>my job only requires me to work ~5h a week max
>still too much freetime
what the fuck can I do besides these?
how do I get a new hobby?
My job only requires me to work ~5h a week max
buy a playstation and yakuza 0
Get a second job and make more $$$
Just buy another job fegat
What fucking job is this?
my work times are random, I cant reliably do anything else that strictly requires me to be available from 9 to 5 every weekday
I handle wholesale customer orders/purchases
Yeah what job, get me a referral. Lemme live the dream too
2nd job in a field that interests you, or take community college/Coursera classes to build skillset. If you already have marketable skills, freelance
I'm an entrepreneur, I don't have a boss, I deal with wholesale customers, they travel to my warehouse, sometimes weekly, sometimes monthly, depending on the kind of shop they run, and I deal with their orders, prepare the products for them, and take their money
It's completely random when they come and when I have to work, but approx it takes 5 hours of my time a week
Switch jobs with me user. It's the only way :)
Why don't you schedule them? Then you could fit more customers and have a regular schedule. Unless you deal drugs or something.
read niqqa
Reading is nice. Otherwise you can either pursue some useful adjacent skill like learning a language, auto mechanics, software engineering, or go into the arts stuff. Else there's also outdoor stuff. Go camping and on random adventures yo. No need to take a plane, just drive to a nice forest or lake not too far.
they decide when they want to come, they all come crossborder, they are the customers, they make the schedules
they usually go to a lot of other warehouses, wholesale businesses and buy a lot of other shit, so I can't really say "sorry monday morning is not good for me", they'll just tell me to go fuck myself and buy their shit from elsewhere
also getting more customers doesn't depend on that, I have 20 customers only, they are all regulars, and I've spent a lot of time getting them
You own the warehouse, or rent space from it? You place large orders, store it, and resell to customers at mark up, or just fulfill their orders from other suppliers?
I work on projects for a 3rd party logistics service provider, know a little bit about warehousing/supply chain, trying to learn more.
Congrats user, can skip reading the 4 hr work week, 5 is close enough.
I rent it
half of the products I sell is manufactured by us, I have 3 employees
other half is buying from other manufacturers in huge quantities, and reselling it wholesale (I also own franchise rights to sell certain products/brands in a region)
Attend mass to become a good Christian, meet a good Christian girl and start dating, get married, have babies and a dog.
Martial arts.
Learn German because ist die juden, ist immer die juden.
Learn Portuguese because você não pode ser um pirata se você não fala pirata.
PhotoShop skills, 3d model skills, graphics basically.
Make stuff and things, try making paper flowers or artillery shells.
Interpretive fishing or regular unleaded fishing.
Learn to think for yourself.
Dont listen to these faggots
Are you serious right now? Learn how to make money and have an actual net worth so you dont have to work for the rest of your life
Amazed at the stupidity of this board, head over to Jow Forums and learn how to make passive income so you can be a NEET instead of wagecucking till you die poorfag
did you even read the thread?
I literally work 1/10 time of an average wagecuck, and also earn 10 times as much, plus I'm my own boss
what the fuck are you talking about?
I'm also a Jow Forums regular since '16, if you legit think you can learn anything from that braindead fucking board you are delusional, 99% of posters are teenagers for fucks sake
What do you do? Youre probably larping getting by on 15 k a year living at home faggot
before you can figure out how to spend your time, you have to figure out what you want out of life. once you have that figured out, then you can spend your time trying to get whatever it is
I don't think you're taking my suggestions seriously. Are you going to learn Portuguese or not, we need more pirates to combat global warming.
read the fucking thread holy shit, you really are from Jow Forums
get a gf
I already have
that's not a hobby
"I must study politics and war, that our sons may have liberty to study mathematics and philosophy.
Our sons ought to study mathematics and philosophy, geography, natural history and naval architecture, navigation, commerce and agriculture in order to give their children a right to study painting, poetry, music, architecture, statuary, tapestry and porcelain."
Time for art, my dude. If I were in your shoes, I'd pick a "chase your dreams" job field, and pursue it whole heartedly, knowing your $ is taken care of. Success in a creative field gets you access and status that money can't buy, and can be super rewarding. Anything come to mind that fits this idea?
pick up Archery, it's relatively cheap, it's outdoors and it's fun, and you can meet cute archer girls
What the fuck “products” do you sell? Heroin?
whats your opinion on buying items on sale from walmart and reselling at regular price on ebay? Will i ultimately fail?
alternative clothes and fashion accessories
Fees will eat u alive
yes, i tried calculating it all out and it seems like i only make like 10-15% of the how much the item is sold for if i sell things worth under $15 due to me having to pay for shipping and packaging. I want to try to make this buy resell thing as a side hustle but it seems like more work than i expected
i meant 10-15% profit.
Go to uni and do a classics degree. Also, take a stone/marble sculpting class. Go full Greek aristocrat mode.
Try out woodworking, build cool shit. Build a home gym.
Drop shipping specialty items from Ali Express is better, but even that is peasant tier.
Youre basically doing arbitrage on generic itemz, adding no value. If you have a niche, and stay up on all different second hand markets, you can find big arbitrage opportunities. I do electronic music equipment, and find stuff listed in niche auction sites that is not a good fit for the site it was listed on. Buy at huge discount, list on appropriate market, $. Downside is I only find something worth my time and risk (>$100 profit, after fees and shipping) once or twice a week
this is consistent on month to month or year to year basis? Im just afraid to start and end up doing okay but then just come crashing back down to realize its not actually working.
download more RAM
well thanks for you input anyway. I guess i have to fail a bit to learn in this business along with picking up advice on the way.
>selling knockoff shit to spics from over the border
>somehow not a drug front
Okay user
>everyone lives in amerishartland
Try something creative. Piano, guitar, or painting lessons.
Very inconsistent. Lead up to holidays is awesome, tax refund season is dry. I have an autistic interest in this field so I enjoy it, otherwise I wouldn't do it. Definitely not something I'd depend on... One scammer or broken electronic purchase can wipe out 5 or 10 successful sales
>Jow Forums is mostly American with sprinkles of aussies and brits
>fitness “culture” in general is mostly limited to those countries
You sound like those faggots that demand to be treated as “normal” despite being less than 1% of the population
>can't be available 9 to 5
Get a night job bro.
Companies produce things and they don't always reach willing consumers. People like you are always needed to help the products find their way to consumers. Good job.
OP, you have any ideas after reading thread?
Lmao delusional, nords rule Jow Forums
I tried to think of stuff that uses a significant amount of time but let's you run off to your job when needed
>buy a big garden or even a small chunk of land
>grow your own herbs, some berries, some potatoes or onions
>Buy stuff like old radios, bycicles, furniture and restore them
>keep them, give them away as gifts/donations or sell them online
>make a home gym and work out 5 times a week
what site? im trying to get some good vintage gear
Takes a lot of time and attention though
>amerishart delusions
Not gonna share the weird ones, but reverb.com is the fully functioning market I sell on. Whatcha looking to buy?