/fraud/ - Cheating Frauds General

Time to start bulking edition.

Before asking your stupid beginner questions, make sure to read:

Yes it's reddit, find a better compilation of information about steroids on the internet if you don't like it, faggot.

Also, include:
>home adress
>time spent lifting

Oral-only cycles will suppress your natural testosterone production and are far less beneficial than injectables, so don't do oral-only cycles. If you're scared of needles just admit it.

We can't help you dose your AI, it's different for everybody and there's a lot of factors at play. Figure it out yourself.

And most importantly,

NO SOURCE TALK (this isn't up for debate, you will be banned)

Previously on /fraud/:

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>Shhhht the manchildren are talking.
says that guy that is always get triggered by G*D lmao.

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He has a special place in my heart. You know the part has rotted away from the Tren and Clen.

physique isn’t impressive since you’re 5’5 sorry bro



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Why do you always post the same pics, m8?

I've been lifting for a year & am considering a Test-E cycle because I'm fed up.

I have really broad hips & if I would cut down right now it would probably still look ridiculous.
So I want to go broad mode.

Doing a cycle with high body fat apparently comes with a lot more risk of sides.

My plan would have been to continue bulking on Test for 12 weeks and cut down a LOT afterwards.

Is this a terrible idea?

183cm / 6ft
95kg / 210 lbs

Doing 5x5
Progress (started with the bar)

SQ: bar => 115kg / 255 lbs
DL: 60kg => 135kg / 300 lbs
Bench: bar => 90kg / 200 lbs
OHP: bar => 70kg / 155 lbs
ROW: 40kg => 80kg / 175 lbs

T-Thanks Jow Forums

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Cut first. You're pretty fat, user.

Mast how did you split up your pins on 1g test?
250 eod?

He’s insecure and spends an hour taking photos with multiple cameras until he finds one he looks good in. Probably looks completely different IRL since he doesn’t have a pump and he’s a midget.

>250 EOD

Did you drop out of middle school? 500mg twice a week you fat retard.

Monday - 350mg
Wed - 300mg
Sat - 350mg

Why did you photoshop his head that’s racist!

So cliche answer from the dyel user. lmao

>Post only new pictures from far away lately

>Post one picture from closeby flexing arm

2 x 500

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Why don't you meet me irl then pussy? Lets see how big you are

come one let's meet

WHO ANY OF YOU BIG INTERNET TALKERS DARES, i will fight any of you loser to the death

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You're so fucking insecure, man. Seriously.
Btw... You're big but bloated as fuck and your waist is fucking huge. And no legs.
6/10 body.

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I hate mixing compounds in a syringe because the fucking dead space in the needle and neck always throw my calculations off. I should be doing 0.3/0.5 cc of test tren for a total of 0.8 cc but I'm ending up with 1.1 cc of what looks like more tren. I am unintentionally upping my tren..

1st of December.
Friendly lifting session.

> Autistic meltdown

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No I am know i am fine when I am sub 10 and losing all the water

scared like usual. irl you pussies always suck my dick.. uhh sirr can i ask you something

I mogg any of you ugly dyels to the death

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> But I'm bloated as fuck, I have no legs, no striations, my waist is wide as fuck and I don't compete because I have no chance between real bodybuilders.
> And this is a pic of me, ugly dyels.

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Why is your waist so bloated? I remember you had a nice waist when you were natty.

>you're so insecure man
>i am secure look at me, every woman loves me
>you always post the same pics bro

holy fuck you do you incels cope with reality knowing people like me always will mogg you to the fucking death

you're invisible to all most not ALL PEOPLE

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Bby don't ignore me.

>ignoring other picture with less bloat and less fat, showing that i have sick waist to shoulder ratio

Dude you're a ugly loser, don't come with this trigger shit. You're a nobody DUDE KEK, people like me will always mogg you to the death

what do you got, just show it NOW PUSSY BITCH

Test only, and refeed with lot of junk food in between.

Why are you still dyel

And everyone else who wants to join? Who of you losers want to join? Come one let's do it pussies let's see how big you are irl

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I’ll fly to your irrelevant shithole country just to MOGG you to death masT then I’m taking your gf back with me to America

my gf went thru my gym bag to take out dirty laundry

there is alsoa bath mate inside

trying to figure out if she noticed (hard not to)

and if she knows what it is

would be able to do this with her around bcs now i can only do this if shes not at home almost never....

>My plan would have been to continue bulking on Test for 12 weeks and cut down a LOT afterwards.
First of all you are too fat, you are almost obese with no muscle mass. You fell for the bulking meme and now you have at least 15-20kg of fat to drop. If you start bulking on cycle now you will get only fatter and you won't even see your gains.

>Is this a terrible idea?
Yes. You have at least 6 months of cutting to do before you'll be ready to bulk.

I just thought it'd be cool to meet someone that looks like he lifts for a change.
You can mog me all you want, fuck you can even prove you're not a manlet.

Seriously who can mogg my frame over here.

>muhhh old pics
>muhh old glory

How the fuck are roids changing your fucking frame LOSERS

Let's do it bring your gf also so i can show her how a fucking man should fuck a woman

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Yeah god damn, get back to this

Had a weird dream last night this qt trainer girl at my gym who openly has some discussed some mental issues came to my door in the middle of the night and asked about some party but you could see her eyes were bloodshot from crying and when I asked her what’s up she broke down and said she’d tried to kill herself. In the dream we sat together and talked about it for hours until she fell asleep on my shoulder.

I know you guys would say I’m fucking retarded for even liking a girl with mental issues but man just being there for someone when they need a rock to lean on would feel good. THANKS TREN

damn even in your dreams you’re a beta loser emotional tampon lmao

after you’re done comforting her and telling her it will be okay she says you’re such a good friend then goes back to CHADS place

>bulking on test, deca, eq
>putting on strength and I assume size, weight going up, but fat also going up waaaaay too faast
>eatinf at -200-300kcal of that makes me lose fat but also weight
What did my body mean by this? If I was recomping woulsnt I be keeping my weight insteas of it deopping like crazy? Why cant I recomp on rhis much gear?

Looks like nobody is lifting over here. Even not in commercial gym you spot guys who are really huge

What do you think I am currently doing.

I just hold a lot of water and fat in the waist area, especially when i eat junk food on Sunday

Remarkable that nobody picks out these pictures. hmmm

I booked a fuckin seat over there yesterday but I doubt mast would’ve met in Amsterdam so I postponed it. We should get a fraud meetup, gym session, and mogg on the guys at some nightclub over there.

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Gym culture over here is the biggest joke I've ever seen.
Its so poor not even Wesley made the news in a decent way.

Sure man, I'll just be the overcompensating manlet of the group.

>not even Wesley
He hasn't won anything yet bruh

You want them to rave over an amateur level bodybuilder? He hasn't competed as a pro yet.

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>I'll just be the overcompensating manlet of the group.

Nah man a bro is a bro. None of that manlet bullshit

I'm aware but this was the chance to get dutch people involved and excited for bodybuilding for a change.

So far its really frowned upon.

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Wesley look good as fuck though..
I checked his insta today

>eating at maitnence won't make you grow
>eating at maitnence won't make you lose weight
>eating at maitnence magically will do both things at once only if you tell yourself you are "recomping"
recpoming is a meme

How to achieve this physique?

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He's very blocky imo but yeah, looks amazing. Is a bro too.

You just can't expect the media to go all "omg look at this bodybuilder who... hasn't done anything at all yet"

This doesn't happen anywhere, no matter the gym culture

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I'm kidding. It'd be cool to be around people that just lift for a change.

More GH and pray for you.

Sbs 6 right kek

Guy is genetulically blessed. I remember when he was bulking lost a lot of definition and fucking clueless duels like here were saying he looked like shit and natty. Until he came shredded and nobody talked shit anymore. Fucking losers

So any of you fags actually buys pharma grade A.I.? or just tinker with raws?

Also I`m moving from a third world country to germany, how easy is to find a source there?

If its related to any other sport they will. Maybe I just want this too much, it'd be nice if this country could break from its sheep culture.

>bulking lost a lot of definition and fucking clueless duels like here were saying he looked like shit and natty. Until he came shredded and nobody talked shit anymore.
Isn't this your story right now as well?

So tempted to up it from 4iu to 6iu have 600iu but at the same time wrists feel like masT is trying to snap my twink arms in half

I bought ugl AI but have to use wayyyyy more than pharma that I used to get. Are you military or something? That’s a weird ass move.

>be cool to be around people that just lift for a change
For real. I’m tired of getting the whole “yeah bro I used to look great when I was your age and I benched 600lbs” from old dudes and the “yeah I’m a bodybuilder” shit from the 180lbs skinny fat college kids who do nothing but chest and arms.

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Why the fuck do 600iu of growth? It’s not pharma right?

>I bought ugl AI but have to use wayyyyy more than pharma that I used to get.
Oh thanks m8 I wasnt sure about if I wanted to fuck with ugl
>Are you military or something? That’s a weird ass move.
Nah, I`m moving to germany because I`m applying for a masters

I’m your huckleberry. Where do you live, muscle pussyboy?

Long story
Guess thats it for the time being since I ragequit my job

>If its related to any other sport they will. Maybe I just want this too much
I think you're wanting it too much. I can't really think of a sport where they make someone famous before they actually do anything.

Maybe some 1st pick in a draft at the NBA or something

If that's pharma you're talking about 4iu is way more than enough to make great gains.

Steroids make you grow far quicker than HGH though. HGH is more of a "gene changer" kind of thing but takes ages.

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>post bloods fon SST or $100 store credit
>order exactly $100 worth of gear

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Don't worry, manlet. I've been fucking your gf all this time. She says it's nice to finally fuck a man taller than 6 feet.

Does anyone on /fraud/ even donate blood to control high RBC and hematrocit?

Does anyone here drink protein shakes?

No source talk, cuck.

the one from Texas

This mf only eats ramen, tuna and TV dinners. Not to be saluted

yea, i just looked it up
I dont use that one though, so im out of luck, i stick with the same dude always

Every other decent source is on vacation

I noticed something recently on some forum online
Not Jow Forums..

Lot of people run TRT and gear for personal use out there but something I've noticed is none of them prepare properly

They run out and start complaining about finding a SRC.. like did you not plan this out effectively?

Decent? There;'s a ton of legit sources
Why you guys stick with TM only?

>reddit link
Yeah, fuck off.

Isnt the hyperplasia thing a meme though?

nah but your life is lmao

>buying overpriced finished gear from guys who make it in their kitchen while smoking cigs and upcharge 500%+

Homebrew man. $100 gets you maybe 2 vials of 100mg/ml tren but I can make 8-10 for the same price depending on if I overdose or not.

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I rent a room if I had my own place I would

If it was it really wouldn't make any sense to run HGH in the first place, steroids do everything else better as far as growth is concerned and other drugs do the leaning down job more correctly.

Why would you then spend so much money on an inferior product?

Moreover, just by looking at how these freaks are evolving into illogical beings seems to support the idea.

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>you are almost obese with no muscle mass
>you have at least 15-20kg of fat to drop
>You have at least 6 months of cutting to do

Wew lads is it really that bad?
I know I got kinda chubby but I find it hard to believe that getting from just the bar to my current stats was in vain and is all fat

Would cutting on Test / Anavar be an option? I want to preserve as much muscle mass as possible.

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>eating at surplus
>on a lot.of gear
>sleeping well
>gaining weight
>starting to stall at the gym
Y tho

It’s not all fat retard but you have 30-40 lbs to drop easy before you’ll be 12% and ready to blast.

Eat more lol

You’re eating at least a 1k surplus?

How long do steroids stay into your system? If I get steroids to get some muscle mass, for a sport, can I stop them and not get detected by tests? Of course not a week before the competition and nothing too big.

another one


Alright then.
What do you advise to help cutting?

Last time I cut down I lost a ton of strength and muscle.

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Are you even going to get tested.

Depends on the compound. Some stay in your system for really short amounts of time whilst others can still be detected for months after stopping usage.

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Go read the sticky wtf

I don't know. I am asking just to be on the safe side.

Cut on 250mg test for 2-3 months, it will prevent muscle loss. Then blast 500mg for 12-16 weeks.

Honestly I don't think you're anywhere close to the point where you should consider roids

And I'm pretty liberal with them

I wouldn't play around with it then, more things can go wrong than they could go right and you'd just end up holding yourself back

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2k surplus

Then change the way you workout? Your workouts probably are ineffective, sweetie.

Already changed cause I stalled on the last

Stop posting these babes man. I'm in full ugly cope mode.

Then learn how to lift?

What did he mean by this?

That one in particular is a high end prostitute, so at least you've got that going for you bruh

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If that's the case, gonna need a name bro.

Morgan Hultgren a.k.a. SwedishKiller

Way too much if this is the actual poster of the pics. Such a surplus is useless in any circumstances even with lots of juice

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>test + tren
>constipated and bloated
>thyroid values go hypo

>add t3
>shit 3-4 times a day
>still am not getting it all out

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If you’re bloated drink more water you fat fuck stop blaming hormones. You should be drinking 8-10 bottles a day.

I was bloated because I couldn’t shit you ugly fucking idiot

Test and tren don't make you constipated. It's your fucking diet. Get some more fiber.

Is buying roids in Europe from an online shop trustworthy??

t. has never used tren
I got acid reflux too last time I bulked on it. Felt like puking a lot

yeah sure thing tubby LMAO