Hey i am 20 years olf and scared of getting bold. What fo you think, can a doctor help me with my problem?
Hey i am 20 years olf and scared of getting bold. What fo you think, can a doctor help me with my problem?
shave it
Mine looks similar at 46. Should I be worried?
Lol I was just thinking the same thing, glad to see a post up and running already tho... Seems like really thin hair
Does anybody know something that helps with this issue ?
Yes you do. Try finasteride.
Probably just thin hair
Stop fapping fix your diet get more sun and cardio get a buzz cut and wait. Thank me later. Eat your veggies and fruit big time and especially dont masturbate. Think plato noted that eunuchs keep full heads of hair until death by accident? Haha. Keep lying to yourself.
I have a thick head of hair and jerk off a lot
You have thin hair and you've parted it in the middle. That's all (for now).
peppermint oil has been recently shown to increase hair follicles and thickness. dilute it with another kind of oil or it'll burn.
or just be a man and get over it. I started balding at 17, and owning it got me more pussy than most hairy dudes.
>Plato's anecdotal evidence as a source
literally everything you said is wrong. if you have testosterone, and have hair follicles sensitive to testosterone, you'll go bald. that's it. nothing else matters.
Youre also likely under 23 and/or
Have diet in check
Have exercised regularly in life
Dont abuse drugs daily
Hormonal imbalances from over masturbation dont kick in until about 20 years old when the body starts to reach adult levels of test production
I'm 25
Balding is genetics
If you're gonna go bald you're gonna go bald, you can't prevent it with diet and shit.
you shouldn't be trying to get actualy science from Jow Forums anyway.
>balding at 17
>just shave it off bro, women love that shit
Fucking KEK
>Think plato noted that eunuchs keep full heads of hair until death
Wasn't that Aristotle?
Shaved is better than having a skullet.
Eunuchs keep there hair because they have zero test, why would you increase it via nofap hmm???
It could be alopecia areata. You are highly uneducated. If you have no experience in the matter dont push your opinion because you can misguide him. He has diffuse thinning more so than a receeding line, hinting at alopecia which is directly related to habits. Gtfo.
Dihidrogyen testosterone. If you want to discredit me then get the most simple facts straight first. The state of nonwhites on this board.
My bad had to be one of em. Was noted by jesuits too in 1300s
Ejaculation converts testosterone to dht. Testosterone is not linked or associated with hair loss. It only is when it is in dihydrogen testosterone form, a conversion process which occurs during and after ejaculation. Grow up and read you fat ternager.
Leaving this thread OP just know that I, the guy saying to improve your diet habits and quit masturbation, reversed similar thinning at 21 years old by the time i was 23 by doing as i said. I had been a heavy pot and tobacco smoker which i am guessing you may be. Also fapped multiple times daily and did cocaine with shit diet and no exercise. Totally did a 180 in life and have my hair back. The others trying to give you 0 hope are neckbeards or degenerates with little parental guidance and abaolutely 0 hope, likely 30 year old boomers.
Even my legs grew their hair back where they had been balding prior. Gl