How do you get a gf like this?

How do you get a gf like this?

Attached: 00A8337B-5388-4B98-A7F6-D1D3FC64251C.jpg (640x797, 178K)

spend a lot of money and have the patience to deal with a worthless piece of shit of humanity

Go to Walmart they're a dome a dozen.

Name pls??

Take the food away from your current one

Could be Laura Anderson

Some instagram thot

Buy her every night. Girls that pretty are always thots and the only way to get thots is be hot or be rich

My gf looks like this and I'm a poor hick. Why are all of you incels saying this is hard? Just be yourself.

have a handsome face

that's it

Attached: face.jpg (1080x1080, 113K)

>that hover hand
>that jewfro
>doesn't even lift
The standards have been set really low

>hover hand
>holding a drink


>girls give a fuck about muscle

dumb gymcel

Attached: champion.png (1920x1080, 2.53M)

bro, wut

Attached: Screenshot_20180702-171437_Tinder.jpg (1080x1920, 285K)

>7 inchs is a deal breaker
Nah m8 that thot was tricking you when she said shes down to fuck she wanted to leave at that point but wanted to land a blow to your ego before doing so.


Attached: 1491000097283.jpg (125x125, 3K)

Be 6 feet, have natural v taper, positive canthal tilt, deep eye area, decent jaw

surely she's bad with measurements, right guys???????

her bio said, " here to fuck, no relationships"

Because she and her friends need an ego boost n a laugh in random horny retards try to get it in with a 6/10 whore.

fuck bro I hope so but I dont think that's what it is

Almost certainly. Chances are, every 5 incher she's had, she was told was 7. And she thought the 6 inchers were 8.

that is literally what it is, There is literally no women who would reject a guy because hes 7 fucking inches thats way above average as is, shes just there to fuck with people who want to fuck her for laughs and ego boost.

your response was pathetic my dude

diamond dozen*

Honestly it's pretty much this. If you're in good enough shape, decent looking, and have your own place, you have sexual access to about 90% of women out there as a baseline. Your social skills/social frame will then adjust that upwards or downwards. If you can play a musical instrument like guitar or drums, adjust that figure upward. Fucking a girl like the one in OP isn't the trick, it's either getting out free and clear before she drives you to the poor house or mental asylum or bizarrely on the other hand keeping her for longer than 3 months.