
Brothers, always remember that the first and the noblest of victories is to conquer self. We shall not speak about defeating the Jews and other undesirables, unless we become Ubermenschen ourselves.

The movement will be better off without fat fucks and skinny retards. Muscle up gentlemen.

Stop eating sweets, softdrinks and fastfood. They are literally created to harm you and your well-being.

The movement needs smart people with broad knowledge and a head full of ideas related to our cause. It's also a good pasttime, better than lurking all day on an anime imageboard.

Join your local church community or a nationalist group / party. Or even start one yourself. Get out with fliers, attend the marches, be active.

Higher T levels, better sex, confidence, energy, lack of depression and much more - if you fancy that, then get your hands off your dick. Also, pornography is an industry directly controlled by the Jews. Just saying.

ITT: we discuss everything that will help the individual become an Ubermensch. Brothers, this is our common struggle.

Share your:
>motivational pictures (related to our movement)
>NoFap experiences
>diet plans
>favourite exercises
>personal growth stories
>reading lists

And everything you deem worthy of being in such thread.

Attached: 1530557462803.png (1920x1080, 2.36M)

Other urls found in this thread:


You could start by learning german. It's Übermensch.

Do we really need to race bait for shit like this?
Why wouldn't we want "redpilled Jews?" don't tell me you're scared of a little sabotage.

>1st for skinhead is a bad look

Attached: 1524505448060.gif (1000x773, 328K)


>little sabotage
Fuck off.

Fucking die already. I fucking hate you. I hope you were never born.


>Join your local church community or a nationalist group / party. Or even start one yourself. Get out with fliers, attend the marches, be active.

urgh why are their so many cucked nationalists on fit

Attached: inbred-white-tiger-kenny-31.jpg (600x503, 46K)

So this... Is the power of Jow Forums


Attached: 1527285393192.jpg (645x773, 80K)

Inferiority complex; Jews are beating them at their own game (might is right, world domination).


This is the gayest shit I've ever seen

lol, this

>I hope you were never born
Thanks for trying to learn our language, but we're full

When a jew gets redpilled he only gets motivated to further his own peoples cause. If you found out youre born into a secretive in group that dominates the world through favoritism and corruption youd probably be pretty down to jump on the train and enjoy the ride ASAP. Especially when youre told youre gods only chosen people from the age of 2. Hence why they cant ever be trusted - they have too mich to gain and protect in the material world and very little incentive to work against themselves for the greater universal good of humanity. Id know, im a jew, and 99% of jews are just smug and glad to hear how we are fucking the entire world
We laugh it off at dinner

kek, it must be that 44% of him.

>This spooked over the big bad Jew
C'mon we're better than that

For what it's worth I'm not Jewish, I just think that living life to the fullest is way more important than a petty race war.
The real redpill is independent self improvement and community self improvement, none of this racial superiority bullshit.

If anything this should drive the movement to recruit and poach some members

It's a good gif, I don't keep that many responding to b8 images because I normally don't

Attached: 1523569618759.png (480x854, 90K)

based and redpilled

More than you faggot
IIFYM nigga , gimme dat mt dew
STILL more than you nigga
Church EVERY SUNDAY , I ain't fukin wit that ''democratic nationalism'' faggy shit tho
ITT: you're probably mixed race if you're american
Here's my motivational pic

Attached: a.jpg (600x750, 71K)

>playing video games over the age of 12

Attached: a.jpg (620x400, 29K)

>Elliot Rodgers fan group thread



wanna know how I know you know I know?

>t. italian virgin

You a good jew or a bad jew? A good jew gets a lot of respect from me.

>This many people shitting over a reaction image
Hot damn I haven't even played the game I just thought it was cool and most people knew what it fucking meant

Attached: 1529457640107.png (498x492, 437K)

It's Jow Forums virtue signaling; the game doesn't matter as much as them showing everyone they're the kind of person to sneer at it.

holy fucking BASED

damn falseflag fags


Attached: 1529367888116.jpg (390x390, 96K)

holy cringe

Attached: 1530448723174.png (887x526, 665K)

I'm sick of you neo nazi fucktards. Go back to pol you obnoxious racist faggot

i agree.

At least this one bothered to try and pretend to be fitness related. Most Jow Forums types think mentioning deadlifts once justifies the existence of a racebait thread. Jow Forums is even worse.

>Jow Forums
>self improvment

Attached: download.jpg (275x183, 8K)

What can I do against scars, except dermarolling?

Attached: 1517179431475.jpg (4096x4096, 2.22M)

based and redpilled


i imagine some scrawny nerd typing all this and its just sad

Non-invasive plastic surgery is an option. Just make sure you do your research.

Way to ruin the best general on Jow Forums. Fuck off back to Jow Forums.

based and redpilled

am I the only one whos bothered by the nazi and Jow Forums shit attached to /sig/ now?

Yes. When did this happen? Post this shit in pol.

Another *snap*


sorry, part of my selfimprovement is drastically reducing my internet and especially my Jow Forums time, so I'm not exactly up to date with every little shit happening

shut up newfag /sig/ has existed for years and ive never seen this OP before

you're right

I'm Indian. How can I self improve my way out of that?

depose your fecal matter in a ceramic bowl

cheerful subjection to the Aryan

>was a stereotypical altright incel back in 2013/14
>got Jow Forums out of self improvement and to prepare for the happening
>being Jow Forums combined with wanting to lose my incel status got me into a hedonistic lifestyle of binge drinking, going clubbing and having casual (sometimes unprotected) sex fairly regularly
>stopped caring about politics, convinced myself I was over my previously held convictions and all that mattered was lifting and getting pussy
>started test and dbol cycle very recently
>stopped going out since I wanted to make the most of the gear and minimise the chance of liver sides
>realise I actually fucking hate everything about normie hedonistic millennial culture and was only doing it because I felt some innate "need" to fit in which is no longer there
>spend more time reading and focusing on myself, full 1488 now

Attached: lw3zqoui5hv01.jpg (750x739, 67K)

all of this is because you hate yourself

It's pretty much the same as any other /sig/ op.

except now its about nofap/jews and that atrocious image


>tfw not fat anymore
>tfw noobgains
>tfw realizing my hatred for the people forcing mass migration upon every white nation grows every day

This is why I lift.

Attached: OUnx4nU.jpg (771x1024, 296K)

Can I join this movement and get qt3.14 asian gf?

Good jew brah, brother nathanael tier. Lmao

> pol having anything to do with self-improvement

Ya ruined it.

FITNESS is directly related to the FASCIST and or NATIONAL SOCIALIST ideologies

Nofap has been part of /sig/ for a long time.

The best interests of your people are inherently not the same as for ours. Get your own Identitarian movement and be proud of it.

gay lol

No he is right you should stop playing video games as soon as possible. Shame I played til I was 17 then more casually til 21. So much formative time wasted I could have spent working on shit that actually matters. It makes you fall behind because time is priceless. Video games = missing time. When you play them it even FEELS like time goes by 5x faster, how long your life "felt" is more important than how long it actually was. Would you like to reach 60 and think "Wow. That only felt like 12 years because all I did is play video games the whole time".

I'd rather live 12 years and have it feel like 60 years than live 60 and have it feel like 12 because my perception of time was so sped up.

the funniest thing is that this video is banned in my country (germany)