I've been sedentary my entire life and I just failed a 95lb squat for 3x5 doing SS
hold me Jow Forums
I've been sedentary my entire life and I just failed a 95lb squat for 3x5 doing SS
hold me Jow Forums
Squatting is an incredibly demanding movement if you have never done it before. I remember starting with just the bar and having crazy sore legs after my first time.
Who gives a shit nigga. Just don't be in the same position in a month or a year.
Progress is the only thing that matters, start somewhere and keep improving. The only shit you would get is if you aren't making progress.
thats not bad. youre a girl right?
Don't worry about it dude there's so much shit going on during a squat. Making sure the bars balanced properly, make sure feet are in proper position, make sure knees are pushing out not collapsing, breathing properly etc. By time you get the lift performed you're exhausted. As you get more comfortable with the motions you will see the weight shoot up fast.
18 year old male 5'11'' 158 lbs
Don't worry user. This failure is a teaching moment. You're never going to be good at something you just started. You're going to suck.
What separates you from people who never make it, is how much sucking and failing you are capable of withstanding than others.
Your repeated failures makes you stronger, it makes you humble in the face of challenge, and with time and enough failures, you stop fearing it, and instead give it your all, despite the chance of failure.
Don't compare yourself to others because ultimately you grow and become the person you will be at your own pace. As long as you are growing, you are worthy of respect.
Eternal struggle is eternal growth user. Let that sink in.
You had the balls to try and fail at something, many others feared stepping into the gym too much to try and fail.
You are at this point the top 10% of people if you think about it just for trying.
Start with the empty barbell instead of jumping straight to 95 pounds retard
Today you took the lead over every other version of yourself who never left the couch and that's something to be proud of. Can you beat today's you when you're back in the gym tomorrow?
I would drag my balls through a mile of broken glass just to lick a turd stain off her tits.
I did, have been lifting for 3 weeks
if you started with the empty barbell and you've been liftting for 3 weeks shouldn't you be at 55 lbs? Or even if you did 10 lbs that would be 65
Next time try to get 1 more rep
wtf she looks straight like a sex doll
lel Im not OP but I recently started lifting after just browsing this board for weeks and now reading this made me feel better
I'm pretty close to you. I was ~150 lbs for my entire adult life, also 5'11. Was never sedendary but mostly played soccer and cycled so I might as well have been.
Started with the bar, been doing SS for nearly a month, just did 90 lbs today and I wasn't sure I'd be able to make it. 95 is on Wednesday, we'll see. As others are saying, the only important thing is progress.
Ignore the people here saying 1/2/3/4 is a joke, etc., that takes many months to get to, maybe over a year, and the progress along the way is hard fucking work.
This, it's all about improvement.
SS says to increase by 5 lbs every workout, and to do 3 workouts a week. If you're not GOMADing, and it would surprise me if literally anybody was, they're going to fail pretty quickly at this pace.
Lmao what a pathetic numale bitch. No wonder this generation is fucked. Just kill yourself already, stop using gym equipment because some people are actually working out with them.
>ignoring the fact everyone starts from somewhere
dont listen to this dipshit user, I dont believe he even lifts
>this hahahaha lol fuckin rekted OP hahaha le epic meme right xD
since you call someone else a pathetic numale bitch tell us when you started lifting with how much you were squating then
Last year I started training, I squatted 90lbs 3x8 and that was hard
this year I squat 260 lbs 3x5
don't worry bro, you're gonna make it
>someone is trying to improve themselves
>oh better shit on them for starting out somewhere
You're unironically retarded. The strength of man is one man climbing on the shoulders of others, and then reaching his hand down to help others up.
You had help from others getting to where you were. Reach your hand down and pay it forward you selfish shit. You're the problem with people today.
for 3 weeks you seem about average bro.
for a real horror story look at me: lifting on and off for 6 years and struggle with 3 reps of 135. I bench 205 for reps and OHP 135 for reps. I literally OHP more than I squat.
When i started i was deadlifting 80 lbs and OHPing 35 lbs. Now im 40 lb heavier dling 395 and ohp 115 just 9 months later. U gonna make it
you probably arent eating enough
Nobody helped me. I always acted like a real man because I actually have testosterone unlike you little pathetic bitches.
Me and my gf started going to gym when we were 14. I could squat 250lbs for 3 reps, my gf could squat 160 lbs.
>Me and my gf started going to gym when we were 14. I could squat 250lbs for 3 reps, my gf could squat 160 lbs.
>me and my gf
>squat 250lbs 3 reps at 14
but most of all
>me and my gf
who the fuck are you trying to fool you dipshit, if you had a gf you wouldnt waste time on this board, or tyrone is currently fuckin her so you wonder what to do in the mean time?
I am sad that you think that a lack of help and support makes you a better person. You're worse than a crab in a bucket. You're a crab that got out of the bucket and pushes the other crabs working together to get out of it.
Your life will be your own punishment. I can't imagine living inside of your own head is a fun experience and I hope you take some time to reflect upon it and change.
Cope harder boomer. Nobody cares that you missed teenager love and sex. I can smell your insecurities.
Yes it does. I'm strong and have high iq so i can figure thing out myself. I don't need help from inferior retards like you.
>Me and my gf
bitch Im 18
>I'm strong and have high iq
holy shit atleast when u dont want "inferior retards" to help u then why are you in a thread for help?
>on Jow Forums Jow Forums bragging about high IQ and strength
user if you were really as amazing as you try and portray you wouldn't be on here. Its just sad.
You need to stop larping and face reality.
I'm sorry, you appear to have made a blog post. This is an anonymous imageboard. Please return to twitter or reddit or tumblr. Thanks for cooperation!
I use this board for memes because It's fun to mock pathetic boomers.
Then I saw pathetic OP saying he could squat 95lbs. He deserves to be shamed.
post body and iq test administered by psychologists
how post body which doesnt exist
Ok bud. Someone who was seriously content with themselves don't find the need to pick on those who are trying to improve themselves.
You are just as bad as a woman honestly. They tear each other apart and shit on each other.They don't want to be better, they want others to be worse than them.
Men are supposed to compete with others are destroy weaker, inferior males. Basic biology.
if you add 5 lbs to the bar every week for the rest of the year, you'll add 125 lbs to your squat, for a total of 220 lbs, but you'll probably progress faster than this. Anyway, keep focused on the long term goal.
you know "boomers" were born between the 40's and 60's, right? I think you're talking about millennials.
>Men are supposed to compete with others are destroy weaker, inferior males. Basic biology.
That is what animals do. Men work together to build something. There are leaders, and there are followers, but all of those men will be stronger than you because ultimately they have each other to rely on.
This is what separates us from being a monkey rolling in the mud playing with their dick all day and a race of men who put astronauts on the moon.
You're worse than a woman. You're mentally the same as an animal.
Anyone above 20 is practically a boomer.
High school is supposed to be the best time of your life. Anything after that sucks.
Man has to fight to be a leader. I am the leader. Maybe we're not doing anything together, but they still acknowledge me as superior because of my strength alpha behavior.
oooh, give us more nuggets of wisdom from your wealth of life experience
You guys realise you're arguing with an autist right.
And to OP, keep going lad everybody starts somewhere. Like everyone else said, keep going and your lifts will improve in no time. Don't rip yourself when you've only just started, you've got this.
I failed a 115 bench and had to roll the bar over my stomach today. Was able to do it 5 days ago easily but got a stomach ache yesterday and I guess it drained me. I just dropped 5 on each side then did them normally. Hope I'll be able to do 115 next time
>you're arguing with an autist right.
How so?
We all start somewhere, broski
You gotta start somewhere.
Keep pushing yourself and you'll eventually get to results you can be proud of.
But only if you stay dedicated and staying honest with yourself.
Look at these numales encouraging a s o yboy to embarrass himself at the gym.
Stop hating yourself and you'll stop hating others.
A good byproduct of that is you'll enjoy life more :)
if I even don't do legs for a week (I do pull/push/legs/pull/push/legs/rest with a fair amount of assistance work) I get sore as fuck the next leg day. Doesn't happen that bad with any other muscle groups. I can do it twice a week for months and never get sore though
so if you can't bench 225 the first day in the gym, you should never even start? I get that you're trying to b8 people, but this is just ridiculous.
I'm not saying that you should bench 225 lb, I could only bench 205 lbs when I was 14. But squating 95lbs? I don't see why would anyone encourage him. He's obviously genetic trash and shouldn't exist at all.
this better be what sex dolls look like real soon
>hurr durr I'm hard because I larp and act alpha on 4chin!!
Unironically the biggest bitch and beta in this thread, how dare you talk shit about OP who is TRYING, and IMPROVING. You are a fucking faggot my man. Go back to red*it with your amazing larp and 'alpha behaviour'.
Don't forget to reply with 'hahaha I baited you all newfags!'
25 is supposed to be the best time of your life because you should be at peak physical fitness, independent, and most importantly not a dumb fucking teenager.
How is being 25 best time of your life? Life is all about being 15 year old Chad who looks older than he is and slays blonde Stacies everyday. If you didn't have any of this, your life ended before it even began.
You are correct
You're a dipshit.
You probably think people acknowledge you as superior, but that is because you clearly lack social skills and are likely treated as a mentally and emotionally fragile douchebag that people want to appease just so they can limit their time with you.
Hi pushover, how you doing today pushover?
99% chance you're some obease weeb talking about all the 'stacies' you orbited in highschool
For that 1% chance you peaked at 15... lol that is really sad dude. If you're done, just kill yourself.
you're a shitty person
>''stop, you're so mean.''
Post more funny memes pushover!
the fuck
squatting is the one exercise i managed to do right without much effort
mum was right, i am a weirdo
>"I could only bench 205 lbs when I was 14."
>calls others genetic trash
why didn't you go to your pediatrician at 14 and demand sterilization, user? 205 lbs bench at 14 is hobbit numbers. it's like you're not even human.