Why don't you run Jow Forums?

why don't you run Jow Forums?

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I'd rather lift

Long term its said that lifting is better for weight loss. what are the short term and long term benefits of cardio? I want to pick it up before it gets cold


Cardiovascular health, performance, mental health, etc. That being said running isn't my favorite form of cardio since it is boring and destroys joints quickly.

because i sprint

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you'll become black if you sprint?

Patella femoral syndrome

>short distance
>medium distance
>long distance
drive or fly

You can run after a thief. You can be a thief and run away.

I do a full body workout 3 times a week and run a 5k 4-6 times a week, because cardio compliments lifting, if you believe otherwise you're a lazy fuck in denial.

>thinly veiled race-baiting

>not having bike on all of those

4 years in the military ruined my knees

Lmao sonic the hedgehog inspo

Cuz I prefer swimming as my cardio

I did until 18 months ago when I started putting weight on after breakup. 50lbs later I'm only walking and cycling daily. Will get back to running after I lose some of the baggage again. I'm 6'3 at 220lbs.

I normally run about 3km every day (almost). I assure you winter is the time for running. I can push myself much harder without worrying about dehydration or heat illnesses.
In peak summer I'll be sweating before I even start running, where as in peak winter I wont sweat until after running 1km.
The difference is 4:45min/km vs 4:15 min/km and 40deg vs 10deg.
I just find it a much more pleasant experience I'm pushing myself just as hard but get much better times which I find more rewarding.
I hate it (for running reasons) when I start to notice the weather getting warmer. It feels like running season is ending

Running would kill my knees

okay., this isepic

Arnold ran 3 miles every day while bulking. Even more when leaning out.

Running is good for the heart and stamina. That is honestly about it, though. In my opinion, your average Joe Schmo should aim to be an athlete. Unless you're really into powerlifting, you should always be running and lifting. Being big as fuck won't do you any good if you're tired after a minute.

>destroys joints
Only if you're that """sedentary""" heel striking autismo

bad knees, gonna start swimming on my off days though