You wake up as Potatoman. How do you go about improving yourself?

You wake up as Potatoman. How do you go about improving yourself?

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I would kms

45 acp to the head son

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At this point I don't, I just go around rapin and killin until they take me out.

Cut my hair shorter and wash it, then wear a hat.
Lose tons of weight and gain muscle.
Face and skin care and actually walk around with a nice expression.

Jk lmao, 1xF neck hangs

I wouldn't reply to garbage threads

Shave, benzyl peroxide+sacylic acid, start losing weight, get job for plastic surgery (since I don’t even consider this my face I’ll have no issue carving it up), haircut. If he’s

I would get huge and ripped and scary looking, work as a security guard, compete in MMA. What are they going to do, mess up my face? Oh no!


He’s a small guy but he has a big heart.

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bullet to the head x1

He’s even built like a potato.

Bake at 425 for 60min x 1

I feel like killing myself just imagining in an alternative reality I could have been born as this man.

Become a luchadore and wear a mask everywhere to preserve the proud tradition.

Bullets to the head, AMRAP

What's his fit called? wtc that belt buckle

What do I know?

>lose weight and lift
>get an actual hairstyle
>remove pubes from face
>get surgery on eyes
>take care of skin
He's not that bad besides the whole being a major manlet.

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I would learn to love the hunt

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I envy this man. The amount of mental fortitude it takes to look like that and continue going on is impressive.


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you mean Sperg Ferguson?

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His case honestly isn't that bad. And by that I mean the foundation he's working with is fine. Lose weight, start aggressive skincare regimen, lift obviously, make money to get any necessary minor surgeries. How tall is he?

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Checks out

He’s so fucked.


i'd attempt to rob a bank. if i pull it off pay for plastic surgery. if i fail then i just an hero

put a nice hole in the roof of my mouth. no way I'm not killing myself going from 8 to 1

The original boomer?

Just bee myself.

Wtf are you talking about hes hideous


By Azura, by Azura! I'd study hard to get myself a robot body. Fuck my potato humanity.


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I would roid and train like crazy and hope pic related is the best outcome.

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thats the joke dummy