Jordan Peterson on his all meat diet

>Claims he last 50 pounds
>Claims he fixed his sleep issues
>Claims he feels better
>Claims he has cured life long diseases.
>Claims he cured his gums.

All meat diet is this the new super diet or is Peterson and his Daughter just have a specific problem that only meat helps ?

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>is Peterson and his Daughter just have a specific problem that only meat helps ?
He said several times that this is the case. He can't make sense of it either and encourages skepticism.

I thought he was eating meat and vegetables?

he says him, his wife, and his daughter all have an autoimmune disease

I'm proud of you lads for listening to this
but the whole time he said he doesn't know and they've had major health issues i.e. his fucking daughter had both her hip and ankle replaced at 16

>eating minimal carbs and no extra sugar is wildly good for your health
>this is news

You have been taught lies about meat. Look at this guy's channel.
Veganism is created by those in power as a population control tactic. It is proven to cause sterility. All the health benefits are lies. Eating rare/raw meat is where every health benefit lies. Cooked meat destroys this benefit.

When studies show that meat is "bad for you" they use cooked meat so NO WONDER.

You have been fooled by (((them))) again.

Fresh organic rare/raw meat and blood from a very healthy animal is the greatest healing food in existence.

Human meat/blood especially so. Just because it's immoral doesn't make it not true.

When we eat meat from the supermarket (USA at least) it is always not fresh, not organic, and from a very unhealthy animal raised in factory farms on foods toxic to the animal, then to make it worse we go home and cook it to death. All studies that show meat is unhealthy also used this criteria so no wonder.

I think non-starchy greens are a freebie on any diet

Leaves of any plant are not fit for human consumption. You have been lied to. Same for Mushrooms. 1 Portabella mushroom has more carcinogens than a cigarette. Kale causes goiters and birth defects and is full of anti-nutrients that prevent nutrient absorption.

how do i get a raw human meat dealer? I'm serious about making gains and want to stay natty. If I get big enough will a guy in the locker room just approach me?

Whereas tubers such as potatoes are very good for you. Everything you've been taught is the opposite. It's to kill you.

You're willing to eat human meat because a guaranteed under 90 IQ user on this board told you to?

Claims presented without evidence, dicounted to the dustbin.

He was for a while, then he cut vegetables out and saw even more improvements.
Go read the stories of people who have switched to an all meat diet

Enjoy your prions disease. I bet you don't believe in vaccines either.

there have been a few people on joe rogan who have talked about how good the carnivore diet is, but none have done bloodwork, as far as I know. Can anyone do this for a few months and get bloodwork? I would, but I'm still basically auschwitz mode and need all the bulking I can get.

Wait, THAT Jordan Peterson? Aka lobsterman?

yep. this is his daughter now. if you look her up years ago she was the typical chubby, suicidal girl. now she go healthy, had a baby and went back to this is 5 months later.

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Reminds me of some dude who had so many issues with meat, until he started eating raw meat (srs). All his problems with meat disappeared. Don't mean that we should all start eating meat

In fact I would think maybe this is why some vegans are successful

by raw meat do you guys mean raw beef?

what about the hormones they give the cows? also is cooked chicken/pork/fish bad for you?

Jordon Peterson espouses conservative values and yet he couldn't keep his daughter in line. She got pregnant before getting engaged to her fiancé and posts very sexual images on her instagram.

don't go eating raw meat willy-nilly guys. you'll get sick.

also, don't go eating just meat either. the Petersons have autoimmune disease so their case is unique. the doctor that did it got god-awful cholesterol from it.

Pretty easy to get hormone free beef, unless you're around Texas. In the midwest and along the coast there are tons of farmers who do open grazing instead of giving their animals corn feed. A lot of farmers out in Montana and Wyoming do as well. Grass fed cows aren't intended to be fattened up as quickly so they aren't given growth hormones or steroids. Because they have no steroids weakening their immune systems they generally aren't given antibiotics either.
Poultry is a bit rarer since the big fat chickens that produce tons of meat are all GMO monsters, but free range chickens are still fairly easy to come by in most of America.

As far as the raw thing goes, the presumptive danger is typically parasites. Though things like tartar made with premium cuts and sourced from a single clean animal are safe enough. Cooked chicken is fine, you're probably not going to find anything akin to a free range clean fed ham though. Hogs eat absolute trash. Fish is generally just fine so long as you get your blood checked semi frequently for metal content.

very sexual? she has two bikini shots, one posted here. both standing in the most non-sexual pose possible.

also, Peterson isn't against people having sex or getting pregnant outside of marriage in any way, shape or form.

stop spreading garbage to fit your narrative.

Peterson is a huge Neo-Lib, he isn't Conservative at all. The only reason why the right political sphere like him is because he talks about how bad Marxism is. Hes still a Lefty himself, big time.

All the redditors will shit their panties trying to defend him as some right wing God though.

I’ve eaten nothing but meat and dairy for about 8 months now, it’s worked amazing for me. Just try a shit ton of different ways of eating and see what works best for you.

I didn't agree with JP when he fought the Zizek bot on twitter, that was balls to the wall retarded, but well, he's middle aged.

But the diet is fucking fantastic for Crohn's disease management. I eat four eggs a day because all meat gets expensive.

As much as this sounds like a conspiracy theory, they're on to something.

Look at India. Pretty much a mostly vegetable mostly vegetarian diet, they'll lynch people for even talking about a good steak. It's 2018, and they are still shitting in the streets, they are raping little girls and setting them on fire when they're done with them. They insane savages, and part of it must be the diet.

Now look at Korea. BBQing beef is a national dish. Their average height went up 20 cm in just a few decades, and they're a technologically advanced country.

Now look at Portland. It's full of vegans and vegetarians. But it's also full of batshit insane SJWs, half-baked trannies, fat feminists and other rabble. These populations overlap to a large extent, you don't see hordes of vegan Trump voters. It has to be the diet.

lol are you retarded? Go back to your sharia hellhole.

Robb Wolf did and he has low test and high cholesterol

Shawn Baker not Robb Wolf, wrong meme dietician

Meat is a high protein/high fat food, good or satiating appetite without a huge calorie density. Meat is very nutritious and you're not lacking vitamins and minerals other than Vitamin A and C, but a small amount of liver will cover your vitamin A needs and a small amount of C. Eating liver all the time is a good way to get vitamin A poisoning, but is great for skin health and such.

Having a proper diet helps improve dental health by improving the flora in your mouth. There were studies I cba to look up on Inuit diet and how good their teeth were so google it yourself.

Pretty much all oogie boogie uncivilized people have great teeth. Its not from any magic mouth flora, its because they aren't eating processed sugar and drinking acid all day.

Korea has the smallest penis tho

And anyone who understand blood work knows the cholesterol readings are a meme when he has low calcification scores.
Plus physically as a 51yr old he could outperform 99.99% of 50yr olds so claiming he isn’t onto something bc he had low test is beyond retarded

I mean the two are correlated; you eat sugar and processed carbs you get bacteria eating on the sugars in your mouth and putting out acid as waste that dissolves your tooth enamel. Not eating that crap prevents that bacteria from flourishing, and eating other stuff like a high meat diet will have other bacteria flourish in its place that won't eat away enamel.

pretty sure thats because everybody likes a good sear on their meat but that causes free radicals to form which will fuck your shit up, cooking your meat sous vide helps that.

Average penis size barely differs from country to country when they send someone to independently measure, it's only in self-reported surveys that there are wild differences

Self-reported. They're just being modest.

An all-meat diet may be ideal for the Petersons with all of their health problems. That doesn't make it ideal for the average person.

boy, you are dumb as shit

It's well known that East Asians lie downwards about their penis size for the benefit of their comrades. If everyone thinks the average penis size is two inches smaller, every man looks two inches bigger to his woman. We all could really learn a thing or two from them.

It's the same with height. East Asian men are only pretending to be 5'7". In reality, they are 5'10½", just like white and black men.

no thot material, but cute

Trying way too hard.

I don't know what the hell you are doing but it needs to stop.

This is false, you dumb Asian sperg.

You could have just typed "I am retarded" and saved yourself all that time.