that was a "soft science"), but from what I have read he seems like an interesting individual.


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alright fuckers this is nice. As a philo-major-fag I always tried to avoid zizek so far but I'm gona buy one book now and see what all the fuss is about.

Which one would you recommend?

you're never gonna make it.

This. Also most referencing jung here dont even know jung lifted his theories straight from kaballah and additionally dont comprehend the implications of the agenda of one who would do so

Phenomenology of Spirit

>As a philo-major-fag

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If you can only read one then you should pick 'The Parallax View'

>not feeling a sense of pride when someone else is improving themselves

It's like you have no sense of unity or cohesion. Do you sit there like a robot when something good happens to a friend of yours, or do you celebrate with him?

How can you be a philo-major and not be familiarized with the most prominent contemporary materialist?

How to rationalize an archetypal mindset with one of fervent individualism? If you are an archetype you are a cookie cutter and not a true individual. Sounds like low key neurosis to me.

Using archetype here to mean personality type not type of person based on role imposed by your relationship. Ie narcissistic redditor not ie brother/sister.

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>poisonous ideology of radical individualism

What exactly does this mean? I'm not sure how you can be a radical individualist, ultimately you cannot survive without society and being part of some collectivist groups is going to happen no matter what you choose. Striving for individualism could never result in you being "free" of collectivism, but it seems to me embracing collectivism could lead to you being completely absorbed by a group and losing who you are.

Zizek articles are better than his books


You're talking to a kid who thinks being redpilled is to emulate an opportunistic psychopath; the idea that you can genuinely feel good for someone else is just going to be dismissed as beta cuck soiboi faggot jewry.

>the most prominent contemporary materialist
Nobody reads commie faggot shit but you commie faggots. Hes not prominent, hes a nobody, and you're a dipshit for taking him seriously.

because most famous pihlosophers that apprea on television mostly spout bullshit.

already working two part-time jobs to finance the degree mate. don't worry about me not working

He's just mad that incels have something to uplift them that isn't a white supremacy movement.

The idea of basing one's identity of off personal actions and achievements instead of co-opting group achievements frightens white nationalists. You'll just get more pseudointellectual blustering around that point.

Holy fucking checked

>black lives matter


I don't think you understand the conversation.

I was asking him a question because I'm curious about the ideals behind these arguments. I'm not interested in being lumped in with you leftists immediately attacking someone who has different views.


Sweaty, I got some news

He lifted in his youth but said he never benched more than 2 plate

I guess it just wasnt a priority for him

We aren't leftists just because we recognize literal Nazi's when they post. Not even close to a leftist

>Juden Peterstein

lmao day of the rope is comin' commie.

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Peterstein is a fucking globalist shill and a charlatan who's getting pushed hardcore by the media and jewtube. Took me months to get that faggot out of my recommended video list.

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sort of but not really. All he says is that if you place the blame for all the things going wrong in your life on outside forces ( you know, like feminists do with the patriarchy) you will never improve. If you ignore outside forces and focus only on what you yourself can influence you will move forward.
Which is true.
Stop whining.

>Radical individualism
Not sure if this is being used a cover word for sociopathy? Individualism is great but not to be confused with sabotaging your peers as that sort of name implies. Structurally self reliance and self improvement have become hobbies outside of a normative contemporary skillset/routine/comfort which significantly decreases the viability of the "radical individual" to appreciably alter society. I think Petersons goal here is to address the cringy fucks who are living for nothing but neckbeard things. I think most NEETS are beyond hope by 20 y/o so I dont actually care that much about "righting the course of the youth" or some bullshit like that, the jobless fatass right wing incels and left wing skeleton communists can both fuck off. They fail for different reasons often the right wing loonie is unemloyable because they might try and "redpill" someone and generally have no experiance and the leftwing cuntflap has no desire to work because communism! Dead weight loss the lot of em, gotta be above it and pursue being the type of person you want to be as a role model that some of the less fucked up types might make note of. Thats my read on what is worthwhile about individualism - creating viable but imperfect role models which you can see fragments of yourself in other peoples world view. Mix and match enough and find where you shake out on things.

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>literal nazis

Oh the horror.

You had a kneejerk reaction to someone whos views you dislike, you tried to quote my post as if I was "in" on attacking him. I wasn't attacking his views, I was questioning his ideals on individualism, in line with the general theme of this thread.

I'm just clearing this up, I DO believe in individualism, I'm not one of you, and where as I'm happy to hear your views I want no part in your childish namecalling.

Left over dregs from the tumblr raid I see.

Protip: if everyone you disagree with is a nazi then no one is a nazi. No one likes national socialism because it is actually still socialism with racism+. Jow Forums is a capitalist board, now lurk more faggot.

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why do you people listen to this white supremacists?

If you’re interested where the right wing is coming from in regards to criticizing Peterson.

>dude individualism lmao
>clean ur room
>wow jews are so smart
>wtf no jewish nepotism and tribalism have nothing to do with it
>their eugenics tier breeding rituals have nothing to do with it
>donate to my patreon thanks
>who cares if every western nation is being flooded with foreigners, collectivism = bad, you do you bucko!
>*takes anti-depressants*
>is married to a jew


why dont you read the thread
archive li/CDzEi
archive li/CDzEi
archive li/CDzEi
archive li/CDzEi
His individualism worldview is incorrect. People are inherently collectivist. For example, I'm sure you agree that 3 year olds should not vote. But why sacrifice the individuals right, to the ontological category of "Child"? Why have social and legal norms against incest? Just individuals...right? No, of course not. What about adultery, is that fine? Or can we hold those individuals to higher social/legal standard than single people?. These categories are real, this is self evident; and is confirmed by the undeniable fact that they govern our behavior on a daily basis; largely without our conscious realization of it, it's innate.

If we were to accept his individualist worldview, how would we counter mass immigration, or feminism, or sodomy? If the individual is above the group, then why not 3rd world immigrants? We're all individuals right? Can't judge someone based upon race, that would be collectivist. Why should a women practice feminine virtues and rear children? She can make her own way, right? If we value individual freedom above the well being of the collective, then why not allow sodomites to be culturally accepted?

Can you see how his worldview, is modernity? It is the very philosophy that the West is practicing today, to suicidal ends.

I'll leave you with this final quote, make of it what you will.
>"You can use your own standards of judgement. You can rely on yourself for guidence. You don't have to adhere to some external aribitrary code of behavior. Perhaps you will then see, that if all people did this in their own lives, the world might stop being an evil place."

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you cant recognize anything
"nazi" is like calling someone "racist". Congratulations, thinking stops here, enter ideology town, where anyone who disagrees is an opponent who must be marginalized and shouted down.

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Last I read he was eating an all meat diet. Now he looks like he's dying from AIDS.

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Taleb BTFOs this emaciated gimp

I didn't even use Nazi's as a pejorative. I said literal Nazi. You can think what you like about them. They hate JP because he can't speak openly about the Jews. It's too much to expect of a public figure.

Zizzeck is such a brainlet he doesn’t even understand what Peterson is talking about. Either that or he wrote an article on Peterson without researching him in earnest or even slightly. Frankly, I’m not sure which is worse, but implying that Peterson claimed that there is some super secret post-USSR oligarchy trying to undermine the West with cultural Marxism is just plain stupid.

Is anyone listening to this? He sounds like a total fucking kook talking about his magic diet

>I said literal Nazi like a reddit onions boy
>why are you guys jumping down my throat?

Nobody is a “literal” Nazi. That doesn’t even make sense. Every “literal” Nazi is dead

>name the jew
You mean name the international centralized banking cartel right user?

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>schizophrenic conspiracy theories

Like what exactly?

you said it user

How the fuck do I feel happy about others being successful

>Every “literal” Nazi is dead
They are still hunting some of them. They arrest the 95+ year old dudes when they find them.

back to your containment board

Jow Forumstard

>Zizek not understanding Peterson
What fucking universe do you live in? Zizek makes Peterson sound like a legitimate retard. Listen to one of his actual lectures or read one of his books and you'd understand that. I don't even agree with Zizek on a lot of things, but he's an intellectual heavyweight, not a meme like Peterson.

you just hate the guy because he is popular.

>but the problem with
>its problematic
>we need to talk about


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